Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    This thread is part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion series.

    In this thread players can post their Game Reports (including pictures).

    Game Reports in this thread must be based on:

    • Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
    • Global 1940 Basic Expansion
    • Global 1943 Expansion
    • Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions for use with TripleA

    Post your Game Report - and attach pictures (if any).

    Fell free to respectfully discuss and comment on Game Reports in this thread.

    Enjoy & have fun.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Awesome! I love reading these! I don’t have any yet though, as I don’t have the time to play with your new rules yet.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    RD 1 test game 13 complete. Using basic same strategy as others, as test game 12 was the only one to almost make a complete game. :) Just wanna see how it plays out. Hopefully the Wehrmacht won’t have an over inflated opinion of their capabilities on the Eastern Front again lol

    ANZAC has an interesting first rd buy. Does one go Fighter/Bunker ? Trprt/Arty ? Tank/AAgun ?
    I went conservative with a 2 Inf Arty build.

    Anyway on to RD 2 :grin:

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Rd 2 mostly uneventful. All players had pretty good offensive turns. Biggest notes were UK liberating Yunnan and Italy starting Barbarossa. Russia retreated it’s frontline troops except for lenningrad/Finland allowing E Poland to be conquered by Italy.

    This will allow the Luftwaffe to base some air units as well as their Strat Bmbrs which will force Russia to defend Moscow with Ftrs. UK does have 1 Ftr in the LL pipeline, with 2 more after that though.

    Japan finished strong in the Philippines but didn’t attack any of DEI/Borneo. They did take Singapore.

    USA with a 2 CV build. See if they can get those Tanks to Russia lol

    UK with an AB in Gib.

    Anyway, back at it

  • @barnee
    So, USSR got 10 IPC when Italy attacked, yes?

    And USA got the National Guard as well…?

  • @the-captain

    Why I like for the Allies to declare war on the Axis, not to mention the 10 IPC bonus for Japan. Also, historically, the Axis lost the war because they made too many enemies, at the very least, too quickly. The US public morale would have been more challenging without Pearl Harbour, or an attack by the Axis as an entry to the war.

  • @the-captain yes to both, although I forgot to give Russia their dough until their turn lol. No biggie, just put a couple tanks in Moscow.

    Was gonna mention, next time you update rules might want to add “or Italian” to … after the German Combat Movement phase …

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    I keep forgetting about the underground Factories. Just pay 4 bucks and don’t worry about it. Still seems a bit off to me. 50 % hit rate or something, but you guys been crunching this for 25 years and we’re trying to make it as rule compatible as possible.

    Also keep spacing you can have something other than Inf on Trprts with non Inf. Getting better at it though lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    End Rd 4 Gave ANZAC an extra 6 bucks since they took DNG Rd 1. Weren’t able to spend it though lol. Not enough production. Idk if it woulda changed anything, didn’t go back through the game, probably not.

    Need to fix it, but just wanna play the game for a while. Last update took 5 days or so.

    Anyway, on to the game :)

    UK took a major beatdown in Mid East. India had to send a couple dudes by rail to east Persia but Italian Paras decimated them. Germany is gonna take NW Persia now.

    Still pretty much a stalemate in Egypt but Allies got some Mech/Armor on the way.

    Not sure about Eastern Front. Commies get 26 dudes next turn. We’ll see. Caucasus under serious threat now.

    China still holding strong. USA sent the Tanks to Far East Russia. JPN gonna try and make em pay. Hard to calculate with trprts killed last, but looks pretty 50/50

    Having Fun :grin:EXP 7.1 Game 13 12-2-21.tsvg

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Purchase window maxed out for RD 7 Total War

    Screenshot from 2021-12-09 04-34-05.png

    Hmm … feel like I’m at the bakery. Everything looks so good, I want 1 of them all lol

    How bout some Ftrs, Panzers. Wow down to 25 bucks already ? Got an extra plane and tank though. Lets see … oh yea, need a badass SS Para. Better get a regular Para so he can go badass next turn.

    We’ll get a 4 dollar hitter for the Kriegsmarine. Elite is always a good buy. gotta have some Infantry.

    Bummer. Out of dough. Wanted a couple LMs and Atlantic Wall. OK only 3 Inf and 2 Atlantic Wall and a LM. Guess I coulda dusted the U-boat for 4 bucks, but it’s worth it to help hold off the Allies another turn.

    We’ll see how it all goes lol

    uh oh no Total War Bomber. Everybody else has one. Guess i better fix it lol

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Note: this topic has been moved from the Global 1943 thread.

    Global 1943, No. 1 Game Report:

    This weekends Global 1943 two-player game has just ended today. Here is a brief situation report:

    Axis: Dark Knight
    Allies: The Captain

    Early 1943:
    Germany is building up The Atlantic Wall defense line and partly withdrawing units from Africa.

    A massive re-organization of German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS units takes place on the Eastern Front, with only a few minor attacks being launched.

    Soviet Union:
    Soviet units attack and re-capture Bryansk, Stalingrad, Caucasus and Ukraine. Smolensk is reinforced on a massive scale in order to strengthen the area in front of Moscow.

    The Imperial Japanese Navy launches a series of attacks in the Pacific and China, pushing back the remnants of the Chinese army towards Tsinghai.

    United States:
    US units advance further into North Africa - and re-organize the navies in the Atlantic and the Pacific - preparing for offensive operations in both theatres.

    Chinese units withdraw into Tsinghai for a last stand.

    United Kingdom:
    UK air and naval units destroy the remaing German U-boats in the Atlantic.
    Units in Africa are re-organized and most are sent on their way towards the Middle East and India.
    The navy in sea zone 62 prepares for a future rendez-vous with the US Pacific Navy.

    Italian land and air units are withdrawing towards Rome - in order to defend the Capital against an anticipated US invasion.

    Late 1943:
    With fresh reinforcements arriving at the front, German units attack from north to south on the entire Eastern Front. Smolensk is heavily defended by the Soviets - and so is Archangel - these two territories are therefore not attacked.

    The defense of Western Europe is strengthened with Infantry units and Bunkers.

    Soviet Union:
    Counter attacks are launched against the German positions - and Ukraine, Western Ukraine, Belarus and Rostov are re-captured.

    The Soviet 1st Tank Army is sent to Tsinghai - to strengthen the Chinese units against a massive Japanese attack. This Soviet maneuver triggers a State of War between USSR and Japan - with the economic consequences for the Soviet player.

    Unable to capture Tsinghai - due to the Soviet reinforcement of the Chinese defense, Japan launches several attacks in the Pacific and against Burma.

    The Japanese navy is strengthened with Carriers, Fighters and destroyers.

    United States:
    An amphibious attack is launched against German occupied Greece - and Greece is captured.

    An offensive against Caroline Islands is prepared.

    The build up of land, sea and air units in the Atlantic continues.

    United Kingdom:
    Norway is captured, using Landing Crafts. UK units in Norway include the UK 1st Tank Army.

    In the Pacific and China UK units are trying to hold back Japanese units - and launches small scale amphibious attacks against the Japanese controlled islands in the southern Pacific.

    Italian units are strengthening the defense of Rome.

    Early 1944:
    Small scale attacks are launched against the Soviets. No massive breakthrough has yet been achieved on the Eastern Front.

    No further units are sent to Western Europe for defense, since the Eastern Front requires a massive effort in strengthening Army Group North and Army Group Center.

    The German 1st Panzer Army is withdrawn from Army Group South on the Eastern Front - in order to prepare for a counter attack against the American invaders in Greece.

    Soviet Union:
    Counter attacks against German forces are launched. By now, the German number of reinforcements on the Eastern Front exceeds that of the Soviet Union.

    Units from the Far East are gradually withdrawn towards Moscow.

    Soviet Tank production is running at full speed.

    A massive attack is launched against Tsinghai - and Tsinghai is captured - with only 4 Japanese Tank units left.

    Attacks against UK units in China are succesful.

    All Chinese terrirories are now under Japanese control, which triggers a Japanese 5 IPC bonus income.

    Japan also achieves it’s NO’s in the Pacific - triggering a 5 IPC Bonus Income as well.

    Japanese units attack the Soviet Far East territories.

    United States:
    US forces capture Philippines and Caroline Islands.

    The US Pacific Fleet is by now slightly larger than the Imperial Japanese Navy - with massive invasion forces ready for Island Jumping.

    US forces attack and capture Bulgaria and Albania. US forces in Greece are strengthened with new reinforcements - in order to take out as many German units as possible during the anticipated German offensive.

    Italian forces are still reinforcing the defense of Rome.

    Late 1944:
    Succesful attacks are launched against Bulgaria, Albania - and the Eastern Front.

    But German forces on the Eastern Front are still not able to break through the Soviet defense - in order to attack Soviet territories in depth.

    Four Me 262 Jetfighter units are now stationed in Western Germany.

    Soviet Union:
    A succesful attack with 4 Paratrooper units is launched against Japanese controlled Tsinghai.

    Succesful counter attacks are launched on the Eastern Front.

    Soviet Partisans are now placed in several German and Japanese controlled Soviet territories - in order to disrupt Strategic Rail Movement - and to force the Axis to turn around and destroy the Partisans.

    The reinforcments of Japanese units fighting in Asia is now exceeded by the Allied number of units.

    Japanese units are fighting desperately against US invasion forces as well as UK units in the southern parts of China.

    The advance towards Moscow through the Soviet Far East territories is slowed down by Soviet Partisans and small scall Soviet counter attacks.

    The economy is suffering due to several military setbacks.

    United States:
    Succesfull attacks are launched against the remaining Japanese controlled islands in the Pacific - as well as landings in Malaya, French Indo China and Kwangtung.

    In Europe, US forces are massively building up in United Kingdom - in preparation for D-Day.

    United Kingdom:
    The Large Scale Invasion of Western Europe is launched against Holland/Belgium.
    United Kingdom controls all US and UK units that are assigned to the invasion, during this attack.

    The invasion is succesfull with minimum losses of Allied units.

    The D-Day landing counts a number of Allied units so large that Germany cannot destroy the bridge head.

    Succesful attacks are launched against the few scattered Japanese units in China.

    UK units from Australia launches a succesfull amphibious landing against Palau Island.

    Early 1945:

    A massive offensive is succesfully launched on the entire Eastern Front, destroying numerous Soviet units.

    Due to the Allied landing in Holland/Belgium, no further reinforcements are sent to the Eastern Front.

    Greece is captured from the Americans.

    Preparations are made for the defense of Western Germany and Germany.

    Soviet Union:
    A massive re-organization takes place on the Eastern Front - only minor attacks are launched against the Germans.

    A build up in Smolensk is prepared in order to eliminate the German Army Group Center.

    Soviet units are fighting against Japanese units in China and the Far East territories.

    Only a few islands in the Pacific are still on Japanese hands.

    In China, the Japanese troops are fighting against an overwhelming Allied force.

    The Japanese economy is crumbling.

    The Imperial Japanese Navy is still an impressive force - but with no prospect of a decisive military breakthrough, it is only a matter of time before the Allies will win the War.

    United States:
    A series of attacks are launched against the Japanese.

    A massive build up of land, air and naval units continues in both the Pacific and the Atlantic.

    US troops alongside UK units have a foothold in Europe - and are preparing for the offensive against Western Germany.

    United Kingdom:
    Offensive operations continue in China.

    UK Fighter units and Tank units are sent into Soviet territories - in order to strengthen the Soviet positions against an anticipated German Last Ditch Attack.

    Late 1945:
    On the Eastern Front, Army Group North, Army Group Center and Army Group South haven’t received any reinforcements.

    The Soviet Captial - Moscow - is out of reach, and the Soviet defensive positions are impenetrable.

    Surrounded by massive Allied units on all fronts - and facing an unstopable enemy , Germany capitulates.

    The following pictures depict the military situation at the beginning of Late 1945.


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s Early 1944 and Russia has finally been pushed back to Moscow.
    Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-23-18.png
    Woulda been nice to have some Rockets last turn to try and knock out the Army Group, but needed the Tanks and Guards more. If it’s not reinforced too heavily, maybe next turn . It can bypass the minefields in Bryansk now.

    Waffen Armies and Commisar Corps been going at it up North the last few rds. Pretty back and forth mostly. No breakthrough yet, but was a close thing if they didn’t dust those SS Paras.

    JPN attacked Russia Early 43. UK tried to pressure Burma, but had to retreat. It did draw almost all of JPNs Total Tank War builds South though and slowed their offensive against Russia significantly.
    Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-32-44.png

    A couple major Naval battles in the South Pacific.
    Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-33-37.png
    JPN had gotten the upper hand in New Guinea and it just destroyed ANZACs income. They were able to repeal two Allied attempts with heavy losses before the American North Pacific Fleet arrived and got the job done.

    Not a lot of pressure on Western Europe yet. Been trading Holland and S France past few turns.
    Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-35-36.png
    USA and UK were busy in N Africa mostly. Especially UK. Italy made a final attempt for Egypt before American Armor showed up, but was defeated even though odds were slightly in their favor. Thought Germany could clean up, but the mixed Force of UK, ANZAC and France made a Heroic stand.
    Syria was a major battle point with Italian and German Paras.

    Germany took over Italy after the failed Egypt attacks. Makes a nice initial boost, but they do lose the can opener on the Eastern Front.

    USA a little light with their Atlantic Fleet. Can’t really force anything but suicide attacks for now. Can’t get their Armor there. Got a couple more carriers and a Heavy BB on the way. UK gonna upgrade it’s AB.
    Might be a little late. Have to watch for German Para or LCV attacks from Italy too.

    Screenshot from 2021-12-15 09-37-07.png

    Anyway, this the best game yet. It’s looking Axis to me, but we’ll see. Couple bugs I’m gonna play through, fix those and then try a 43.

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Please let the Axis win-I can’t stand another defeat after The Captain’s game report. The Belourssian salient the Soviets have looks a bit like the salient in Poland Russia had at the start of World War 1.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Took till Late 46 but the swastika is flying over moscow
    Screenshot from 2021-12-20 16-03-35.png

    Allies were just a little too late to the party. Probably went too big with USA N Pacific Fleet to get the Tanks to Russia. JPN had left SZs open, so a couple blockers coulda saved an entire Carrier Group.
    That dough coulda went to Africa or early W Europe landings instead.

    India could just never break out. Traded Burma consistently and got Shan State a couple times, but that was about it. Did tie up large JPN forces.

    Probably not aggressive enough with either side. Was a fun game and first one that went to completion.

    Found a half a dozen bugs or so and have some stuff to clean up and clarify. Also add the new dudes Captain and Company are using now. Get started on that after a bit. Probably take a while. Maybe a week. We’ll see.

    Think I’ll roll with a 43 test game next : )

    EXP 7.3 Game 14 12-11-21.tsvg

  • 2024 2023 '22


    Awesome! I wish I had the time to play the Captain’s house rules. It’s great to see an Axis victory (not so good to see a Nazi and not a Japanese victory though). Man, that Soviet grind was thorough, killing so many units and leaving so many areas open. That won’t be good with those Americans moving north.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Re: Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread

    Global 1940, No. 1 Game Report:

    This Global 1940 Game Report includes the use of the complete Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.

    Combat Engineer units are not included, due to the fact that play testing has not yet been completed.

    Desert Army is included - but did not see action during this game.

    This weekends Global 1940 two-player game ended Sunday, 19th December. Here is a brief situation report:

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    Early 1940:
    Germany builds up large Panzer forces in preparation for an invasion of the Soviet Union.

    France and Southern France are captured. Finland & Bulgaria joins Germany.

    Allied fleets in sz 110 & 111 are eliminated.

    Massive German build up in Poland.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets build up with a mixed unit combination of Paratroopers, Commissar, Tank, Artillery and Elite Infantry.

    Massive re-organization plus troop movement by Strategic Rail Movement.

    2 Factories produced for placement in China.

    Opening attacks in China.

    Re-organization of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

    United States:
    Build up & re-organization in the Pacific.

    All US factories are producing a maximum of 3 units, earmarked for use in the Pacific.

    Chinese units counter attack and capture Yunnan.

    United Kingdom:
    UK fleet & Air units in Med. attack sz 96 plus launch an amphibious assault into Ethiopia, which is captured.

    Re-organization in both Europe & Pacific theatres.

    With the Italian fleet more or less intact, an amphibious assault is succesfully launched against Greece & Syria.

    Italy makes no attempt to clear the Med or achieve any other National Objectives.

    Land units are moved to the East.

    Re-organization & build up of Naval & Air units.

    Naval units in Med have survived - and move to sz 98 (in Late 1940).

    Late 1940:
    Massive production of Panzer units plus a few other landbased units.

    The offensive against the Soviet Union is launched into Bessarabia & Eastern Poland.

    Massive re-inforcement of German units on the Eastern Front.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets build up a mixed unit combination of Tank units, Infantry & Elite infantry.

    The Soviet Union destroy factories in Leningrad and Ukraine. Units in Leningrad are moved to Vyborg & Archangel.

    Massive build up in Bryansk.

    Further attacks deeper into China.

    Re-inforcement of frontline troops in Asia.

    United States:
    The build up for the Pacific contiues, which includes a strengthened defense of the Philippines.

    China withdraws all units further to the West to avoid elimination.

    United Kingdom.
    India is preparing to send 3 Tank units to the Soviet Union as part of the Lend-Lease agreement.

    Also, 3 Air units from London are prepared for Lend-Lease movement to the Soviet Union.

    UK Naval & Air units attack and destroy the entire Italian fleet in the Med.

    Units are send to Western Europe for defense.

    Build up in Pacific continues.

    French Navy in the Med. joins the UK fleet in sz 99.

    The next several rounds are not described in detail.

    Germany continues the offensive directly towards Moscow. Western Europe is only lightly defended.

    Germany takes over Italy in Late 1943.

    The Soviet Union withdraws gradually on the entire Eastern Front, while launching small scale counter attacks against the exposed German flanks.

    Massive re-inforcement from UK & ANZAC Fighter units reach Moscow.

    Japan captures China plus a few islands in the Pacific.

    A Japanese Air Base is produced in Suiyuan.

    No further offensive operations in the Pacific are launched.

    United States launches a series of attacks against Japanese occupied islands in the Pacific.

    Offensive operations are also launched against Axis controlled Africa & Europe

    United Kingdom launches offensive operations in Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific & the Soviet Union.

    A massive UK Air Force is present in Moscow.

    ANZAC launches small scale attakcs in the Pacific - and re-inforces India with Air units.

    Late 1944:
    The German forces on the Eastern Front no longer receive any re-inforcements.

    Army Group South is withdrawn into Rostov, to avoid annihilation by superior Soviet forces.

    Western Germany is threatened by Allied invasion forces.

    Soviet Union:
    After the initial military setbacks, the Soviet Union launches a series of succesfull counter attacks against both German & Japanese forces.

    Soviet Guards & Tank units are sent from Moscow towards Poland.

    German frontline units on the Eastern Front are encircled, with no possible options of escape or re-inforcements.

    The offensive operations deep into Russia have overstreched the Japanese supply lines.
    Allied units are not only advancing in Asia & the Pacific - but also threatens with elimination of the entire Japanese Navy in sz 6.

    United States:
    US Naval Task Forces & Air Force prepare for an all-out attack against the Imperial Japanese Navy.

    Western Europe is dominated by US forces, advancing against Germany & Italy - while Mass Produced combat units continuosly keep pouring in to replace combat losses.

    United Kingdom launches a massive offensive in Asia - in preparation for the liberation of China.

    Early 1945:
    With an Allied combined IPC level at 194, the Allied Economic Victory is a fact.


  • 2024 2023 '22


    Not again! The Axis lost! If I remember correctly, you played as the Allies in an earlier game and won. It makes me think that nobody can beat you considering you made the rules. Those polished Nazi markers look really cool. Maybe you can send me one? Thank you!

    It really boggles the mind on the sheer amount of naval, land, and air forces in play compared to the normal games as usual when playing with your rules.

    There are two things I’m confused about. Firstly, how could the starting French navy move to sea zone 98 in one turn when they can only move two sea zones? Also, how could the French have income if Germany still controls Paris? Thank you!

    Whilst I think the end map is really cool, especially in the directions the units are facing and the lighting, I always preferred pieces to chips, so I slightly don’t like the parts on the board that use chips, but it’s a minor issue.

    I really liked this game report! Can you go more in depth please? Thank you!

  • @the-captain Sweet !

  • @the-captain Wow, just read it. Amazing game report. Maybe you can play as the Axis one time to make @SuperbattleshipYamato happy as you’ll probably defeat any opponent as the developer :)

    I started a new game of the House Rule Expansion with all five sections. I did start a game earlier but another game I bought arrived in the middle of the game, so I cleaned it all up and played the other game. Now, I have enough of that other game so I decided to actually play a full game of your great expansion. It’s currently Late 1941, and things are interesting as usual… I followed the strategy guides for Germany, Soviet Union, Japan and United States for this game.

    Germany did their opening moves. They took over all of France and Yugoslavia. Finland and Bulgaria joined the Axis. The fleet in sz 111 was destroyed. Near Canada, three U-boots attacked the British destroyer and transport. The destroyer got a hit, so the Germans will not be able to form a wolf-pack if a counterattack happens.

    They slowly built up their forces for an Early 1941 Barbarossa campaign. The first Panzer army was created, as well as two Waffen armies, and large stacks of infantry. The initial advance towards Leningrad was successful, and the stack of Russians that took flexible positions in Belarus retreated to Archangel, leaving Leningrad open for the taking. In the south, things didn’t go according to the German plan… a lot of trading took place.

    The German force in Bessarabia was attacked with everything the Russians had, and everything but five German tanks got destroyed. The Russians could go on, but they were afraid of an outflanking in Western Ukraine with the German armies in the north. So they retread towards Ukraine and stacked it up with everything it had. The British lend-leased two aircraft to the Russians and flew them to Ukraine, to beef up the defence even more. But the Germans did a risky but bold move. They attacked the Russian forces in Ukraine with everything it had. The five surviving German tanks, a Waffen army in Romania, and all their airpower. The fighting was very exciting, and the Germans managed to destroy the Russian forces (including a Russian army corps and ALL their aircraft) but took heavy losses too. Only one tank and two German planes survived. The Russians regrouped, counterattacked some areas and formed a massive stack in Archangel to counter the German one in Leningrad. The south didn’t have large reinforcements (just a Soviet Army Corps with three guards and a couple of infantry), and with German reinforcements in Poland on their way this may look bad, but next turn the Red Army Conscription will reinforce this area significantly.

    The Japanese situation looks pretty bad. A large Japanese army got destroyed by a large Chinese army way deep in china. More Japanese large forces are in Yunnan, keeping the Indians honest but now this army needs to move towards the Chinese in Tsinghai, in order to have a chance to defeat China. The Americans reinforced the Philippines significantly, and the Japanese attack in round 4 didn’t go well. Five American fighters managed to survive and regrouped to the main fleet. The USA, seeing the Japanese struggling with everybody continued to build up naval forces in the Pacific, with a super heavy battleship, destroyers, and carriers.

    The situation in Africa is in favour of the Allies. The Italians weren’t able to bring up reinforcements, because their primary goal was to destroy all Allied ships in the Med. After a successful British Taranto raid, the Italians weren’t able to do both. The UK, seeing this, built a factory in Egypt, to build tank units to help in Africa, and aircraft to be lent-leased to Russia.

    I can’t wait to see how these events will play out. Japan quickly needs to regroup and take the Philippines, as well as the Dutch East Indies. Italy probably needs to withdraw from Africa, but they can gamble and reinforce it as much as possible, with German aid, and maybe having a chance to dislodge the British from Egypt. On the Eastern Front, the fighting is really exciting and interesting. Both sides have good chances of winning, but German reinforcements are just a bit out of time. And with the Red Army Conscription, lend-lease units (the British can now send three new aircraft as they were destroyed before they were converted into Soviet units), Soviet Guards and eventually Soviet Mass Tank Production, the Soviets have a slight edge. Both sides have a decimated airforce but the Soviets have the lend-lease units.

  • This is the situation in Early 1942, after the Russian turn. @The-Captain, you have the most experience. Is this a lost position for the Axis?DSC00507.JPG DSC00508.JPG

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