I don’t know any other girls that play, but you can always look! I got interested in it at GenCon in 1994. (To tell the truth, at the time I thought the Aircraft Carriers were the cutest darn pieces. Maybe I’m just a closet “valley girl”?)
Compared with other games this game is not very good in my opnion.
please explain why and what other games are better? AaA IMO is one of the better Wargames invented due to it’s variability with different ages and its ruleset which allows for strategies and variants… Of course if you play Monopoly and Scrabble I completely understand… or are you referring to games inside the AaA series? That I can agree on…
Can’t please everyone :-D
You came onto an Axis and Allies sight, started an Axis and Allies based login, started up an Axis and Allies based topic… just to say that you dont like the game?
You must REALLY not like it :wink:
relax, he’s just got multiple personality disorder or something.;topicseen#msg80739
Maybe he means 2nd edition is no good. Oh well, I’m sure it was worth posting a forum topic about.
What others, of a similar type, are better? Seriously I want to know because I would buy them.
If I had to rate the top games on a big map (besides deeply complex wargames), I would place them like this:
1. Diplomacy
2. A&A
3. An offshoot of either of these, like the unofficial A&A upgrades or Game of Thrones.
This thread and the one called “risk sucks” (see other games) should be combined so that we get 7 pages with either “axis and allies sucks” and “risk sucks”
I think chutes and ladders “sucks” what do you think???… I mean i hate it when i slide back a number of spaces if i land on that dreaded “chute”
sorry Imp… I can only split threads into 2 threads, can’t combine… but good idea :wink: