First off, knowing I am posting on a world war 2 board I took for granted you would see what I was relating to.
Germany lost land in world war 1. It (argueably) waged an aggressive war and lost. As a consequence it lost territory, and that territory still had Germans on it. Hitler took Austria and the sudetenland with the same kind of reasoning that the palastinians have. It was ours, you stole it, blah blah blah. The only differenece between the 2 situations is that Germany was a mitlary threat, where the Palastinians are only a terrorist threat. We will negotiate with other countries, we won’t with terrorist (who also hold no real power outside terrorism).
Mexican American war, niether side was comepletly right… but I would say the US was more wrong than mexico was. To this day Mexicans complain about how the west was stolen from them, and that may be true. But I’m not giving it back (any more than they would give the land back they stole from the indians that they wiped out that lived there before them).
As to “might making right”, you are being naive to say it does not work that way. It works that way in a school playground all the way up to the superpower of the world. It has many forms, but it all accomplishes the same thing. In its basic form lets say one man is born smarter than another man. Because of his intelegence he gets a better education, and has a higher standard of living because of it. In this case intelegence is the “might” and in the end, it is proven right because that is the reality of the world.
You are confusing lack of there being a world war 3 as being “we don’t wage wars of conquest any more”. Very very naive. Because there are no foot soldiers shooting people? Why do you think that the British colonial empire collapsed (or all colonial empires for that matter). The romantic notion is that the colonies “had had enough” and “forced” England to give them independence. Not the case at all. England was in economic ruin after WW2, they needed the US. The help did not come free. Pressure from our government forced the english (and everyone else) to let thier colonies go. Very nice of us eh? Not really. We knew we could make better cheaper products than the rest of the world. So an open market was to our advantage. And, like a loan shark we loaned $ out to 3rd world countries (and so did USSR). These countries for the most part were not going to be able to repay these loans, hence we have taken over the part of the British. Where they held these countries “in place” with a gun, we do it with a check book. And to be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with that. No one forced them to take the $. They did it on thier own. It is like a person who runs up credit cards putting himself in a hopeless situation, than complains that the credit card industry is “oppressing him”.
I have gotten off track. My point is that the power that we hold now in the world is a war of $ instead of with troops. After 911 troops were needed again (whole different conversation). But the “might is right” aspect of how human society works has not changed at all.
I apply darwin (and in evolution, might does make right) to all aspects of human society/life (someone suggested I quote the bible a lot here… although i do know it, I don’t ever remember quoting it or saying I was anywhere close to being a christian). This will not be popular, but I will say it anyway. The idea all human life is equal is total nonsense. If that were true than that would make both anne frank and Jeffery dalmer equals. And they aren’t. More “value” is placed on anne frank’s life than that of Jeffery Dalmer. If you recognize that as being true… the only arguement you can have with me is one of degree.
Human life is also not equal to the individual. This one should be a no brainer. Typicaly you hold more “worth” for people who first share the same genes, second the same society, third the same values. 1st one meaning, if your mother or my mother had to die of cancer… and you got to choose which one died, you obviously would say my mother should. As I would say yours should. Why, because we both have a genetic link to our mothers. 2nd point, who here would of rather that 911 happened in a different country? Lets say the planes crashed into the eifel tower instead. Now there would have still been an outcry in the US, but nowhere near as loud. Do you think the people of Paris would rather the planes hit them instead? Of course not, because they put more value (as do we) in people of thier own society. The last part is “values” is a hard one to explain comepletly. Using the middle east as an the example versus western values. Many people in the west have become desenitized to human rights violations in that region of the world. The sheer number of them is staggering, and adds to this. Thier cultural norms are not the same as ours (husbands having the right to hit thier wives, etc etc). So when people hear of these things in this part of the world they have a “that figures” kind of attitude. Now, if in England a new government was formed that had the same exact record of human rights violations and what not, we would all be up in arms. A better example might be Japan. Because before WW2 they were seen as the “that figures” group, now they have become very much like us culturaly and we can empathize more with them than we could 70 years ago.
I have been all over the place with this, sorry. But my general point is that might does make right. People/culturs/values are not all equal (unless you think the nazi government was the equal to ours) and the best will rise to the top. And best is defined by “might makes right”. The good guys never lost a war in the history of the world, beacuse they were the ones who wrote the history books :-?