Game 4 VictoryFirst vs barnee
Game: 1940
Axis: VictoryFirst
Allies: barnee
Game thread
Triplea save EXP Game 5 Victory Surrender.tsvg
Our Game thread incorrectly refers to Game 5. This is due to Game 3 only going 4 rds and not being completed because of the triplea changes that had transpired.
Our next game will be entitled 5b for the Game thread.
The War lasted until Early 1947 with an Economic Victory for the Axis. Congratulations to Victory on the win :)
I will try and break this down in 2 year increments.
The reich started off with a full Waffen buy as well as a U-boat and a Fallschirmjäger. They sunk the British Navy in 110 and 111 with extremely accurate Luftwaffe fire and also Conquered all of France.
In Late 1940, they sink the remainder of the British Med Fleet in 97. U-boats begin to disperse into the Atlantic.
4 Air Transports are purchased for Goring’s Luftwaffe.
No combat occurs in Early 1941. Wolfpacks begin to form and Guderian takes command of 1st Panzer and 2 Oberst prepare to Form 1st and 2nd Waffen Armies.
In late 1941, due to a Early 1941 Nippon Attack on the Allies, The US has entered the War and Admiral King has moved a strong Fleet to 91 off Gibralter.
The Luftwaffe and a solo U-boat attack. Without a DD to defend against the American Subs, it is sunk before it can engage. The Luftwaffe’s aim is off and the first rd of battle causes light damage.
The Americans gunnery is slightly above average forcing the Luftwaffe to break off the attack.
A small British LCV landing in Holland is easily countered.
90% of the Wehrmacht is stationed on the Poland/Slovakia/Romainia line, led by 1st Panzer and 1st and 2nd Waffen.
Rommel and the Afrika Corps has landed in Libya.
Soviet Union
Russia starts of with a mixed buy of 2 Combat Engineers, 10 LMs, 2 Paras and a Elite and commisar.
In Late 1940, they continue heavy LM builds as well as bringing the VDV to 100% effectiveness. The Engineers begin to move LMs to W UKR where they are armed against Poland and Bessaraibia.
Early 1941 and Russia continues with heavy LM builds. With Tankograd up and running, they also commision a Tank General. The majority of the VDV move to Novgorod, with 1 Division along with 2nd Corps moving to Caucasus.
Late 1941 and Stalin feels his chance to strike at Germany is now and he Declares War.
The soviets prepare 3 Guard Infantry as well as a Elite and Artillery for deployment. They save the majority of there resources for next year, when they plan to implement Mass Conscription.
The Paratrooper in Caucasus takes an undefended Bulgaria. Engineers arm 6 LMs in Belarus at E POL. 14 Inf are deployed there also.
The Ukraines are heavily mined and have strong Inf and Artillery Forces prepared to counterattack when needed.
Bryansk has 1st Tank and 1st Corps acting as a strong mobile defense force.
Nippon begins with a couple Transports and a Minor Fctry as well as a Elite.
They conduct standard attacks on china.
Late 1940, they purchase 3 more Trprts and continue there attacks on china.
Early 1941 and despite some misgivings by a few, the militarists prevail and attack the Western Allies.
They sink British and ANZAC Naval Vessels in the DEI’s and take Borneo from the British.
They also successfully take the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong, while continuing there attacks on china.
In Late 1941, a Naval Base is constructed in the PHI. The remaining Dutch Islands are conquered. China is reduced to Tsinghai and Sikang.
Short break in case of machine freeze.
United States
The Americans destory the Facilities in the PHI and also begin to fortify it. The remainder of there resources are invested in the Navy, other than a Elite for the Army.
Late 1940 the USS Missouri is launched. The Aleutians are reinforced and fortified.
Early 1941
Cowardly Sneak Attack by Japan ! National Guard Called Up !
Americans are furious. Admiral Halsey declares the only place the japanese language will be spoken is in hell.
Roosevelt convinces Congress to Declare War on Germany and Italy.
US invests heavily in there Navy. They make some minor Naval attacks in the Pacific and Atlantic, as well as a premature invasion of the combined Italian/German garrison in GIB.
They do manage to attrit a Luftwaffe Stuka.
The Atlantic and Pacific both receive Naval reinforcements.
Late 1941 and the emphasis continues to be on the Navy, although the Army is begining to produce signifigant numbers of Artillery.
The Americans liberate an evacuated GIB. DDs combined with Air assets, begin to sink U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic in earnest.
Minor naval battles continue in the Pacific.
The Fleet off GIB withdraws to the Carribean in 89 to avoid U-boat and Luftwaffe attacks.

Both Oceans are again reinforced, with the majority going to the Atlantic. This will prove costly in the future, as the yanks will be unable to check Japanese aggression in the Pacific.
China fights traditional land battles against JPN, counterattacking where they can.
By Late 1941 they only control Tsinghai and Sikang. The Flying Tigers are still active.
Britain destroys the Naval Base in Singapore and fortify Borneo.
They successfully conduct combat against the Italians in Ethiopia and the Regia Marina in the Med.
A lone DD is sunk by a U-boat in 106
India, S Africa and London are reinforced.
Late 1940 the British upgrade the S AF Fctry to Hvy Ind. They fortify Sumatra which they took custodianship of from the Dutch 6 months earlier.
A RAF Bomber sinks a lone Italian Trprt in 92. Italian Inf is destroyed in Kenya.
Early 1941 and the British move there India Fctry underground and build a Minor in Egypt.
Iraq is conquered.
Late 1941 the British conduct an LCV attack on Holland supported by the RAF.
Using the Range of there Bmbr combined with DDs, they begin to sink U-boats in the Atlantic.
There are still large numbers of U-boats and the Battle is at it’s peak.
Italy purchases 2 LCV’s and a Para. They conduct stikes against the French and British ships in the Med.
They take control of GIB.
Late 1940, they destroy the Facilities in GIB and take Greece.
Early 1941 they invest in there Air Force. They make a suicide attack on the American Fleet off GIB and are obliterated causing no casualties.
Late 1941 they invest heavily in Paras. They successfully destroy a British Armor concentration in Tobruk and kill the soviet Para in Bulgaria.
ANZAC purchase a Trprt and take custodianship of Java and DNG.
Late 1940 2 Inf and a DD are bought for the Armed Forces. Java is fortified. They take control of Celebes.
Early 1941 and Japan strikes ! Naval vessels off the Dutch Islands have been sunk. A Minor Fctry is built in Queensland.
Late 1941 the Air Base in Queensland is upgraded. Java and Celebes are lost.
An American Fleet joins them in 54. JPN threatens from Java and the PHI.
The French provide target practice for the Axis.
Here is the situation Late 1941.

Triplea doesn’t allow for the Islands. You have to add them manually.
Axis 120
Allies 145
I’ll try and shorten it up going forward :)
Early 1942 - Early 1947
Germany is able to take Egypt with Rommel after the Italians sacrifice there Air Force to reduce the British defenses. The UK will be unable to liberate it.
They never really get going against Russia, in part due to the resources poured into Egypt. They do trade Lenningrad several times.
Japan becomes such a powerhouse, they just need to repel small LCV and Para attacks in W Europe and hold the line agaist Russia.
Russia is in a fairly strong position for most of the game. They are able to support Britain’s new Fctry in the Middle East after Egypt falls, but will eventually have to return to Russia.
They are able to liberat NW China for a few rounds, but a disastrous counterattack where a Tank, Arty and 2 Inf against 1 Tank are defeated in Tsinghai in Early 1946 allowing JPN to breakout into the Soviet Union.
JPN turns into an absolute Beast. They take New Guinea in Late 42 and cripple the ANZAC Economy. There Navy reigns supreme the entire war.
USA tried a couple times to liberate ANZAC possesions, only to lose both major Naval Battles in 54 to the IJN.
They were able to keep good pressure on Germany and Italy by controlling the Med for the majority of the war but it would not be enough.
China had a brief respite when there communist brethern liberated them, but never had enough of an income other than to supply 1 or 2 Inf.
Britain struggled hard after the loss of Egypt. They were able to continue harassing attacks in W Europe for the entireity of the war.
They couldn’t get going offensively out of India either and eventually had to withdraw to West India in Early 1944.

Italy was contained for the most part but was able to threaten Caucasus and Middle East with potential Para and LCV attacks that the Allies had to honor.
ANZAC basically was forced to turtle. They tried to support the USA with Ftrs and Escorts during both failed attempts to liberate New Guinea.
Here is the situation Early 1947

With Islands
Axis 158
Allies 107
An insurmountable lead. Thus economic Victory for the Axis is Achieved :)