Thanks for answering.
I hesitated on making it a poll but the choices are still fuzzy and can depend on specific houserules instead of a generic mechanism.
And sometimes, the answer cannot fit in a single point.
You just introduce two kinds of air combat according to the grounds setting or the naval setting of the battle. Already outside the boxes.
To summarize in a different fashion:
Against ground: 1 single air-to-air phase with as many combat cycles required to get total air supremacy. Then regular combat follow.
Air phase values:
Fighter A1 D2 M4-5 cost 8?
Tactical Bomber A1 D1 M4-5 cost 10?
Strategic Bomber A1 D0 M6-7 cost 12
In naval combat:
All units has their OOB value
Fighter A3 D4 M4-5 any hit is applied to an enemy’s aircraft first if targeted,
Tactical Bomber A3-4 D3 M4-5, any hit is applied to capital warship first (Carrier, Battleship and Cruiser, if targeted)
Strategic Bomber A4 D1 M6-7, any hit can be applied to Submarines first.
1- All aircrafts roll dice, and target casualties.
2- Then all ships roll dice, owner choose casualties.
3- Remove casualties.
Is it right?
Here is the poll:
4 ways to play aircrafts dogfighting inside G40 or 1942.2 ?
November 26, 2014, 09:17:43 pm