Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @barnee

    Absolutely beautiful.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Early 1944:

    This is the first post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    From Early 1943 to Early 1944, Germany is re-organizing all Combat Formations on the Eastern Front. This maneuver includes a withdrawal from the most exposed positions.

    German Waffen-SS Panzer units and 2nd Panzer Army holds the line in the Novgorod area but are soon forced to withdraw due to a massive Soviet offensive into Belarus.
    Army Group South breaks through the Soviet positions in Caucasus - and continues the offensive into the Middle East.

    Soviet Union:
    The Soviets exploit their superior number in boots and launch offensive operations.

    The offensive operations continue deep into Chinese territory.
    In the Pacific, the Japanese Navy keeps the initiative and continiously launches counter attacks against the advancing Allies.

    United States:
    In both the European and Pacific Theatres US forces are advancing with massive suppport from both Naval and Air units.

    United Kingdom:
    UK forces constantly fight against German forces in Africa and the Middle East.
    The advancing German Army Group South is unstoppable - and threatens to overrun the Middle East - and threatens India.

    This is the situation in Early 1944:
    IMG_6649.JPG IMG_6650.JPG IMG_6651.JPG IMG_6652.JPG IMG_6653.JPG IMG_6654.JPG IMG_6655.JPG IMG_6656.JPG

    More will follow soon…

  • @the-captain Interesting situation. The Allies and the soviets seem to be focusing in the North. Major landings in Norway.

    Stalingrad still heavily defended but Army Group South could go east or west. Even with Air Trprt, moving to India will be hard to resupply. LCVs and Paras can do it in Middle East. UK can slow for a turn and the Rail Lines are still intact to India for one more turn.

    Strong UK forces in Angola as well. They’ll be needed.

    Good action here

  • Hi everyone,

    When I see all this games, i get excited to play at the upcoming event this year 💪🏻

  • @cornelis-post said in Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports:

    Hi everyone,

    When I see all this games, i get excited to play at the upcoming event this year 💪🏻


  • @cornelis-post if you ever want to give a triplea game a whirl, let me or @VictoryFirst know :grinning:

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Late 1944:

    This is the second post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Late 1944 Germany re-captures Stalingrad with Waffen-SS Paratrooper units supported by 3 Paratrooper units - and take out 50 % of the Soviet Red Air Force in the surprise attack.

    Army Group South is advancing into the Middle East with India as the main objective.

    The Soviets counter attack and gain more territories on the Eastern Front.

    The Soviet 1st Army Group is pursuing German Army Group South into the Middle East and moving further away from the Eastern Front.

    UK and US forces are advancing in Africa and the Pacific.

    Japan has captured China - as well as Burma and is pushing the British forces back into India.

    This is the situation in Late 1944:
    IMG_6658.JPG IMG_6659.JPG IMG_6661.JPG

  • @the-captain wow brutal blow in stalingrad. And now caucasus is vulnerable as well it looks like. Is there still an LCV in Greece ?

  • @barnee

    Oke maybe we could try to play a game

  • @cornelis-post right arm :muscle: I’ll set up a Game thread and we can continue to discuss there

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Late 1945:

    This is the third post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Late 1944 the Allies attack all Strict Neutral Territories - in an attempt to increase their IPC Level.

    Most attacks are succesfull but it takes well into Early 1945 before all Strict Neutral Territories in South America are captured.

    Mongolia is now Axis friendly - and Japan takes over the Mongolian Infantry units - and launches attacks all over the Soviet Far East - bringing the Soviet economy down to a dangerously low IPC Level.

    In Late 1945 the German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS units are once again on the offensive on the Eastern Front - pushing back the Soviets towards Moscow.

    The Allies have by now got a foothold in Europe - and have also re-captured several islands in the Pacific.

    Japanese forces break through the Soviet defenses along the border to China - and the Soviet defense in the Far East simply collapses under the strain from continous Japanese attacks.

    This is the situation in Late 1945:


    IMG_6663.JPG IMG_6664.JPG IMG_6665.JPG

    More will follow soon…

  • @the-captain

    Very close. I like it.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Early 1946:

    This is the 4th post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    In Late 1945, France is liberated by US forces - and the French receives 4 Infantry units in Paris.
    During this maneuver all original French territories under Allied control are returned to France - strengthening the French economy - but reducing the US and UK economies as well.

    In Early 1946, German Army Group South attacks India - in an attempt to destroy as many UK forces as possible.

    On the Eastern Front the German Army Group North has reached the outskirts of Moscow and captured Bryansk as well as several Soviet territories in southern Russia.

    On the Western Front, German Army Group Centre is supported by a massive amount of German Wehrmacht Infantry units - and is positioned in Northen Italy.

    Army Group South is eliminated in the attack on India - but the door is now open for Japan to capture India - bringing an end to UK reinforcements in Asia.

    An overwhelming number of Japanese Tank forces overrun and capture India.

    The Allies are making slow progress in the Pacific - but are constantly exposed to Japanese counter attacks.

    The balance of the War is still unpredictable - even at this time late in the War.

    US forces are supported by massive reinforcements in France and Spain coming from across the Atlantic.

    The Soviets have a massive stronghold in Moscow - and even though the Soviet economy has almost totally collapsed, Germany must defend its own borders in Europe, due to the massive US Army and UK Air Force.

    This is the situation in Early 1946:


    IMG_6670.JPG IMG_6671.JPG IMG_6672.JPG IMG_6673.JPG IMG_6674.JPG IMG_6675.JPG IMG_6676.JPG

    More will follow soon…

  • @the-captain Awesome game ! Thought Allies toast after India fall but yea a lot going on still.

    Kinda brutal ivan lost urals. I always liked the free tank. That and mass produce is 4 a turn. Well not now :)

  • @the-captain Very exciting. I am eager for the end result :)

  • @barnee
    Japan made an attack against Urals at the end of Late 1945 - eliminating 7 Soviet Tank units.

    This attack put an end to the Soviet Free Tank unit.

    The Soviets have no option at this point to re-capture - and hold on to - Urals.

  • @the-captain whoa ! They dusted 7 Tanks ! That must have been a Powerful JPN Force.

    Thanks for the update. I find these reports very helpful in what others do :)

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1943, No. 6 Game Report: Round Late 1946:

    This is the 5th post in the Global 1943 No. 6 Game Report.

    Axis: The Captain
    Allies: Butch Cassidy

    The following pictures show the German Purchase, Combat Movement, Non-Combat Movement - and Place New Units in Late 1946.

    Note that Germany has once again created Army Group South.

    By now, Germany has 3 complete Army Groups:

    • Army Group North on the Eastern Front
    • Army Group South in Germany
    • Army Group Centre in Western Germany

    All three German Army Groups are massively supported Infantry units, Panzer units and Luftwaffe units.

    Germany is now organizing a new Strategic Plan for the defense of Western Front - and a massive counter attack deep into Western & Southern Europe.

    We are now waiting for the Soviets to complete their turn.

    And then Japan will reveal a new Strategy for the coming battles in Asia and the Pacific.

    German Purchase:

    German Combat Movement:
    IMG_6678.JPG IMG_6679.JPG IMG_6680.JPG IMG_6681.JPG IMG_6682.JPG IMG_6683.JPG

    German Non-Combat Movement & Place New Units, including a re-organization of Army Group Centre - and creation of Army Group South:
    IMG_6692.JPG IMG_6695.JPG IMG_6690.JPG IMG_6691.JPG

    The economic situation after Germany’s turn:

    More will follow soon…

  • @the-captain

    That’s a whole lot of tanks in Army Group North.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Tomorrow from 09.15 CET the Global 1943 No. 6 Game will be finished.

    The Allies (Butch Cassidy) are preparing their final Strategic Plan - it will begin with Russia’s turn in Late 1946.

    The Germans are at the Gates of Moscow.

    The Allies have liberated most of Western Europe.

    Japan dominates Asia and most of the Pacific.

    The game is extremely well balanced - and the outcome is unpredictable.

    The Game Report will be attached to this thread asap.

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