VictoryFirst (Allies) vs. SuperbattleshipYamato (Germans) | D-Day, TGC Balance Game 1
Did you forget about this game?
A1 Reinforcements
USA [dice 2d6]
UK [dice 2d6] -
2d6: 4, 1
2d6: 1, 4 -
I did not forget. I am playing 9 other games besides this one so please forgive me if I am a little late with my turn. I should post within 2 days. If it says “3 days ago”, then I did forget :)
Rennes/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6]
Rouen/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6] -
2d6: 2, 3
2d6: 1, 2 -
The Panzer Lehr Division moves into G34. The 101st Panzer Brigade, the 654th Panzerjager Brigade and 1 tank from the 12 SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend move into G36.
Germany Turn 1 Reinforcements Complete D-Day Game 19.tsvg
Sorry, I didn’t know. I’ll keep that in mind.
2 bombers attack AA guns in G6.
[dice 2d6]
2d6: 1, 2
1d6: 5
A2 Reinforcements
USA [dice 2d6]
UK [dice 2d6] -
2d6: 6, 2
2d6: 1, 5 -
I realized there were 9 British units in A15, so I put one infantry back to the beach head.
Rennes/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6]
Rouen/Chartres reinforcements: [dice 2d6]