Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Oh Japan… so, so close (even if it was all built on false victory conditions).

  • @mkgionet

    That’s seems as a good idea - in that way, players can gradually adapt to the Expansion Victory Conditions.

    I’m interested to see if the Economic Victory conditions are met before the Victory Cities conditions.

    We’ll follow your Game Report.

    Good luck & have fun

  • 7.4.24 Game Report #1
    Global 1940 with Expansion Rules & the following optional rules:
    Heavy Bombers
    Seafire fighter planes
    Jet Fighters
    Japanese Destroyers
    King Tiger & SS Heavy Tanks

    Agreed a win can happen through Economic Victory or Axis capturing victory cities per the original Global 1940 rules.

    Germany - Josh S
    Italy - Logan S
    Japan - Alex M
    UK - Pat H
    Russia - mkgionet
    USA - Mike K

    Report through the end of Early 1942 (round 5)

    Germany immediately launched attacks against France and Russia in turn 1. Russia pulled back and arranged troops for a defensive stand. Germany captured Novgorod, but since Russia destroyed the factory Germany built a factory in Finland on that same turn. Germany launched a powerful attack against Ukraine which was defended by a large amount of infantry. Battle started well enough for Germany so Russia destroyed the factory, but then Germany took heavy loses and decided to retreat. Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to capture Russian factories Germany also built a factory in Romania.

    Russia built up 3 army units and a tank army and invested significantly in mines near the territories where Germany had their largest amount of forces. To date Germany has crossed a mined border once, with no casualties, and the 2 rockets fired so far at German forces have also missed. A massive counter attack with 3 Russian armies was launched in Early 1942 to reclaim Archangel after Germany took it in Late 1941 eliminating 1 Russian army unit and a large amount of other troops. The 1941 attack on Archangel left Novgorod practically empty so Russia was also able to reclaim it in Early 1942 with the minimal forces you see on the board.

    The UK focused on building landing crafts right away to quickly capture Norway & Denmark. Germany counter attacked destroying those forces and all landing crafts, so UK went over to building transports instead and has another foothold in Europe in Denmark & Holland. Germany has built 1 wolf pack so far and it hasn’t been used yet. The UK also focused on eliminating the Italian navy (a success), building a factory (and controlling) the middle east, and pouring a massive amount of infantry into India.

    Italy has had a tough go of it launching a disastrous attack on Alexandria on turn 1 with terrible rolling where they were soundly defeated by the UK. That set the tone as Italy has not been able to keep a navy and has posed little threat to Africa. The French navy has not only survived, but has been sitting off the Italian coast for several turns sinking convoys. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that! It’s kind of silly, but with little else to do the lone French troop that started in western Africa walked across the continent to capture the only remaining Italian country south of the Sahara - Italian Somaliland.

    Japan attacked the USA on turn 2 by taking control of the Philipines, bringing the USA into the war early. A decent sized USA navy was built on the East coast, with more resources committed to the Pacific, but the US hasn’t had a significant impact on the game as of yet. Japan pushed hard at taking islands and eliminating China, which they succeeded in doing in Early 1942, but China was revived almost immediately by the UK. Japan certainly is a force to be reckoned with and has a lot of options in the upcoming turns.

    The Axis clearly were trying for a quick Economic Victory as they were at 145 IPC after Japan’s Early 1942 turn. Since that time they’ve lost several money islands to Anzac & the UK, and Germany continues to be plagued by attacks from both fronts so they are no longer close to reaching that at this time7.4.24 game Armies.jpg 7.4.24 game Atlantic.jpg 7.4.24 game Eurasia.jpg 7.4.24 game Europe.jpg 7.4.24 game IPC tracker.jpg 7.4.24 game Pacific.jpg 7.4.24 game Western USA.jpg . To be continued in late August!

  • @mkgionet

    Looks like Japan’s doing well, but I’m worried about the European Axis…

    Hope you had fun!

  • @mkgionet

    nice report. Thanks for doing these :)

  • @mkgionet

    Great Game Report,

    How many Soviet Mines were on the border that German troops crossed ?

    When you post pictures, can you hold the camera at a lower angle, so we can easily see the stacks of units.

  • @The-Captain Good point Captain, I’ll try to remember to position my camera lower next time. There were 3 mines on the border that the German troops crossed. Currently all mines are dug in as follows:

    Belarus/Poland - 4
    Berlarus/Baltic States - 5
    Belarus/Novgorod - 6
    Novgorod/Archangel - 3

  • @barnee You’re quite welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @mkgionet

    You can see the Global 1940 No. 12 Game Report - this is an example of how to describe in text and display the pictures (the whole game board and extra close up pictures of Armies, various frontline scenarios etc.).

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