I am of the contrary opinion to my esteemed colleagues…I think it is not a bad idea in lieu of RR games small bid games.
More often than not, the US does no attacks on US 1 anyway. Admittedly you restrict their ability to counter-Pearl but that does not happen the majority of games. Other than that, there is not much they attack most of the time.
The UK is interesting…in 2nd edition 1 hit BB games the major problem is being able to hit AES and withstand the counter against AES on G1/UK1. The bid is almost always used to give Germany a headstart in Africa. Sometimes UK gets to mop up German u-boats, take out the Med fleet, strat bomb Germany, or hit F/N.
This option might indeed be viable by allowing a reasonable Afrika Corps to be established.
There’s no need to panic over India…you still can have 3 Inf, 1 Ftr and a tranny to block. Plus Russians to counter if you want. Of course, I’d personally send the tranny to Australia, the India forces to Sinkiang, and the Syria Inf to Persia. Land your 2 UK Ftrs/Bomber in Russia. Gives you 3 Ftrs, 1 bomber, 3 Inf to counter India…plus the possibility to bring 2 more from Australia…if tranny survives…and even if not, Pearl is riskier for Japan. Remember, you move before Japan so there is no need to get wasted in India. Assuming Russia builds the Yakut wall…you have 2 US, 3 UK, possibly 5 UK, + the Russkies + the UK air to retreat to Novo. This is plenty and is what typically happens in 3rd Edition Russia NOT Restricted games with a large bid in Africa. Indeed, a large number of those games see the UK evac India to Sinkiang on UK 1…no different in this setup.
Could work…I’ll try it out sometime.