Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Couple naval Mine questions.

    *If multiple attacking Escort units pass through the
    same Naval Minefield, all of these Escort units
    can each sweep up to 3 enemy Naval Mines –
    even if the number of attacking Escort units
    exceed the number of enemy Naval Mines. *

    There are 3 NMs and 2 Ecorts on sweeper duty. Each Escort would get 3 rolls.
    If there was 1 NM, then each Escort would get 1 roll.

    An ESC on sweeper duty cannot retreat if the attacking force is all sunk. It also would be sunk.
    If the attacking force retreats, it could then retreat with it.

    Correct ?

  • @barnee

    Example 1:
    An Escort unit is passing a naval line with 1 enemy Naval Mine. The Escort unit can roll 3 dice in order to eliminate the enemy Naval Mine.

    Example 2:
    Two Escort units are passing a naval line with 1 enemy Naval Mine. Those Escort units can each roll 3 dice in order to eliminate the enemy Naval Mine.

    Example 3:
    Two Escort units are passing a naval line with 10 enemy Naval Mines. Those Escort units can each roll 3 dice in order to eliminate a maximum of 6 enemy Naval Mines.

    After the mine sweeping, the Escort unit(s) can be chosen as casualties if there were any enemy Naval Mines that survived - and detonated.

  • @The-Captain right on. So they always roll 3 regardless of # of NMs

    and this part

    An ESC on sweeper duty cannot retreat if the attacking force is all sunk. It also would be sunk.
    If the attacking force retreats, it could then retreat with it.

    The sweeper moves in CM with the rest of the Attacking Force.
    Does it’s rolls. If a mine hits that din’t get swept, he can be chosen as casualty. Got that.

    He doesn’t take place in Combat, other than being a Mine casualty if needed/desired.
    So if all the Attackers were sunk, he would be sunk too. If the Attackers retreated, he would retreat with them ?

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    This post is deleted!
  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

  • @barnee

    If the attacker retreats, the attacking Escort that sweeped Mines must also retreat since the Escort cannot stay in an enemy occupied sea zone.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    The 3rd Northern Europe Axis & Allies Wiking-Con has just been held in Denmark.

    Game Reports will soon be posted at the Global 1940 & 1943 Expansions Game Report Thread

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    We experienced that a few players was still using the “old” Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion rulebook.

    This came to our attention when a rule concerning the Soviet Air & Naval bases.

    The Soviets can destroy their bases any time at no cost (see pg. 21.).

    Make sure, that you use the updated version of the rulebook.

    The final updated rulebook is available at pg. 1 in this thread.

    The updated rulebook was released about 1 year ago.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • B barnee referenced this topic on
  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    After playing this for a couple years, a few suggestions. Or ideas :)

    I think Underground Factories should be bombable up to half there max value. That would require the Reich to keep Ftrs present to protect them. I usually have at least 3 Ftrs in W GER anyway, to protect the Fleet if i have one :) or just the Ruhr itself. But it would simulate the Air War better imo.

    Also think the Air battle should only last 2 Rds instead of unlimited. This gives the Defender a couple chances at shooting down the attackers, but not endless.
    Some Bombers would fly through the defending Ftrs and make it to there target. Only to be shot at by AA lol

    The other thing I’ve noticed, is i don’t use USA Paratroopers. They seem too expensive to transport. Would be better off just hauling a Artillery imo.
    I wonder if giving them the ability to transform from Infantry the way the Marines can, would be worth exploring. Or maybe you already have :)

    Thinking limit them to UK proper and only 2 a turn ? Idk. Maybe that unbalances Western Europe too much ?

    Anyway, not to sound critical in a bad way or anything :) Best Mod out there in my opinion :)

  • @barnee

    In the Explained thread (see Facilities) it is described why Underground Factories cannot be targeted by Strategic Bombing.

    Play testing concerning the Underground Factory rule initially included the following:

    • An IPC Penalty must be paid by the owner - the IPC amount is half the dice rolls combined.


    • Damage to an Underground Factory can only be half of the damage inflicted to a regular industrial complex

    The results were mixed - and the Underground Factory rule was not attractive enough with those rules.

    It is known today, that Germany dispersed some of their factories to the forrests (Surface Forrest Factories) - in combination with underground facilities.
    This was not known by the Allies until after the War.

    We also included these facts in the decisions about the Underground Factory rules.

    The final results of the Underground Factory rule are now included in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion

    Concerning Air-To-Air Combat Over Target Area during Strategic Bombing of factories or other facilities, we studied the scenarios from various battles of WWII.

    • During the Battle of France in may-June 1940, the French fighter pilots flew only 1 mission a day - whereas the German pilots flew more than 5 missions a day.
    • During the Battle of Britian, the RAF pilots flew multiple missions a day - whereas the German pilots flew a maximum of 2 sorties a day.
    • During the air defense of Germany in 1944 and 1945, Allied fighter pilots flew up to 2 missions a day - whereas the Luftwaffe pilots were sent up in the air as soon as they were refueled an rearmed - multiple times a day.

    Defending fighter pilots were close to their bases - but the attacker was hundreds of miles away from their own bases. This had an effect in both morale and fighting capacity.

    Those facts were also included in our play testing.

    These are some of the reasons that defending fighters defend at a higher factor than attacking fighters.

    The Air-To-Air Combat Over Target Area scenario was not over until either the attacker pushed his bombers through to the target - or was eliminated.

    Concerning Paratrooper units - this was the very first rule that we implemented in 1993 for the Axis & Allies Classic game.

    A lot of studying went ahead before we came up with multiple suggestions for the Paratrooper unit. Some aspects that we play tested were:

    • Infantry can be transformed to Paratrooper
    • Sabotage: Partroopper units can cause sabotage to enemy facilities
    • Airlifting: How to airlift a Paratrooper unit (Airlift Token or Bomber etc.)
    • Cost, attack, defense, movement on land, sea and by air (for example the US 82nd Airborne Division was transported by sea to North Africa in Late 1943).
    • Fighting in a city (Capital City area)
    • Education & Training of Paratrooper units

    The final result is now included in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion on pg. 18.

  • @The-Captain

    Concerning Total War Builds, except for India, the 5 Powers can place at any Factory that meets the criteria ? If I upgrade th S AF Minor to Heavy, I could place 4 Ftrs there ?

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21

    Concerning the Total War rule:

    From Early 1943 (round 7) the 5 major powers can mass produce units in accordance with the Total War rule.

    Those 5 Nations can use any of their own original Industrial Complexes for Total War production - as long as these factories have the required production capacity.

    United Kingdom cannot use India for Total War production. Only the Industrial Complexes on the European side of the map can be used for Total War production.
    The rulebook says “London only” - but the original UK factories in South Africa and Canada can also be used for Total War (Air units only…).

    See pg. 50 for further information.

  • B barnee referenced this topic on

  • @The-Captain

    Can Air Transports transport Allied units the way Naval Trprts can ?

    American Inf could load on a ANZAC Air Trprt for example.

  • @barnee

    Yes - Air Transport units operate under Transport rules concerning transportation of units.

    Only German Air Transport units can transport Tank units.

  • @The-Captain It’s not listed, but they can also transport AA Guns the way Transports do in OOB rules ?

    Screenshot from 2023-12-13 20-07-14.png

  • @barnee

    Only a German Air Transport unit can carry an Anti Aircraft Artillery unit, since an Anti Aircraft Artillery unit counts as a Tank unit for transport purposes.

  • @The-Captain Right on. So Tank, Paratrooper, AA Gun and Combat Engineer are the only units that can’t be transported by Air, unless a German Air Trprt.

    Naval Trprt can transport two of anything, except for the above four, which can only have one.

    Is that correct ?

  • @barnee

    The rulebook Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion describes the transportation capacity that is required for each unit.

    The rules concerning transportation by Sea, Air and Strategic Rail Movement is described under each unit - and in some cases also under “Escorts & Transports” as well as “Air Transport” and “Strategic Rail Movement”.

    We recommend that players refer to the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion rulebook in case of any questions concerning transportation of units, since specialized units such as Mines, Rockets, Factories etc. have various transportation requirements.

    Even among our Veteran Players we repeatedly refer to the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion rulebook.

  • @The-Captain I went through the rulebook and can’t find the transport costs for each unit. That’s why I’m asking.

    I go through the rulebook frequently and only ask when something isn’t clear. Where does it show the transport cost of each unit ?

    It’s not listed here

    Screenshot from 2023-12-15 10-47-00.png

    Some individual unit profiles will mention there transport cost but not all.

  • @barnee

    Okay - now I see :-)

    The Transportation Capacity that is required to transport each unit is described under the units profile.

    A Paratrooper unit (see pg. 18) is a specialized Infantry unit - but concerning transportation a Paratrooper unit counts as a Tank unit towards the capacity of a Transport, Landing Craft and Air Transport unit.

    Anyway - we’re grateful that you ask questions, since there is always something we can improve concerning the rulebook and Rules Clarification.

    Thanks again barnee :-)

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