I think its better you just get the starting values
and 1 additional roll for every 10 IPC above starting income
Thats exactly what i just said except it wasnt 20 IPC ( i was just using that number)
10 IPC is fine… every 10 more than what you start with you gain the ability to buy one more tech roll. THis has nothing to do with the rolls you naturally start with.
P.S. specifically, is it realism or gameplay that we should not have a possible decline of diplomatic powers?
WAIT: i was talking about tech rolls… not diplomatic rolls Woops!!!
OK i spaced out… my entire input was dealing with tech rolls and the possiblity of getting additional tech buys based on increased income…
The idea your talking about is diplomatic roles and i feel no changes respective of income should be made. Income has little to do with the ability to get allies.
IN the earlier posts on diplomacy we discussed a number of modifiers that make neutrals easier to change and this alone should be the determining factor on this problem.