@barnee Thank you very much Barnee. This is the first time this situation has come up, so we wanted to do it right.
This is just a quick question on scrambling
I know that a territory with an airbase can scramble up to 3 fighters and no more into a Seazone of naval combat, but say if you had an airbase on Northern and Southern italy with say 3 italian fighters on both territories and their navy on said Sea zone 97 was attacked by British ships, would they be able to scramble all 6 fighters into battle or just 3?
@thedesertfox All six. Korea can do that for Japan as well
Thanks Barnee! This had been stumped for a while if 6 fghter scramble would be legal from 2 territories of air bases so I’m thankful I got the answer to that, much appreciated
See the rulebook, Pacific 1940.2, page 15:
“In situations where a sea zone is adjacent to more than one territory containing an air base, sea zone 6 and Japan and Korea (assuming one has been built there) for example, each of the territories can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers.” -
Thanks for letting me know where it was located in the rulebook, much appreciated man
@thedesertfox this is definitely one of those little rules that can totally mess you up if you don’t know it
Definitely. I’ve been playing many of the different versions of A&A for a while now and having read through rule book after rule book especially with G40 I still miss rules that I overlooked and what not so thank goodness the forums exist for people to inform on these kinds of overlooked and missed aspects of the game.