Having not played 39/40, are you looking for more room for pieces on the map, or more territories on the map to play within?
Both, but predominantly more territories. Again, maybe experience would prove me wrong and (a little bit) bigger is not better, but I would like to try it. Without having played, I like the territory layout of G39 better, but prefer the aesthetics of G40.
I wonder how much printing this out will cost….
YoungGrasshopper was printing his modified G40 for about $150. I don’t recall if he was resizing it, but it was at least $150 for him. He also lives in Canada, so there might be a very slight price difference. I am sure your local print shop could give an estimate if you asked.
Next step will be finalizing my rules and deciding on what pieces to use.
Seems like the map is most important and the rest will fall in place or evolve as time goes on. Pieces and rules can always be added or subtracted. Spaces on the gameboard; not so much.