• scottish claymores: I just PM you

    I’m looking for any player who thinks Axis stand a chance in OOB setup. I don’t pretend anything, just never (ever) saw Axis win around here, so I figured none of us found the way… which is why I’m here.

    Also, with Alpha+ setup (that I never played yet) I don’t see how Axis get any help as Allies get more starting troops than OOB (over all) and Japan loose so many planes. But again, I don’t pretend to be better than anyone… actually I would love to be proven wrong. :)

    Alpha+ :
    Germany gets extra 4 inf and Tactical… but Russia gains just as much (Tank instead of Tactical).
    Japan loose 3 fighters, 2 tac and 2 bombers. Japan does gain 5 inf… but China nearly as much.
    Italian Tobruk reduction along with Brits new fleet setup… actually now sounds harder for Italy to gain any NO.

    As for US, not much changed besides -2 bombers. Their factories are reduced to minor… but upgrades free on war declaration, so it’s basically just a purchase managing deal.

    So I guess it must by NO and set up differences that Axis get helped. So I’m eager to play and to discover it.
    Oh! BTW, I really love new NO, sounds very nice.

    Again, I don’t want to sound negative. I’m not. Just giving my “unplayed impression” before I actually try it and, hopefully, change my mind.

    Anyone? (I can deal with few games at same time).

  • Big Bad Bruce,
      I just replied and started a thread. Thanks in advance for the game.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Looking for a G40 game Alpha+1 rules plus current (1/1/11) proposed changes using attached starting map.  No Tech.  Would like to play the allies as I have a game as the Axis.  This will only be my second G40 game so i’m sure i’ll have lots of questions.  PM me if interested.



  • I am. I PM you now.

  • looking for someone to play spring 1942 online. any takers

  • 2007 AAR League

    Looking for a G40 Alpha2 game.  PM me if your interested.

  • Looking for G40 Alpha 2 game.  Please PM.

  • Looking for a player for 1vs1 game.
    Alpha+ .2, tech or not, opt to you I don’t mind.
    I would like to play Axis, since I already play Allies in 4 games and not yet Axis in 1vs1 game.

    PM or answer here, both good.

  • Looking for a G40 Alpha +.2 game, +NOs, -Tech.  PM me if interested.

  • New to the boards: Looking for a PBEM AA42 game.  I am new to the whole PBEM, so I don’t really get all the specialized rules/maps/dicey used, so some patience needed.  I do consider myself a very strong player though - so this should be fun.

    Any takers?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Looking for G40 game… Alpha+2 rules… no tech. Will play either side. In-house dice. PM if interested…

  • 2007 AAR League


    Looking for G40 game… Alpha+2 rules… no tech. Will play either side. In-house dice. PM if interested…

    Sent you a PM.

  • TripleA

    LF Game.  A+2 - TMTM v. 3 ABattlemap.

    Good with either side, good with team games.

  • I can fit in a one on one game if anyone is interested. I’d prefer G40, either side is cool by me.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Looking for G40 game… Alpha+2 rules… no tech. Will play either side. In-house dice. PM if interested…

    Sent you a PM.

    Careful, EM, he’s starting to catch onto my mistakes and is starting to come up with better strategies.  Shall be fun to watch!  Filmatleven! (Film At Eleven, what old newscasters used to say.)

  • If you’re up for a game Cmdr Jennifer, I promise to never learn from my mistakes or from your strats.

  • Looking for a G40 A+2 game using Abattlemap.  No tech, will take either side.  I try to average a couple days per move.  Who’s interested?

  • Hey guys,

    After a 2-3 years pause, I’m up for another game ! I’d like to play AA42 LowLuck (or not, but I’d prefer LL). I only have the OOB rules at the moment, so I don’t know if there are any official Techs or NAs. If you have something to propose, feel free to do so ! Same goes for a bid. Is a bid needed in AA42 ?

    For LL, I remember there are a few specific rules, for the strategic bombing for example. Like you had to pay 2 IPCs to do a SBR (3 or 4 IPCs damage) if there is an AAgun in the territory. Feel free to refresh my memory on this !


  • Hi, I’d like to play OOB with tech. I’d like as the axis but wouldn’t mind as the allies Anyone pm me if interested

  • I’m interested in playing AAG40 Alpha 2 on ABattleMap.  PM me or reply here for discussion.

    Edit: Opponent found.

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