If you are playing Revised with a bid then one possibility is to add a 2nd G transport to the Med fleet instead of adding units to Libya/Algeria. It doubles the transport capacity and can make the Russian player weary on an amphibious attack on the Caucasus/Ukraine.
Like mentioned above the drawback is that additional units sent to Africa won’t be used on the Eastern front and the 2nd transport will be sunk with the rest of the fleet if the Allies decide to do so.
How do you respond as UK to this german first turn?
66% to clear Norway, but only 52% to take it.
But remember if you only clear Norway, Germany can still bring the bomber to attack the UK fleet. 1 BMBer, 2 Subs vs. Sub, BB, TRN will kill the BB about 40% of the time. Not great odds, but doable for some players.
Granted. But at least it isn’t BMB, FIG, 2 SS vs SS, Trn, BB. :)