I think this would be part of phase two, but there may be overlap into phase three.
Espionage ~ Throughout WW2 spies were utilized to weaken enemy positions. A well-known example of this is the insertion of English speaking Germans in American uniforms behind Allied lines during the Ardennes offensive.
New Unit: Spy – Costs 10 IPCs, does not take part in combat. Spies can move into territories occupied by enemy forces as long as a Counter-Espionage Force is not present. Has a movement of 1.
Spies can conduct a single act of espionage per turn, chosen from the options listed below. Acts of espionage, unless otherwise listed, must be done in a territory controlled by an opponent.
Industrial Espionage – Reduce the opposing nation’s total IPCs by 1/2 of the spy’s current territory’s production value, rounded down. For example; Japan has 30 IPCs saved, and a USSR spy conducts industrial espionage in Manchuria. Japan loses 1 IPC, bringing it’s total to 29.
Gather Technological Intelligence - Chose a technology your opponent has more research completed in than you. You gain one research point towards the completion of that technology.
Incite Rebellion – Receive X free infantry, where X is one third of the nations production value plus one (if the territory was originally owned by your nation but captured, you receive two thirds instead of one third) rounded down. If no enemy units are present in the territory you gain control of it. If enemy units are present combat takes place, with you as the attacker. The infantry attack in the opening fire step, as they would have surprised the defending forces.
Confuse Defenders - Two units from the same territory chosen by you attack each other. A single round of combat takes place, with both units using their offensive value. After casualties are removed the remaining units end combat, having realized their error.
Assassinate Government Personnel - Roll one D6. If you roll a six, the territory the spy is currently in will not contribute to the nation’s IPC count during the next collect income phase.
Counter-Intelligence – The spy gains the ability of a Counter-Espionage Force, allowing it to attack enemy spies. However, the spy can still not partake in regular combat. Note: a spy does not need to be in an enemy territory to sue this ability.
New Unit: Counter-Espionage Force – Costs 4 IPCs, attacks on a 1 and defends on a 2. Has a movement of 1.
A Counter-Espionage Force is capable of detecting spies. If it enters a territory containing a spy, all units within the territory will instantly attack the enemy spy. When attacking a spy the Counter-Espionage Force attacks on a 4 or less.