• Well, I know that a lot of us chat here, play games, etc.  And that many of us are scattered all over the globe.

    But this board also brings people togetehr in “meat space.”  This evening, barring catastrophy, Angel and I will meet Bebo when we go out for dinner.

    Has anyone else actually met others from here face to face?  Has this site helped bring you and anyone else taht you did not already know together?

  • After many years of spending time online chatting and such, I’ve rarely gone on to meet people.  Usually it’s the distance, or things come and go, but I wouldn’t mind meeting someone from here.  Who am I kidding?  It’s because I’m a hideous, disgusting freak and would be rejected upon sight.

    Anyway, I think it’s good people are making connections, and am glad you have the chance to meet Bebo.  Have fun!  Maybe some day…

  • Yea get a myspace account and soon everybody will want to make you into the next lampshade or violate you in unimaginable ways.Thats allways a fun way to go.

    Seems that all world crime stems somehow from myspace account anyway… :-o

  • Moderator

    It would be cool to plan a face to face meet like for a couple years down the road, maybe convention something like that… That is way out there, but it would be interesting… And for the record no I haven’t met anyone from here.


  • i’ve met two guys - Mr Ghoul and Nick, and they were both cool.  It would be nice to join up with them for a game sometime this summer - beer is on me!

    Oh yeah - DF - i’ll try to sort out that trip down to AZ as soon as it looks feasible.

  • Just got back from meeting Bebo…

    GREAT GUY!  Angel and I had a wonderful evening.  Very personable gentleman and quite a pleasure to chat with.  Within minutes we were taling as though we had known each other for some time (and in a way I guess we have, via the boards).  The food was incredible!  And Bebo knows his wine!

    And yes, we discussed our current game, and both of us confirmed what we already suspected about moves and counter-moves.

    Lastly, Angel and I gave a standing invite for an FTF, with the drinks, food, and crash space on us.

    Mark this one up as a great success of A&A.org for making that meeting happen :-)  THANK YOU!

  • 2007 AAR League

    i personally would absolutely love to meet some of the people on this site, switch, bebo, octo and mojo come to mind very quickly, a comvention would be something i would be interested in seeing come about

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’ll be at GenCon SoCal in November. I believe that IL will be there too. If we can get enough people to commit to showing up, I’ll help organize an A&A tournament.

  • Yep ill be there! If somebody wants me to organize anything for AA please send me the contact info. I went to Gen con site and its very problematic to say the least.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’m not sure the GenCon folks are ready for GenCon SoCal yet. A little while ago there was no information up about the event.

    But the GenCon Indy stuff seemed to be working.

  • '19 Moderator

    There is a chance I could make this the socal event.  It all depends on the army.  I promised my kids I would take them to Disneyland when I got home.  We’ll have to see how it works out.

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