Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The Global 1940 No. 8 Game Report has been updated with the last details & pictures.

    Note the use of Army Group Boards and the new Army Group Markers (roundels).

  • @the-captain

    There was definitely no choice for the Axis but to surrender.

    Japan shouldn’t have attacked first. The y should’ve used their IPCs to attack the Soviets earlier or fortify China to take pressure off of Germany. The National Guard wouldn’t have been mobilised either.

  • @mkgionet
    It seems that the Soviet Union is under massive pressure from both German and Japanese forces.

    • What is the combined Axis IPC Level on the National Production Chart
    • What is the combined Allied IPC Level on the National Production Chart
    • Are there any Soviet Guard units on the game board
    • Are there any German Waffen-SS units on the game board
    • Is it a French Tank unit in Southern France - and if so - how did it get there

    A very interesting game.

    We’re excited to see what will happen about:

    • The US Navy in sz 6
    • The fight in the Burma-India area
    • The Axis advance towards Moscow
    • The Japanese fight against the massive US invasion forces coming from Alaska
    • Action from the huge ANZAC Naval Task Force in the Southern Pacific

    Great game - lot of possible options for both sides:+1:

  • @the-captain Yes, quite an interesting game indeed! In response to your questions:

    • Axis IPC level only 99
    • Allied IPC level 168
    • Russia has had 2 turns to build Soviet Gaurd units but hasn’t. Also note that the Soviets will be getting their last fighter and tank in this turn from Lend Lease
    • No SS units on the game board, not sure why
    • Yes, that is a French Tank! Thank you for pointing that out, I just realized we made a mistake and awarded 12 IPC of bonus troops to France when Normandy was liberated, not France. For some reason I thought it was any of France’s territory in mainland Europe. We’ll have to figure out how we want to remedy that.

    No worries, I will capture India this turn, unless there are several unbelievable rolls, though I am worried about that massive US force coming from Alaska, and that ANZAC fleet. Biggest ANZAC fleet I’ve ever seen in a game!

  • @mkgionet

    You’re right about that ANZAC fleet.

    Still always suprrised how many units are on the board even though it’s obvious (the house rules award a ton more income). Glad I switched to TripleA, it would be a nightmare not using chips and keeping all the units within the lines.

    Hope Japan wins! India is always the first step.

  • @mkgionet

    Okay, that explaines the French Tank unit…

    Good idea to send Lend-Lease units to USSR:+1:

    The Soviet Guard units are extremely effective in both attack and defense - and can move 2 spaces. It is a good idea for USSR to have them on the game board.

    For your inspiration:
    When Germany has its first round (game start, Early 1940) it is possible for the German player to produce up to 6 Waffen-SS Infantry units.

    All types of Waffen-SS units are activated immediately - and can attack etc. in the same turn they are produced.

    In this way, Germany can send up to 6 Waffen-SS Infantry units from Berlin (Germany) to support the attack on Paris (France).

    From Late 1940, those Waffen-SS Infantry units can move from France back to Germany, and prepare for the invasion of the Soviet Union in a future round.

  • @the-captain Yes, that is a good strategy for Germany. My apologies for not posting pictures, everyone started breaking down the game boards shortly after we stopped playing before it hit me that I should be taking pictures.

    So, we did finish our game, and here’s what happened in a nutshell:

    I took on ANZAC’s fleet with most of my navy and rolled increadibly well, while he rolled rather badly. I ended up losing my destroyers and subs, but not a single capital ship. They were all damaged, but I was able to repair them on my following turn - a fantastic victory! I then went on to take on the US navy, combined with some new ANZAC ships, off the Philippine Islands. We pretty much wiped each other out. I barely won with two tactical bombers left.

    I did take India on the following turn as predicted and started producing troops from the industrial complexes I had built on the mainland to stop the Soviet invasion from the north. After Russia took Korea he just parked his massive stack of infantry there instead of continuing to advance. The US started sending troops down but was able to block them in Manchuria/Jehol.

    On the European front Italy was able to punch through into the Middle East and take over all of those territories, including the Industrial Complex the UK had built in Iraq. Germany fought off some pestering invasions along it’s west coast, while plowing forward into Russia, actually taking it quite easily. After laying all those mines, including even more once we restarted, Germany only travelled over 5, and none of them detonated. HA!

    After Russia fell, other than the stack of infantry sitting in Korea, they had very few troops left and no way to recapture it. The US had some troops sitting in Gibraltar & Morocco, but probably not enough to take Rome. The Allies were demoralized and conceeded in 1945 - Axis wins!

  • @mkgionet
    Great game report:+1:

    You’re right about the pictures - they are very usefull in any way.

    We usually take pictures in the beginning of each round before Germany’s turn.
    In this way, we can also go back and follow up on the game if necessary.

    When the game has ended, players also use the pictures to follow up on the game - and make new strategies & tactics.

  • @mkgionet

    Yeahhhhhh! Always glad when history changes so much and the unthinkable happens.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    By gradually studying the Global 1940 & 1943 Game Reports, there is a solid foundation for making new strategies for your own games.

    Pictures are just as crucial for supporting your Game Report as are the text report that you make.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @VictoryFirst and I have concluded our First Global 1940 Expansion Game. Victory was the Allies and I was the Axis. After a hard fought game, the Allies asked for an armistice in Early 1945.

    This was the first time for both of us to play an actual opponent as opposed to solo games against ourselves. We used triplea and were quite pleased with how it handled the gameplay.

    With some use of Edit and our friend “dicebot” we were able to play a rule compliant game :) While we had to do a little more work of our own to help triplea as opposed to most triplea games, we found it not to be a hindrance and just part of normal game play.

    As for the game itself, Germany started with a fairly heavy Uboat presence. USA sent a lot of early resources to the Pacific.

    Italy was able to maintain a hold on Egypt and Battle with UK for Middle East control.

    JPN got early control of the Dutch islands and were able to maintain control throughout the game with some back and forth.

    Uncle Sam was able to take Carolines, but did not have enough strength to hold after a move to the North which took Iwo away from JPN and threatened the Japanese Homeland.

    More to follow :) Don’t wanna get timed out lol

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Victory and barnee Game 1 Report continued.

    The soviets were able to keep the reich at bay for the most part but by early 45 a Huge Army Group was able to finally take and hold Belarus. The godless communists were very effective with there deployment of Landmines to slow the German advance.

    German and Italian Paratrooper and LCV landings in Caucasus, caused constant battle.

    All in all a very enjoyable first experience. I think I can safely speak for Victory and Commend The Captain and Company with our Highest Approval of The Global 1940 Expansion.

    Some updates to smooth gameplay will be made before starting our second game. Here is our Game Thread

    and Final saved game EXP J 11.tsvg

    Some Endgame pictures.

    E Front.png


    S Pacific.png

    N Pacific.png

    Soviet Asia.png

    Central Asia.png

    and as long as I’m doing pictures, here are a few of @Black_Elk s Mega Map. A Work in Progress :)

    Screenshot from 2023-03-10 21-19-56.png

    Screenshot from 2023-03-10 21-15-25.png

    Screenshot from 2023-03-10 21-10-12.png

    Ok one more

    Screenshot from 2023-03-11 01-28-19.png

  • @barnee


    By the way, is it just me or has the game disappeared? “Experimental” is no longer available for download.

  • @barnee

    Two thoughts after your update:

    So the Axis won? Awesome! I assume you were Axis.

    Black Elk’s map is cool. It’s different, and it looks awesome. It looks more accurate to reality.

  • @barnee
    Great game report:+1: All TripleA game mechanisms seem to work - even though you have to use edit in some situations.

    When you see the Revised Rulebook, Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion, you’ll see that all Allied and German Army Groups are named and marked with tokens.

    This makes it easier to keep the best overview of the Army Groups - especially if they occupy the same territory.

    Is it possible to transfer this Army Group system to TripleA ?

  • Hi @the-captain :)

    Yea I have some update plans after our game. Victory’s imput confirmed my own thoughts and added other ideas that will make it a smoother play on triplea.

    But yea, one is to make the commisars and oberst named and possibly appearance changed, to help with speed of identification…

    Also have the Army Group’s Name Specific, as well as the Panzer Armies. All part of Victory’s suggestions and mine mixing together :)

    but yea, a long winded yes to your question :)

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    but idk about entirely transferred, but, improved, I’d say. Hoping the multi naming of units will help. So instead of just an Active Panzer Army, there could be a black “1, 2 or 3” inside the “red” active dot to denote there number.

    So, something similar with the commisar and oberst

    There would be separate units for each Army/Corps/Groups image wise and play wise,

    but having them place off the board in boxes, it could be done, but not by me :)

    The “Battle Simulator” can behave erratically still though, needing “Edit” support

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Global 1940, No. 8 Game Report:

    This is the only post in the Global 1940 No. 8 Game Report.

    Axis: Butch Cassidy
    Allies: The Captain

    From Early 1940, Germany launched only small scale U-Boat attacks in the Atlantic.
    The German U-Boat production was kept at a minimum - just enough to disrupt Allied shipping in the Atlantic.

    The majority of the German War Production was focused on mass producing units for the Eastern Front.

    In Early 1941 the Germans overran the Soviet frontline units and gradually fought their way forward towards Leningrad, Smolensk and Rostov.

    The German advance was slowed down by Soviet minefields in depth.

    Not only was the German advance slowed down - but horrific losses in men and material kept the German forces from building up a massive stronghold on the Eastern Front.

    Soviet Union:
    From Early 1940 the Soviets mass produced mines - and distributed the mines to carefully chosen borders on the Eastern Front - to make the advancing Axis forces pay with losses during their advance into Soviet territories.

    1st, 2nd and 3rd Soviet Army Corps as well as 1st and 2nd Tank Armies were gradually build up in order to halt the German advance - and prepare for a massive counter offensive in Early 1944.

    Part of the Soviet Strategic Plan was to capture Axis Friendly Neutrals and Original Axis Territories to boost the Soviet economy.

    As the attached Game Report Pictures show, this was a succesful strategy.

    From Early 1940 to Early 1942 the Imperial Japanese Army & Navy fought with skill and determination in both China and the Pacific.

    All of the money islands in the Pacific as well as China were under Japanese control by Early 1942.

    In Early 1940, Japan declared War on the Soviet Union. Only Soviet Far East, Sibiria and Sakha were captured by Japan.

    United States:
    In Late 1941 the US National Guard was activated as a result of an unprovoked Japanese attack on the Philippines.

    The United States went on the offensive in both the Pacific and the Atlantic in Early 1942.

    By deceiving the Japanese Navy, the Americans were able to outmaneuver the majority of the Japanese Naval Forces in Late 1942 - forcing Japan to spend all its IPC on Naval production rather than land units.

    This US maneuver had a disastrous impact on the Japanese economy - and resulted in a collapse of the Japanese frontline units fighting in Asia and the Pacific.

    United Kingdom:
    After an initial setback in Early 1940, Late 1940 and Early 1941, the United Kingdom went on the offensive in Africa and Asia in Late 1941.

    In Early 1942 the Japanese forces were threatening with an amphibious invasion of India.
    All available UK and ANZAC air units as well as UK reinforcements from South Africa by Strategic Rail Movement were deployed in India to bolster the defense.

    Since Japan could not capture India, all UK and ANZAC units went on the offensive - and by Early 1943 they were pushing back the Japanese forces in China.

    Game Result:
    In the end of Early 1943, the Soviet Union, United States and United Kingdom were all on the offensive - pushing back the Axis on all fronts.

    In Early 1943, the US Navy launched a series of succesful amphibious attacks throughout the Pacific, capturing a huge number of vital money islands.

    The combined offensive operations of the Soviet Union, United States and United Kingdom sealed the fate of the Axis powers - ending in an Economic Victory in the end of Early 1943.

    IMG_6525.JPG IMG_6529.JPG IMG_6530.JPG IMG_6531.JPG IMG_6526.JPG IMG_6528.JPG IMG_6527.JPG IMG_6532.JPG IMG_6533.JPG
    IMG_6534.JPG IMG_6535.JPG

  • @the-captain Nice. Yea bonus points for russia pretty key imo. That 3 bucks along with w/e the tty worth adds up.

    I assume Paratroopers were a large part of any successful operation. Hard for Germany/Axis to defend against all landing sites and counterattacks go up against a D3.

    Good action. Hope to get another game myself soon

  • @the-captain

    Oh god, this sucks for the Axis.

    The second I read you were the Allies I knew the Axis were done for.

    You really are the undefeated champion for these house rules.

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