@VictoryFirst I’m gonna be out of town for a few days this weekend, not sure if i’ll be able to play.
Robson (X) vs Kilroynothere (A) G40 YGTE - game2 revenge of the dice gods
@robson Yeah, you never know… I’ve tried this move a few times over the years and even taking London does not give any assurances of an Axis victory! Lost a few times after taking London. This version is different with a victory token going to Axis after taking London, so gives me a bit more incentive. Regardless, definitely different and fun. We shall see!
@Robson UK is up!
@robson Just checking in to see how things are in your world. We had a bad ice storm last week that messed up a good chunk of Texas. I have friends without power now for over a week! We faired well, just lost some tree limbs to the ice.
@kilroynothere Hey Kilroy,
things are ok in the old european part of the world. Always intense discussion between politicians from all parties how and if to support Ukraine. Apart from that it is a extremly mild winter and way too warm. But our kids are not sick now which does not happen too often. I have to travel to a customer tomorrow who is located in Cologne. That will provide me some spare time to proceed playing TripleA in the hotel.
@robson Good to hear that the family is doing well. And yes, winters are different here as well now. I sincerely hope that humanity has not completely messed up the climate so bad we can’t recover. As for our government, we continue to support Ukraine, but not sure how long that political will is going to remain in place. Concerned that there are many fringe conservative voices in the US that don’t really care that democracy is being threatened by authoritarian regimes in a dramatic and direct way. US resisted WW1 and WW2, so maybe that’s just our way. Safe travels and hope the business trip goes well.
@Robson Just checking in to see how you are doing. Obviously you have become very busy, so just want to make sure you are still interested in the game. No pressure at this point as I am quite busy myself, but I’m definitely interested in continuing if you are. Talk to you soon.
@kilroynothere Hey Kilroy, yes the last 2 weeks were quite busy. We had to do lot´s of stuff with school stuff for our kids and my wife is sick now the second week in a row. It´s just a simple flu but since she got Covid last year every small infection like this leaves her sick for at least two weeks now. But I think I will be ready to continue our game this weekend as my parents will visit us and I have some spare time then. The following weekend will be totally awesome. We have planned a Global War 36 game with some other fellars from Europe and me from Friday till Sunday. As this is the first time for me playing this game face to face I am thrilled.
@robson Sorry to hear about your wife’s illness. Hope she shakes it soon and that her immune system gets better over time. Hearing a lot about folks that have had difficulties like her AFTER having Covid.
What a thrill to get together and play face to face for a few days! I just checked Global War 36 out. It’s a huge game! I believed I played the old 39 version when I was a kid, but have not tackled it since. I bet you need all three days to finish it! Have fun. I will be out of town all of this coming week so might not be able to respond to your post, but glad you will have some time to play again.
Hey Kilroy, finally I am back on track.triplea_36714_2uk.tsvg
@robson Hey there. Good to hear. Just got back from a “no-kid Spring Break” trip… so full relaxed and waaaayyyy behind at work. I’ll take a look and get back at you soon.
@Robson Very interesting opening for sure on this one. triplea_36714_2italy.tsvg
@robson Just checking in on you. Hope all is well.
@Robson Just a little concerned for you. I can only assume that life has consumed you! I hope everything is OK and nothing is too serious.