• 2024 2023 '22 '21

    A part of the US Strategy concerning the Battle of the Atlantic must include a plan to Search & Destroy the German U-Boats.

    A German U-Boat unit costs 4 IPC.

    A US Battleship unit - or even a Super Heavy Battleship unit (supported by a Destroyer unit) - can take damage hits in a Naval Battle against German U-Boat units.

    A Damage Hit on a Battleship unit can be repaired each at a cost of 3 IPC.

    With sufficient US Battleship units - supported by a limited number of Destroyer units - and massive support by Air units - the USA is able to counter any threat from German U-Boat units - and win the Battle of the Atlantic economically.

    This is the most popular US strategy concerning the battle against German U-Boat units in the Atlantic.

  • @the-captain

    Thanks for the tip!

  • I’ve always been wondering about this: how is the United States handled in your guys’ games in terms of Kill Germany First, Kill Japan First, or a little bit of both? In most Axis & Allies games, KGF is the only viable strategy. Little bit of both tends to be less effective, and KJF doesn’t work at all most of the time.

    Now, I haven’t tested each of these yet in your game, but I assume all three strategies are viable, and have advantages and disadvantages. What things do you have to keep in mind as the US player, doing one of these strategies? Are there certain situations that call for one strategy above the other? What strategy do you prefer?

    I’ve always done little bit of both, but the navy war against the Japanese tends to be slow if the Japanese build ships of their own, and I find it hard to make progress.

    For the game I am playing right now, I tried KGF, and it is working pretty well I think. The Americans have just enough to defend the most important islands and territories, and the Allies are making good progress on the mainland of Europe.

    I am interested to see how KJF turns out. The Japs in my games often have difficult starts, and it takes some time for them to get going. Attacking them right at that moment could have devastating effects.
    Not sure about the Germans though. If they rule the Atlantic and can put all of their attention on the Eastern Front, it might become a short game for the Russians lol.

  • @the-captain I’m sorry but in what game are you playing that it costs to repair a damaged battleship?

  • 2024 2023 '22


    The one with a 90 page set of additional house rules that he made.


  • @superbattleshipyamato ah ok thanks sounds like it’s way too much.

  • Hi @theveteran

    It is Axis & Allies Global 1940.

    In the House Rules section you can find the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.

    In this expansion you’ll find inspiration for both players that are new to the game - as well as Veterans like yourself ( I assume, according to you alias).

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    What TTys do Players historically find the most heavily mined and which borders ?

    I usually see Belarus, the Ukraines, Bryansk, sometimes, Archangel if I can get there in time.

    Also Holland, Normandy, Denmark, Norway.

    Late game, maybe W Ger, depending on the situation. It seems too easy to flank the Capitals, although depending on number of mines, it might encourage them to go a different route.

    I believe Captain mentions that somewhere.

    Mostly E and W Europe. I guess I could look at some game reports also but thought I’d ask anyway :) Give the Strat Guide a Bump lol

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Concerning placement of Mines:

    When you consider the use of Mines you should consider where the enemy is going to advance.

    Mines should defend on borders that are as close as possible to the enemy starting point.

    In Early 1940 the Soviets purchase 3 Mines. In Late 1940 those Mines are moved by Strategic Rail Movement to defend the border between Baltic States and Poland - since the Germans are most likely to going attack across that line.

    (Naturally, this strategy presupposes that Germany is not in control of Baltic States).

    This way all 3 Mines are most likely going to take out 3 German Land units - either during Combat Movement or Non-Combat Movement.

  • @the-captain yes I agree.

    Was wondering what TTys usually have Mines placed. I want to add those to the triplea Boxes map.

    Just mentioning here to promote discusssion :)

  • @barnee

    Lol as the Soviets I want to be as annoying as possible, so I build stacks of mines and place them wherever I can :)

    As the Germans, I do not build a lot of them. I often buy troops for the Eastern Front, and only when the Allies are on the doorsteps of Normandy, I try to spare some money for a couple of mines, but usually, they are to late to arrive :)

    I even built some mines in India once in a solo game, along the border with Shan State. The Japanese had only a stack of tanks, so I thought it would be worthwhile. The Japanese never attacked though lol

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As you can see in the Global 1943, No. 5 Game Report: Round Early 1947:

    The Soviets have reinforced the entire Eastern Front with Mines.

    German units have crossed only a few of these Minefields - with minimum losses.

    The Soviet strategy obviously included an extended use of Mines - but the effect had only minimum impact on German losses, since the Mines were spread out along the entire Eastern Front.

    Any strategy that includes Mines must take the following into account:

    • Which direction the enemy units are most likely to attack
    • Where do you want to channelize the enemy units
    • Where do you put the weight of your defense

    In the Soviet Far East, the Soviets can successfully place Mines on the borders of Yakut S.S.R. Yenisey, Buryatia in the event of a Japanese attack across those borders, since the Japanese land units are forced to move in that direction.

    The entire Eastern Front is simply too long to defend with Mines. Only a few obvious borders are preferable to defend with Mines - such as the borders between:

    • Novgorod and Baltic States
    • Novgorod and Archangel
    • Rostov and Caucasus
    • Caucasus and SZ 100 (to prevent Landing Craft assualts from Greece and Eastern Europe).
  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @the-captain Excellent Yes i find caucasus much harder to defend in EXP. It is quite key to do so though imo :)

    I still like Mines in Bellarus but as you say, it’s more to encourage a different movement. If one can keep Army Group South and North unable to support each other, that pretty much prevents any major German offensive.

    Bellarus is so key, for russia as well. There mobile units can strike both German Groups then.

    I find when trading TTys is when the mines seem to be more impactful.

    If Russia loses Belarus and both German Army Groups can concentrate with there superior mobility, there kinda fckd.

    Of course, if theres 3 German Army Groups, there pretty much fckd anyway lol

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Concerning Soviet Factories:

    Only Original Soviet Industrial Complexes that exist from game start (Early 1940) are covered by the rule described at pg. 20-21.

    This means that any enemy Industrial Complex that the Russian player may capture (or any Industrial Complex the Soviet player purchases) during the game must be treated on the same terms as for all other Nations.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 & 1943 House Rules Expansion, Naval Mines are being play testet during the 2023 Autumn & Winter Axis & Allies gaming season.

    Final results will be posted here.

    Feel free to play test on your own. Rules are attached below.


    1. G40 Naval Mines.pdf

  • @The-Captain


  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    The German Strategic Plan should include a Build-Up of Combat Engineer units early in the game - and continuously throughout the War.

    We have already seen extensive use of German Combat Engineer units during the latest Global 1940 and Global 1943 games during the 2023-2024 Axis & Allies Wiking-Con gaming season.

    The Combat Engineer units perform a variety of tasks - including the movement of captured Industrial Complex units, elimination of enemy Mines, Landing Strip construction etc.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21

    Based on the 3rd Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con that has just been held in Denmark , the Strategy Guide Global 1940 will be expanded in 2024 to contain new strategies for both the Axis and the Allies.

  • @The-Captain

    Very cool!

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