@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Invitational Classic 2nd edition
@gamerman01 Hello all,
Lee from Florida here. I have been a PBEM player 1997-2020. Unfortunately, the two clubs where I was most active, DAAK and AAMC no longer exist (anybody want to buy a website, cheap?)
Looking forward to some spirited contests here. AA50 and AAR (aka 4th Edition) are my favorites, but I am happy to act as a punching bag in Classic.
Thank for the nice intro, VF
Well that’s awesomeWe are right at the birth of Classic in the A&A.org league. The league is very well established with hundreds and hundreds of games played, but they have all been Global 1940 since that version came out.
However, this group and anyone else who wants to play classic is now invited to have their own rankings boards and playoffs in the league. Despite the name “league” there is really no commitment, just read the league rules (some of them may only fit G40) and play someone a game in the league section of the site. No commitment to play more than one game, and your results will be kept here for years.
You will see several pinned threads, and you should look for the rules there.
@gamerman01 is it to late to join your tourney? finally got my computer fixed.
Sorry, too late, but Classic is all set up in the league, even incorporated in the league rules already and has its own leaderboard, with only 2 games recorded (from this tournament). This tournament is the only time a game outside of the league section will be counted as league play, I’m trying to prime the pump.
I really hope you’ll play Classic in the league, and I hope guys in this tournament will do the same (@VictoryFirst and @The_Good_Captain already have!)
I probably will too, before long. Very exciting stuff, I didn’t see it coming.
@dawgoneit Hi dawgoneit,
I would be happy to play Classic with league rules. We can either play for fun, or have it count as League.
@leemorrison its up to you what forum. gamerman01 would like us to do league. i am honored that your willing to play me. thank you.
@dawgoneit Well, I am very poor at technology, and still learning how to function on both here and TripleA. A quarter century or so of PBEM A&A however.
So I think we need to start a private chat to exchange emails so you can start us up.
League rules for Classic are essentially Russia Restricted. Apparently we use “Auction Bidding” since there does not seem to be a secret bid area
So for my initial bid is 12 for the Axis
Is best if you PM bids to each other, thanks
@leemorrison I am ready to start our game when you are. PM me your opening bid if you are ready.
@gamerman01 My game with @leemorrison is over. He won.