I like the Idea. A couple of thoughts.
5 Major powers seems optimal, my picks:
US duh? - (w/Britian & Canada)
European Union (Including the former Soviet Satellite states)
Russia (The old USSR not including Sateliite countries-I doubt the countries of the Eastern Bloc (the old Warsaw pact) would be eager to realign with Russia, more likely they would ally with the EU.)
ASEAN (Association of S.E. Asian Nations-Japan, Korea, Taiwan, South Pacific)
This leaves alot of territory unassigned, some sort of “Economic Spheres of Influence” or Trade could be incorporated to handle these.
In a free for all game of 5 players max, how will you handle a game with less than the max # of players?
Nukes…these are a problem.
Good choices, what do you thing about India as a major nation
When players are not avalible to play certain major nations they wwillremain neutral until some one pays a certain amount of money an etemptto sway that non player major nation to their side, then they controll that nation until another player sways the non player major nation away from their side.
Nukes, a problem maybe, I aactuallylike the idea of having super destructive weapons with unlimited range, not because a like games that end the first turn but because I like games that are realistic. I doubt that in the real world a war between to major powers with nuclear ccapabilities would result in nuclear war, most of the fighting would probable involve mass tank battle with air and naval mmissilesupport. Even if one side was losing, using nuclear missiles would make situation iinfinitelyworse for them and their enemy. The only real nuclear treat in the world to day is not from Iran or North Korea or any ccountryfor that matter, it is from a group of people who are insane, crazy, and uunreasonable that if they did got their hands on a nuke they would use it iimmediately
I think this should be represented the game