Thank you very much !
Submarine rules
Could someone explain how the submarine surprise strike work?
I am not sure that I can explain that better than the rulebook does.
So maybe let us focus on that part of the surprise strike rules (page 18/19) that you are struggeling with?
Where do you need assistance? -
In my book it is page 30. Anyway, it appears to me that the suprise attack is no more than just the subs attacking and defending, THEN the others taking place in the combat. If it is like that why do they have the suprise attack anyway?
Yes indeed, I was referring to how it is included in the combat sequence.The main aspect of the surprise strike is, that the enemy units hit by those are taken out of the game immediately. Casualties don’t fire back (except enemy subs when doing their surprise strike). That is different from the regular combat occurring after that.
Oh, ok. I didn’t realize that they went out of play immediately. Thank you panther!