@vodot Thanks!
Some 3D Prints
I’ve searched all over the web looking for some good files to 3D print with my Ender 3. There are some beautiful sculpts out there. Unfortunately, most them won’t print on the Ender 3 or other low end filament printers. They are really designed for resin type printers. With that being said, I took it upon myself to learn TinkerCad and came up with some sculpts that can be easily printed on the Ender 3 or similar printers. I’ve posted them up on Thingiverse for anyone to have. I’ve bought a Bronze Filament and and using that for all these sculpts. Got that idea from GIJoe’s video on his custom pieces. Let me know what you think. Here is the link and some pics. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4717543
I assume that these pieces are, from top to bottom, a factory (minor factory for the games that distinguish), naval base, major factory, and airbase. Just making sure I understand you.
@midnight_reaper Yes sir. That is correct.
Here is a finished pic of all the sculpts. I added a Convoy Marker as well.
Those prints look nice. I assume the flames are to show damaged facilities / intercepted convoys. Is it a binary damaged / not damaged or is there a counter of some kind? Just Curious.
Seriously, I think these look good. I assume the color of the print will vary based on the feed stock, no?
My 2 IPCs,
And to follow up on Midnight Reaper’s question/comment about the flames: if they’re intended to represent smoke issuing from the chimney a functional undamaged facility or ship, an easy and inexpensive trick to achieve this effect is to use a bit of cotton wool (the stuff that’s sometimes found in unopened aspirin bottles), suitably fluffed up and stiffened with a bit of fine wire, or a section of pipe cleaner, or an unbent paperclip.
@midnight_reaper I have damage dials that I put underneath factories, naval yards and airfields to show how much damage. The lego flames I also use for damaged ships as well.
As for the color, it’s whatever filament I choose. That was shiny bronze. Camera doesn’t do them justice.