Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Reports

  • @the-captain yea they’re pretty gung ho the ss boys lol. Germany should be able to outspend 2:1 also and still support the Western Front. Kill off those infantry and life should get better

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Things aren’t looking too good for the commies. The failed counter attack against W UKR is a disaster in the making. Shoulda sent another tank if not two, instead of playing pussyfoot with the japanese.

    Oh well, well see how it plays out. : ) Seem to be error free at the moment, so probably a triplea update after this test game.

    End R5.png

    What’s up with the SS Panzer ? Defend at 5 ? What are they ? Fanatics ?


    Oh yea new game here. Axis got there ass kicked above lol. Actually retreated this time with Germany. Looks as if it’s about to pay off. JPN under a little more pressure this time. Kept the islands, barely. But not now. They got china and cracked russia open so, not that big a deal.

    They’re on the edge in the Pacific though so … yea we’ll find out soon enough. lol

  • @barnee

    Please let the Axis win!

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    well i forgot to save after Russia’s turn. That rarely happens and there is a auto save feature with triplea but it didn’t work for some unknown to me reason.

    Anyway, I had to redo Russia Early 1945.

    Sent a pile of Tanks at W UKR this time. Didn’t mean to send that many but every time I checked the battle calc, it said i was losing. Guess they were intimidated by those SS boys lol

    Combat R5.png

    Had to edit and reroll the Bulgaria battle with Paras as i had done the first time. Stupidly thought JPN could attack through Sikang lol. It was a close deal too, as there bonus hits missed, took a casualty and ended up winning with a 1 hit.

    End R5.png

    Oh yea moved a commiesar to Urals and Rostov. The Army Groups are toast. Rostov can still support the Center and South. Think the Wehrmacht will be able to advance and hold this time.

    If i remember to save lol

  • @barnee

    Axis win! Axis win (a hope for your game, not a report)!

  • It’s now Late 1942. Japan defeated China previous turn, and they now struck towards the Money Islands. With a clever fleet strategy, they manage to hold back the Allied fleet around the Carolines. They have two main fleets, the one in the Philippines, and the one around Japan. If the American fleet attacks one of them with everything it has, the combat factors are just in favour of the Americans. But with the Kamikaze tokens, and not being adjacent to friendly territory where fighters can land, this will be a very risky move.

    @The-Captain Is this a good position for Japan to be in? What would you do as the US? Risk the attack on one of the two fleets? Pull back to Hawaii and wait for reinforcements? Being annoying by moving the fleet to sz 54 (the one adjacent to Queensland) and threaten to take back some of the money islands?


  • @victoryfirst :grin:

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Looking a little rough for the commies. 30 Panzers doesn’t look good for putin. oops meant stalin. Luftwaffe wanted to support more but had to honor the threat to W Germany.

    End G6.png

    JPN a bit on it’s heels, but seems too little too late for Allies.

    End G6 JPN Bigger.png

    End G6 JPN Bigeer 2.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    CounterAttack not looking too good

    Russia Counter Attack.png

    Screenshot from 2022-02-22 08-15-29.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Think Germany gonna run outta steam. See what JPN does

    End R2 Germany .png

  • @victoryfirst

    Axis win! I’m so excited! This looks like a very tight game.

  • @victoryfirst

    It looks good for Japan.

    The US should make an amphibious attack against Shantung - and maybe also Kiangsu - to liberate those territories - and have the 2 Japanese Industrial Complexes destroyed.

    This will slow down the Japanese advance in Asia - and give the Allies the upper hand.

    The US Naval Task Force in sz 33 should stay - block sz 17 and 18 to avoid a combined Japanese attack with Naval Task Forces in sz 6 and sz 35.

  • @victoryfirst

    I can see that ANZAC and UK have fortified the islands in the Southern Pacific - good idea:+1:

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Clash of the Titans

    Screenshot from 2The two Titans Clash022-02-23 03-51-48.png

    Russian Victory

    Russian Victory.png

    They were able to keep a Tank Army intact. Probably still fall to the Waffen Army to the North along with the Luftwaffe and the Panzer concentration in E POL.

    Not much Allied help but a few fighters, with none coming up next turn. Guess India could send a couple. Might have to.

    Down to 19 bucks. Need another Big Victory, but I suspect they’ll slowly die off at this point lol

    Oh yea the Rockets forced the Waffen Army to disband. That will help.

    End R7.png

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Major Naval Battle in Pacific

    Major Naval Battle in Pacific.png

    JPN Victorious

    Japan Victorious.png

    All there BBs lived too. USA got some Air assets in Midway they can reload on new CV builds. They’ll need to lol

    Forced JPN into defense a bit. They still pressured Russia with 3 wins though. UK India getting ready to Flex. Might be too late

    End J7.png

  • @barnee


  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    It’s Early 1947 and The War Rages On

    The War Rages On.png

    Thought the Axis would have this in hand by now but Russia holding on. Allied Fighters are helping and the Italian Fleet finally got dusted. Probably shouldn’t have scrambled but … Gonna need to do a Total Ftr build most likely. UK units are on the way, with some in Caucasus already. Been sending there two RR dudes as well.

    Germany needs to Crush Moscow soon. I’m tempted to send the Luftwaffe and that solo Panzer. Idk, it’ll kill most of the German Air Force, so it better succeed.

    JPN starting to lose the South Pacific.
    JPN S Pacific G9.png

    India getting ready to breakout into China. Major battle in Yunnan coming up.

    Yunnan Battle .png

    As my buddy Mick said decades ago playing Risk "Good thing I’m not a Dictator. Too many people would die ".


  • @barnee

    It should be possible to captura Moscow - multiple Luftwaffe units are within reach of the Soviet Capital - and can land in Japanese controlled Vologda.

    This game must have seen heavy losses on both sides - I don’t see many surviving troops anywhere on the game board…

    RISK was our favorite game - until we discovered Axis & Allies :relaxed:

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    RISK was our favorite game - until we discovered Axis & Allies


    Absolutely. I was taking the ferry south to Washington from Alaska. Met a guy who told me about A&A. We had bought a Risk board for a buck at the thrift store in Homer and were playing it.

    No more Risk after that lol

    Germans got there asses kicked. Weak RD 1 roll. 4 hits I think and the commies countered hard. disobeyed the Fuhrer and withdrew lol

    Germans Got there asses kicked.png

  • @the-captain said in Global 1940 Expansions Game Report Thread:

    This game must have seen heavy losses on both sides - I don’t see many surviving troops anywhere on the game board…

    yea there was a major blood bath in late '45 I think. Recruitment has been down for both sides lol

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