Well a debate has insued fowlling my little thouths on, basically, game mechanics. But let me retort a little. The debate on the bomb has been a recent occurence, say since the late 60’s. Before that it was simply “Wow what a powerful weapon and thank God we used it to too end the war”. yes that simple I would say the invention of the H-Bomb caused more disturbance in the mind then the A-bomb ever could have caused. One point often overlooked is that many in Japan wanted to continue the war, even after Nagisaki (SP?), and it was only till the Russians came in did these voices get drown out. But the idea of the war going on was a real possisbillty late into 45 and early 46. On top of this the US was out of bombs, looking at mid 46, till new ones appeared, in fact, I think, Nimitz wanted to use the bomb in the invasion of southern Japan in late 45, against troop concentrations. So the idea of using the bomb as a weapon operationally was a valid option. There fore why keep the bomb out of the arsenal.