To all you Pro-Israeli supporters here

  • I support Israel, because the palestinians are terrorists, and hate the United States. Very simple, its obvious because they burnt our flag and celebrated during september 11th, that the palestinians are our enemies.

  • Quite right comrade! good post! semper fi!

  • @marine36:

    I support Israel, because the palestinians are terrorists, and hate the United States. Very simple, its obvious because they burnt our flag and celebrated during september 11th, that the palestinians are our enemies.

    two words:

    i’m guessing that if i were Palestinian, i would be hating the US as well. So would you - probably more vehemantly than anyone.

  • Yanny,

    Think about this. Since Israel’s founding in '48, they’ve been attacked by their neighbors FOUR times. And each time, Israel has kicked their muslim butts across their borders. That’s one nation that can confidently say that God is on their side. That being the case, I would want to support them, wouldn’t you?

    As God said in the Bible about the Israelies, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” That being said, how many nations throught the ages have attacked, enslaved, and butchered Jews? Each time that nation has been destroyed to include many ancient world powers including Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and some modern day countries like Germany and Russia. All those nations were destroyed in one way or the other. Babylon, Assyria, and Egypt all perished as cultures. Germany under Hitler was destroyed by the Allies. Russia eventually imploded under communism. And throught the ages, the Jews have survived. They have survived as a race of people since the days of Abraham despite all that was thrown at them. God promised them that he would never cut them off from this world. Yes, Yanny, I will definetaly support those who God supports. :lol:

    Rune Blade
    “The Master of Debate”

  • Yes, Israel kicked all their asses without any help at all :roll:

  • Yes USA won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes USSR won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes England won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes France won world war one without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes America won her independance without any help at all. :roll:

    and? :wink: :o

  • @Imperious:

    Yes USA won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes USSR won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes England won world war two without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes France won world war one without any help at all. :roll:

    Yes America won her independance without any help at all. :roll:

    and? :wink: :o

    well this is all silly.
    It’s quite obvious that the Canucks beat the crap out of those sad little German troops quite handily without any help at all.
    Don’t mess with a prairie boy!

  • I’ve been trying to think of something meaningful to say in this thread, and it keeps escaping me. Perhaps the best that can be said is that just because one is pro-Israel doesn’t mean that one has be anti-Palestinian. Certainly the ethno-religious undertones of some of the posts are disturbing, as is the enthusiasm many of the writers appear to have for Israel, since no even-handed account for the Israeli-Arab conflict and Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be gung-ho for one side or the other.

    Two points: First, the Palestinians and Arabs more generally are not a homogenous group. I would have thought the latest Iraq incursion would have evinced that, but evidently not. Hamas is not Fatah, which is not Islamic Jihad, or Hezbollah, or even the PA all together. When dealing with this particular situation, sweeping generalizations about the character of a whole society make careful analysis exceedingly difficult. For example, many (probably most) people in the Gaza Strip support Hamas. Is it because they are violently anti-Israel? To an extent, but don’t forget that Hamas provides critical infrastructure and social services. This is different from Islamic Jihad, which is more generally focused on the military aspect. And, while polling data is sketchy at best, generally it appears that the majority of Palestinians want a negotiated, fair two state solution to the conflict that enables Israeli security but sees Palestinian independence.

    Second, religious idealism/fanaticism aside, a hard-nosed look at Israeli policy shows a remarkable amount of restraint, no doubt. But the policy of settlements, the separation barrier, assassination, and the disruption of Palestinian leadership and self-determination – these are not things anyone should be happy about. And, as I’ve written elsewhere, no one should be comfortable in accepting the early Zionist ideas that Palestine was uninhabited. That was patently not the case, and plenty of historical records back that up. See for example, Benny Morris’ Righteous Victims. As such, the Palestinians have a point, although they’ve made political mistakes in trying to actualize it: why should the Arabs, who have a history of tolerance to Judaism probably better than the West, have to give up land to settle Western guilt over what they did to the Jews? I don’t necessarily agree with this statement, but most of the previous commentators have got to be much more careful in their thinking about this issue, as it reveals a decided lack of nuance for the complexities of the situation.

  • Second, religious idealism/fanaticism aside, a hard-nosed look at Israeli policy shows a remarkable amount of restraint, no doubt. But the policy of settlements, the separation barrier, assassination, and the disruption of Palestinian leadership and self-determination – these are not things anyone should be happy about.

    Dude, what do you think those little Palestinians do over there? They murder children, they shoot babies in the heads with sniper rifles, they blow up churches, they kill school children, they kill anyone who doesn’t agree with them. That is the Palestinian people. They are incapable of peace. Their religion, and funding from Iran, will continue to make them a terrorist group.

    Israel doens’t attack those Palestinians unless they do something to Israel. You know, tit for tat? No one seems to be giving Israel credit for the amount of restraint they show against those savages that scream “Death to Israel” and then blow up their children. I’m one of those people that is glad that Yassir Arafat is dead. I’m glad he’s burning in hell where he belongs. He was the number one terrorist leader of Palestine who constantly allowed suicide bombings by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to kill innocent men, women, and children.

    In the end, the Palestinian cause will never win. Yes, their will be peace eventually, according to the book of Ezeikiel in the Bible. But it won’t last long when the enemies of Israel will march against them again (Chapters 38 and 39. I only hope America stays on the right side in this fight.

    Rune Blade
    "The Master of Debate

  • First, the Palestinians and Arabs more generally are not a homogenous group

    Good post and your correct to point out this reality. We cant blame ALL the people who live in the same area, even though many of them in fact want a world w/o Isreal. They are a homogenous population but come from different backrounds to be sure and any policy doesn’t “blanket” their political dispositions. Thats sounds more like the way you treat school children than nations in conflict.

  • RB, it is difficult to substantiate what your points, mostly because they are so sweeping and fail in large part to account for the complexities of the situation. First, Hezbollah gets funding from Iran. Hamas and Islamic Jihad…well, that’s a tougher sell. More likely, their sources come from Saudi Arabia.

    For your tit-for-tat argument, again, you’re missing a huge amount of pertinent detail. The Palestinians view settlements as inherently a terrorist activity, depriving them not of life certainly, but attempting to make a fait accompli with a view towards final status. This is partly born out by what is happening in the West Bank. Don’t forget, the occupation was frankly quite easy until Gush Emunim and its forbearers decided to establish settlements not for security because of some form of manifest destiny. This provoked resistance because Israel, by tacit if not explicit consent, changed the nature of the occupation. It was no longer temporary, with the ultimate goal of return. As for terrorism more generally, don’t forget it was the Stern Gang that committed the first terrorist act since “Partition” and the start of the 1948 war by killing the UN representative. Indiscriminate attack has a much longer and deeper history in that region than a simple “Arabs are terrorists, Israelis are victims” mentality portrays.

    Finally, I find your reliance on religious argumentation objectionable. Not because a religious argument isn’t valid. It most certainly is, although it is an exceedingly poor guide for policy analysis in the manner you have adopted. Rather, your comments about Islam, about how all Palestinians are this way or that, adopting the simple mentality towards Israel I just mentioned – it lends itself to a stubbornness which resists factual challenge, not because the facts aren’t true, but because you are too wedded to an idea to let it go. In short, you’re not thinking critically, and it’s leading you to highly questionable, or derogatory or outright inflammatory, comments.

    IL - I’m a little confused by the wording of your post. Are you agreeing with me that the Arabs and Palestinians are not a homogenous community?

  • Good post and your correct to point out this reality

    whats unclear about this?? :o

  • Sorry, I should have been more specific. :oops:

    I was referring to:

    They are a homogenous population but come from different backrounds to be sure and any policy doesn’t “blanket” their political dispositions.

    The rest of your post sounded in agreement with mine, but I had specifically stated that they’re not a homogenous group, neither in the character of the people nor in the political/civic groups that the congregate in. This of course makes policy planning and prescriptions difficult, to say the least.

    Incidentally, again based on poll and anecdotal data, most Palestinians appear okay with Israel’s existence, but not its policies. Of course, you tend to hear more of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad.

  • They are a homogenous population but come from different backrounds to be sure and any policy doesn’t “blanket” their political dispositions

    As a whole they are a captive population within Isreal and have to share the same economic pie but with completely different values and ideas on what to do about their situation. So any policy presented against the violent groups within this community should not go against all these peoples.

  • They joined in an aggressive war against Isreal hoping that they could do a “Holcaust 2” when the arabs won. However, they lost, and as a consequence they lost land. To the victor goes the spoils. Or do you think had the war gone against Isreal that the kindly palastinians would have allowed Isreal to exist?

    As to the garbage about Isreal taking thier land. Yep, they did. But the Palastinians are using the ame argument Hitler used to start WW2.

  • @cystic:


    I support Israel, because the palestinians are terrorists, and hate the United States. Very simple, its obvious because they burnt our flag and celebrated during september 11th, that the palestinians are our enemies.

    two words:

    i’m guessing that if i were Palestinian, i would be hating the US as well. So would you - probably more vehemantly than anyone.

    Ahh, I am glad you see things that way. So you condone US military action against the palastinians since we have them on tape celebrating 9-11? They obviously hate us, so that justifies us hating them and taking action against them. Oh, but wait. It is only fashionable to hate the US for the evils that it does. I keep forgetting that one.

  • @Zooey72:



    I support Israel, because the palestinians are terrorists, and hate the United States. Very simple, its obvious because they burnt our flag and celebrated during september 11th, that the palestinians are our enemies.

    two words:

    i’m guessing that if i were Palestinian, i would be hating the US as well. So would you - probably more vehemantly than anyone.

    Ahh, I am glad you see things that way. So you condone US military action against the palastinians since we have them on tape celebrating 9-11?

    no, i’m saying "wake the f**k up! There is a reason that they are celebrating, and it’s not your simplistic “they are stupid and can only learn lessons by force” point.

    They obviously hate us, so that justifies us hating them and taking action against them. Oh, but wait. It is only fashionable to hate the US for the evils that it does. I keep forgetting that one.

    You like quoting The Bible so much - take a lesson from it.

  • @Zooey72:

    As to the garbage about Isreal taking thier land. Yep, they did. But the Palastinians are using the ame argument Hitler used to start WW2.

    WTF ?

  • @F_alk:


    As to the garbage about Isreal taking thier land. Yep, they did. But the Palastinians are using the ame argument Hitler used to start WW2.

    WTF ?

    perhaps Zooey=Jen?

  • @Zooey72:

    They joined in an aggressive war against Isreal hoping that they could do a “Holcaust 2” when the arabs won. However, they lost, and as a consequence they lost land. To the victor goes the spoils. Or do you think had the war gone against Isreal that the kindly palastinians would have allowed Isreal to exist?

    As to the garbage about Isreal taking thier land. Yep, they did. But the Palastinians are using the ame argument Hitler used to start WW2.

    You need to substantiate your points. What aggressive war are you talking about? 1967? Maybe. Certainly not 1956. And 1948 can’t really be called an aggressive war. It was a constitutive war, about whether Israel could exist, whereas an aggressive war runs from the premise that Israel already exists. Significantly different moral and strategic questions between the two. In addition, don’t forget that the Palestinians, rightly or wrongly, did not really participate in the wars until after the 1979 peace accord, or Sadat’s 1977 trip to the Knesset. Only then did the PLO emerge as the legitimate representative of the Palestinians, whereas before the Arab countries acted as caretakers of the Palestinian cause. As for what the Arabs would have done had they won, it’s a little difficult to talk in counterfactuals. You’re relying on the beliefs that Muslims are a blood-thirsty people to justify your argument, and in some sense projecting what European countries have done to their Jewish populations onto the Arabs. Logically and historically, this is all questionable. I remain unconvinced that Arabs in 1948 wanted a genocidal campaign. Even up to the rise of radical Islamic groups, I am unsure if the Arab regimes would have made no provisions for allowing Jews a place in their countries. They are a protected people in the Koran after all.

    I am also disturbed by the constant refrain of “might makes right” on this board. While the norm has only been around for 50 years, territorial acquisition by military force is nearly unthinkable now. The remaining problems the world has over occupation pre-date this normative transition (with the possible exception of Cyprus). I would need lots more time to detail why normative values impact foreign policy planning, but let me just say that in all US military planning, the idea of forced acquisition is never considered. Same for most of the rest of the world. Clearly, there is something at work that might does not make right.

    Your last point is, to be frank, inane and simplistic. The analogy is difficult to justify, if indeed it can be. The Tibetans talk about how the Chinese took their land, how they would like it back, and how they would okay with autonomy. Perhaps a superficially similar argument to Hitler’s, but certainly minus the racial undertones of lebensraum (spelling?). And they have the balance of history on their side as well. Just because one is militarily weaker, does that therefore mean they are wrong and deserve to have their lives destroyed or limited? Certainly not. Again, you’re not thinking critically. At some point, you must start appreciating the nuance of the particular situation and carefully analyze how that impacts policy decisions and prescriptions.

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