The Map Modification Question

  • The original map has them as one. The new map with Italy will have them as seperate.

  • I mean it would be Norway not Finland that has the special ability.

  • Yes correct.

  • With this special interdiction thing at Norway and Gilbratar. I don’t know where to post so I just post here.

    Name? Strait Interdiction?

    When? Both Combat and Non-Combat?

    The Model? Unlimited firing? Return fire by ships stopping further firing for the turn?

  • Straight Interdiction is a good name

    1. The Denmark straights ( germany) were lined with submarine nets and this ID defence, not norway.
      Penalty: 2 rolls of three against any ship that attempts to pass into Baltic. also immediate air interdiction possible from any planes in Germany.

    2. The Gibraltar straights : Much the same thing but with more guns. The pattern to get thru the straights was a laid out zig zag pattern of sub nets, while this was under the full “gauntlet” of guns shooting at ships. Penalty: 2 rolls of three for any axis ship going into or out of the straights.Of course planes in GIbrater base can immediatly interdict.

    Note: Soviet ships built or placed in the Baltic face the same penalties. If they stay in the Baltic thats fine, but if they move out they get shot at.

  • Strait of Gibraltar - Gibraltar - SZ 12/13
    Denmark - Germany - SZ 5/6
    English Channel - United Kingdom/Western Europe - SZ 6/7

    2 rolls of three

    Why 2 dice? How about simply…
    Roll a dice against each enemy ship hitting on 4 or less.

    immediate air interdiction possible

    We already have…
    Air interdiction (made during active turn, performed during passive turn) covering adjacent territories/SZ
    Defensive Air Support (made during active turn) letting you fight in adjacent territories/SZ

    Its getting complicated. To streamline this Air Interdiction should be a rapid response thing just like Defensive Air Support).

  • 2 rolls of three
    Why 2 dice? How about simply…
    Roll a dice against each enemy ship hitting on 4 or less.

    +++ If we do that its basically saying " forget it" dont cross the straights… the concept of “too many targets to hit” is possible when say 15 ships try to pass. How can we then say the guns of gibratar can attack an armada of ships? the 2 figure can move about but their has to be some limitations on this. Its like were treating it like some Alien Lazer base with hundreds of guns and a million men wating for the enemy. Its just a base with a few guns and a sub net to trap any unwanted enemy subs and not the “guns of navarone” or the Death Star.

  • too many targets to hit

    Whats what I thought at the beginning. There should be a limit number of dice against an unlimited enemy fleet size.
    But then I misunderstood and your meaning with all that stuff about ships having to zig-zag and stuff.

    Ok so 2 dices each hitting on 3 or less.
    Is that enough?

    And is this a targetted attack?

  • Moderator

    Give a reason why it shouldn’t be a targetted attack… Usually they were aiming them at particular ships, unless you want to represent the possibilities of hitting adjacents…


  • OK targetted attack.

    Now, we gotta tidy up the air interdiction situation mentioned above.

    Can we change it to a rapid response like Defensive Air Support?
    Its complicated when its deployed during your turn, like at the moment.

  • Lets just finish this ID thing DAS is for another thread.

    anyway… Im good with 2 rolls at 3 unless somebody want more?

  • ok I’ve added the info to draft under Strait Interdiction

    we’ll discuss the possbility of tidying up “defensive air support”, “air interdiction”, and air interdiction in straits in one of the two combat threads

  • By the way does anyone know you can download a more realistic game board?

    No changes. Just more realistic borders and geographic proportions. Maybe even include mountain/terrain.

  • By the way does anyone know you can download a more realistic game board?

    No changes. Just more realistic borders and geographic proportions. Maybe even include mountain/terrain.

    +++ that my department. The problem is playing under something thats similiar. Many people simply dont want the map to look anything other than what they are used to. Its hard enough to get people to play these rules and we have to maintain a delicate “comfort zone” of we lose the audience. The specific territories that alot of combat occurs in is quite small when compared to other territories. The point is places like europe must be made larger to make use of the battle zones. Dont worry everything will be great. If i create some uber realistic map it will not have any functionality. Remember people like the national colors because it goes with the pieces.

  • yeah have you made a map with no changes to values, no changes to colors
    just the better proportions and borders?

    I am thinking of printing out a larger map and buy extra pieces so ditch the chips so it looks cool
    and while I am at it might as well have the map more realistic

  • Its allready done. just email me and ill send you the file. Its a double sized map kept nearly exactly like original. pics are on my site

  • Received.
    Looking pretty.

    Good thing you can faking the ai (Adobe Illustrator) file into pdf to open with Acroboat Reader.

    I see you’ve tried hard to strike a balance between realism and “comfort zone”. It still feels like the OOB map but noticably better shapes.

    You had to enlarge the Pacific Islands right?

  • That PDF has much missing information. look carefully… some of the cities are either moved or missing, plus some lost icons?  I have PDF this file and it allways is messed up.

    Make sure you use the original file to print.

    I have a second file for Italy and the new VC …

    i need to know what were the new territories ( map changes)

    1. finland/ norway
    2. values on the islands in pacific
    3. austrailia is two pieces
    4. what else??

    im working on this today.

    ill send you the files for the new set up sheets.

  • a.) for comfort zone, is there a reason why the borders are double white lines instead of black like in revised?

    b.) Denmark should you redraw the France/Germany border so Germany (rather than France) includes Denmark?

    c.) “Turkey Canal”? That part of the map hasn’t improved in accuracy?

    1.) finland/norway: norway 2 IPC finland 1 IPC?

    2.) values on the islands in pacific: I don’t mind giving Solomon Islands 1 IPC, but I remain on the thinking that Wake and Caroline should be taken for strategy not economy, our aircraft movement already encourage island hopping situation

    3.) australia is two pieces: maybe not neccessary, but nothing wrong with it

  • a.) for comfort zone, is there a reason why the borders are double white lines instead of black like in revised?

    ++++ they are like revised. its a white line with a dark grey line in the middle.

    b.) Denmark should you redraw the France/Germany border so Germany (rather than France) includes Denmark?

    ++++ yes

    c.) “Turkey Canal”? That part of the map hasn’t improved in accuracy?

    ++++ what changes are you requesting?

    1.) finland/norway: norway 2 IPC finland 1 IPC?

    ++++ other way around… finland =2

    2.) values on the islands in pacific: I don’t mind giving Solomon Islands 1 IPC, but I remain on the thinking that Wake and Caroline should be taken for strategy not economy, our aircraft movement already encourage island hopping situation

    +++++ ill give them one ipc, except for wake

    3.) australia is two pieces: maybe not neccessary, but nothing wrong with it

    ++++ you sure? one entire continent as one territory?

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