@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Invitational Classic 2nd edition
Yes of course - please see below.
I see that you already started match day 9 with @elche :-)
Let’s all try to post the match results on this page - I also forgot about that. Otherwise I might not be aware of new results. And please let me know in case there is a mistake in the table or in the results.
Keep enjoying the Classic bloodbath and have a good weekend! :-)
@Ragnell804 @The_Good_Captain @dawgoneit @elche
It looks like the rule that “Russia cannot attack on turn 1” pays off - 75% of Axis victories so far. This rule is new to elche, Dawgoneit, and me, and I guess we still need to adapt. At least when playing the Allies :-)
As there is some apparent interest in playing Classic competitively, e.g., from @kwaspek104 and potentially a number of additional players, we could consider starting a Classic league, in 2025, similar to the ones in place for 1940 Global OOB, Balanced Mode, and Path to Victory. The question is which rules shall be played, and if there shall be some bidding process.
Crazy to me that this is the first time you guys play with Russia Restricted!
Well, there’s 5 of us now so you know what that means…we can play with Individual Victory! :)
oh wait you guys already had 5 players lol
btw my other game with The_Good_Captain is also underway at the same time
Hello Martin,
Ragnell804 win with Axis.
We start rematch. -
I lost to TGC in the game where I was the axis and he was the allies
TGC lost to me in the game where he was the axis and I was the allies
aka we went 1 for 1 against each other
@Martin said in Invitational Classic 2nd edition:
As there is some apparent interest in playing Classic competitively, e.g., from @kwaspek104 and potentially a number of additional players, we could consider starting a Classic league, in 2025, similar to the ones in place for 1940 Global OOB, Balanced Mode, and Path to Victory. The question is which rules shall be played, and if there shall be some bidding process.
I will support this and advertise through my channel. I would 100% be up for this.
@elche @dawgoneit can you please let me know the link to your match?
Here is the link to the game where I was the axis vs dawgoneit.
I won as the Axis on turn 4
The link to my game with Dawgoneit where he is the axis and I am the allies.
@elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @The_Good_Captain
Dear all,
I have updated the table - please check that there is no error or anything missing.
Ragnell804 is speeding through the tournament, as he will pretty much not be able to play, in April.
As we do not really stick to the game plan, I replaced the tables by match day by an overall table. And for fun I also added the nation’s ranking :-)
Enjoy your running games!
The US apparently already have 6 points
@Martin Dawgoneit Axis VS Ragnell804 Allies. Classic A&A
Ragnell804 Allies. wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/40700/dawgoneit-axis-vs-ragnell804-allies-classic-a-a/48 -
Please find another update. As always, please kindly check for any error I might have made. Game on! :-)
I updated the Nation’s ranking, as it did not make sense.
Before, all games were counted, even the ones when a US player played against a US player and when a German player played against a German player, leading to an advantage of the US.
Now, only the international games with mixed players are taken into consideration.
@elche @dawgoneit @Ragnell804 @The_Good_Captain
After a speedy start, the tournament games have slowed down a bit. Still 9 games to go. The country rating is currently a draw.
Game on - it will be an exciting finish! :-)
Elche wins with the Allies against Martin
@dawgoneit @The_Good_Captain @Ragnell804 @elche
Dear all,
We can already congratulate The Good Captain for the undisputed victory of our small tournament! There are still games going on or to be started, but no player will be able to reach TGC’s current 7 points. Congratulations - very well played!
The US have also taken the lead in the nations’’ ranking.
In the 15 games played so far, the Axis have won in 47% of the cases. This shows that restricting Russia from attacking on turn 1 makes sense with the Allies still having a slight advantage.
As always, please check and let me know in case I did some mistake with the results or with the table.
TGC has indeed “only” 6 points, but this does not change the situation.