That sounds good in theory, but I don’t get a couple of things:
How does Germany quickly annex Africa with 1 tank when the UK has the factory down there and is pumping out 2 tanks every turn? How does Germany meet up in India? To me this sounds like you’re building a lot of transports in the Mediterranean, and with that many IPCs going to transports then Russia can crush in a bit and gain IPCs from you.
And for the record, the US never ever has to engage the Japanese fleet offensively. He will always force Japan to attack him, not the other way around. If you go down to Solomon islands from the West Coast, you can hit Borneo, East Indies, and Japan itself. The Japanese fleet can’t split itself even into 2 forces because they’ll get individually crushed by the American fleet. The US takes either Borneo or East Indies without a fight because the Japanese fleet can’t defend both, then sits a complex down there and pumps out naval units on Japan’s doorstep. Japan can’t focus on both a navy and hold his land territories, so then Japan is forced to build a navy to deal with US but then loses 9 IPCs on the mainland, sending him into a doomed state with 21 IPC income.
Taking Australia is all well and good, but the US can very easily liberate it once he sails down to Solomon Islands.
I think you have the right idea in building like 3 transports on the first turn, then funneling troops and such to Manchuria, but again I think the main problem is that the US fleet can maneuver around the Japanese one, forcing the Japanese to attack him and taking severe casualties. Also the US has superior IPC income that is solely focused on training a navy; Japan is not only splitting its money between land troops and navy, but he has a lower income level.
Wiping India from the mainland is going to be tough before the US navy arrives. With 3 tanks building up there every turn, you can barely match that much in French Indochina with 4 transports trafficking back and forth because it’s two spaces away from Japan. If you use your fighter force you are likely to lose at least 1 of them to the anti aircraft gun there. And Russia can always spare his couple of fighters to help defend India, especially if Germany is maintaining a pipeline.
I just think Germany is going to be bogged down before he can save Japan from doom. If Germany is going for Caucasus then Russia has nearly a free hand in sending all his defending troops down there. Germany is going to have a hard time maintaining a pipeline into Africa to fend off those UK tanks coming from the African Union as well as maintaining a quick and winning offense against Caucasus. It’s true that Germany has many fighters and such but they mainly have to be in West Europe to discourage the UK from landing in Norway. Germany can build infantry to free them up but that means it’s many turns before his offense is going anywhere because he has to spend the next turns building an offensive land force whereas the first one he built is going the opposite way of Caucasus. Not to mention the 2 bombings he’s receiving from UK/US.
Maybe Germany should start with something zany like 1 carrier + 1 transport + 5 infantry. This way his med fleet and therefore his west coast is defended adequately since the UK is focusing his cash elsewhere, so he can send his other fighters down south to quickly finish off the African IC. The extra transport would go into the Med to help get more troops there quickly to deal with those tanks. But even in this case, it takes a long time to muster the forces necessary to deal with Russia.
I think overall this is the strongest strategy for Allies to pursue. Germany can do very very little directly to help Japan; killing Russia doesn’t help Japan since Russia didn’t dedicate a single IPC to killing Japan, just sent a bulk of his initial troops over there, as well as even if Germany did get the capital he’s still quite a ways off to defeating the American lock on the fleet. It’s easy for Japan to help germany by going into Russia, but not the other way around, so I think it’s easier to go after Japan first.