• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Personally, I dislike playing Germany the most.  There is too much you have to do and too many combats are the result of the die.  Just one screw up in round one could spell defeat in round 7 for Germany.  It also requires timing and mental calculations that make it less fun to play then the other four nations….After all, how many times is Japan going to need to calculate how many infantry, armor and fighters he needs to take out 80 infantry, 10 armor and 12 fighters with an AA gun???  Once?  Maybe twice.  Germany does it routinely as she positions herself on the Eastern front.

  • I kind of like the intense amount of strategy involved with Germany.  I find the US kind of boring, though.  Sure they have freedom to do a lot of different things in the game, but it’s rare that the US will ever be in a position where they’re fighting for their lives, as is the case with most of the other nations.  To me, that seems dull incomparison.  Also, transporting a bunch of stuff over the Atlantic every turn isn’t really my thing.

  • if your bored with the us try going after japan thats bound to change things up…

  • 2007 AAR League

    my least favorite is russia because its basically only ground forces and basically only infantry until you r making about 30 ipc’s a turn at which point you probably already won and it is pointless to continue … as us you can always battle japan and go island hopping while shuttling troops to europe/africa. As japan you can expand a lot which is fun. Germany you can do basically everything in a lot of places. and uk is fun

  • Japan…
    Land, sea, air…
    And, it is up to Japan in most cases to either win or lose for the Axis (assuming competant German play)

  • Not a big fan of Japan. All the logistics of the US, all the ground maneuvering and stacking of Russia and Germany. And keeping track of where all those FTRs need to be and go on top of that. I can’t drink all the beer I’d like when playing Japan.

  • Ah, I read that backwards…
    The endless shuttle of troops into Norway…

  • Amen to that, Switch!  Faced at the outset with losing half your territory, having your fleet attacked every turn, and establishing a shuck for USSR…What a fun combo.  lol

  • I dislike playing as Japan…mostly because I’m tired of always taking Moscow when I do…I’d rather take on the U.S., but that leaves Germany alone against UK/Russia…which is not always feasible.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I actually like the conquest of Asia as Japan.  The options to take more islands in the Pac, the possibility of taking Africa and the act of creating an empire where the Sun Never Sets on the Rising Sun (a spoof on the term The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire) is kinda fun.  Especially with games that change the territory color to the controlling country’s color…then you end up with this huge yellow map!

  • 2007 AAR League

    After the results of my J1 turn in the tournment, I’m gonna say Japan.  :evil:

  • 2007 AAR League


    After the results of my J1 turn in the tournment, I’m gonna say Japan. :evil:

    After seeing your J1 results in the Tourney, I’m gonna say Japan, too.  :-D

  • The US >_>

    This nation requires that you think several turns in advance, and is also a bitch to revise those logistics if something is disrupted (like a Japanese invasion of Canada or a surviving German fleet). It’s far from the action, and requires a lot of transports to get into action.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I hate playing the UK the most

    reason being, if the game is played the correct way (they will have the lowest income for a while) and bascially as far as military wise they do nothing but shuttle there max 8 troops a turn to norway, kar or archangel.  then eventually they can do some drops into europe. or setup a 1-2 punch on a strong german territory so the states can retrieve it.

    other words no action. lol or the lack of action.

  • I dislike Russia the most.  You spend most of your time preparing to get hammered and if the other allies don’t bail you out you’re watching the rest of the game.  If you just shuttle troops as UK it is boring too but Russia is waiting for the Axis to crush it

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I dislike Russia the most.  You spend most of your time preparing to get hammered and if the other allies don’t bail you out you’re watching the rest of the game.  If you just shuttle troops as UK it is boring too but Russia is waiting for the Axis to crush it

    Actually, if the other allies don’t bail me out I go buy pizza and beer and don’t share with them…I only share with the Axis players!

  • I dislike the Russians most. Its a very blunt stragety. I say be Russia if you like to get your A** pounded all game. Sorry about the language

  • I tend to think that Russia and UK are fairly exciting to play. You may have terrible money as the Russians but you have great positioning next to a lot of juicy German territories, and you can beat back a major offense if the Germans aren’t careful. The UK is also next to a lot of juicy German territories and is a serious pain in the ass when played correctly. I do agree the UK does sort of get too simple to play at times because literally all you have to do is load 4 inf 4 tank and offload them somewhere and that’s about it because you have no troops anywhere else, but it’s better than being Germany whose butt is always getting kicked in against good Allied players.

  • I dont like England much.  Too much land spread around the world to defend is a sucky job to accomplish.

  • Mine has got to be the US, just because often there’s no combat in American turns, and that always makes me feel guilty, thinking about my Russian brothers, often in dire straits.

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