Well, I failed. I had a decent chance of taking Germany using all Allies at the start of the UK turn, but the dice went sour. I might could’ve waited a turn or two, but he had roughly 25 tanks and 10-15 infantry ready to attack Moscow as the Japs. I’ll be trying Low Luck next time. If it’s not Low Luck and I find myself in that situation again, I will wait until I’m CERTAIN I can take Germany. With that many units going into a battle like that, the standard deviation from a reasonable dice outcome can be quite large. He should’ve had about 10 tanks left in Germany when it was time for my Russians to go in for the kill. Instead, he had 23 tanks left in Germany….which made it an impossibility for my Russian stack to take Germany. Game over.
It’s always frustrating to have Germany pinned down and then lose to monster Japan. The way I look at it, the last turn the Allies have to kill Germany is usually the one right after Japan captures Moscow. On the next turn the Jap tanks will likely be in Ukraine…and the turn after they will be in Germany. In such a case, you gotta take account of how many fighters Japan has and whether them flying in between the UK and US attacks could have a decisive impact.
Sometimes if you have Germany completely pinned (and it can be tough to pin Germany given that they can still make 25 ipc a turn if they can trade all the territories adjacent to Germany minus EE), it makes sense to divert some Allied resources to pushing back Japan, as the Allies build up some more.
I’d say the best tactic is pick a power (USA or UK) that will make the decisive attack…then use the other power to trade key territories with Germany and wear it down while the other builds up.