Good job! Great idea to have this post.
Unless I’m misunderstanding your post, you’re including rules/pieces/etc. from expansion sets as well here, right?
If that’s accurate, then you might want to make an addendum to your “Retreating from Attacks” section, showing that there’s a special rule for defending Afrika Korps units, if using the DAK expansion. Defending DAK armored units may retreat from combat. This is an exception to the normal rule of defenders being unable to retreat.
Also, for “Strategic/Carpet Bombing Raid”, you may want to clarify that the interception combat has smaller combat values than standard attack/defense rates.
For Mountain Rules, you may want to specify that an entirely mountainous zone gives the -1 modifier to ALL rounds of combat.
Besides that, not sure how picky you want to get with this, but I noticed a few spelling errors:
defence - should be defense
eath - should be each
durring - should be during
cassualites - should be casualties
subgect - should be subject
superriority - should be superiority
fortafication - should be fortification
Panama Chanal - should be Panama Canal