Should Lord Curtmungus leave A&

  • '17 '16

    Gargantua… first, you’re not funny.

    Even though you KNOW it’s a dated picture, i’ll go ahead and debunk you.

    To start off, you have no answer for the most damning evidence, the fact he has a 1980s Post Grape Nuts cereal box in a clearly 1970s decorated trailer home, playing a game from 1984… I won’t even mention the feathered hair of the guy on the left.

    Next, gallon water jugs existed and were in-use in the 1980s, when this shot was taken. I had them myself back then.

    Finally, you need to get your eyes checked… there’s no energy drink on the market with that design… I will fill you in to finally put your idiotic defense to rest.

    Ladies and Gentleman of the court, I am pleased to announce we have magnified the can and have clearly identified make, design and year.

    That is the silver on the top, white on the bottom, blue bull in the middle, proudly named SCHLITZ logo on the top… and that design is the 1984 Schlitz Stout Malt Liquor 16oz can.

    1984 Gentlemen… I rest my case. Curt tried to pawn-off a 30 year old picture, which has been clearly identified and dated.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Outstanding work Wolfshanze! This is what I hoped for!

    Further - if it pleases the court, I will call myself to the witness stand; and reveal a hidden truth.

    Having met Lord Curtmungus in person, and knowing his look and age, I can confirm without any doubt or hesitation, that the photo, whilst a legitimate historical document, is NOT of the so called Lord Curtmungus!


    :evil: :x :-P :-( :evil: :x

    Who said it was of meeee!!

    I’m so angry right now, I’d use 100 point font to express my rage (if the moderators wouldn’t ban me for it!)!!!

    Those are my uncles!  I was but a wee lad!  I was nipping at their feet, learning the gaming way from these sage war-masters!

    Those men would put any of you to utter shame!

    They’d pound down 3 cases of Schlitz Malt (they’d hand a few off to me on the side, I was 6), play 3 games of Boarding Parties or Fortress America, and then fire out at midnight into the yard to do some MIG welding until dawn, sparks flying in the darkness….

    BAD ASS!

    They are still making awesome Burning Man Art Cars… here is last years:

  • '17 '16



    Who said it was of meeee!!

    Ummm… pretty much you…


    Also, just so you guys know I am not some monster, and that I have a home and friends, here is a family photo a typical day at the Mungus house.

    If you didn’t quote it directly, you certainly implied it, and in any case, it’s clearly not a photo of you, your family, or anything about you.

    At this point, it’s pretty clear you are a forum troll and your main point in being here is not to discuss A&A or even matters relating to A&A (like WWII), but to draw attention to yourself and annoy others…

    You have many posts about wanting to blend in and hang out… if that were really your interest, try making posts about A&A, WWII subjects, or your collection of games… endlessly self-promoting isn’t going to win you any friends beyond your personal forum apologizer, Gargantua.

    My 2-cents

  • @Wolfshanze:

    Gargantua… first, you’re not funny.

    Even though you KNOW it’s a dated picture, i’ll go ahead and debunk you.

    To start off, you have no answer for the most damning evidence, the fact he has a 1980s Post Grape Nuts cereal box in a clearly 1970s decorated trailer home, playing a game from 1984… I won’t even mention the feathered hair of the guy on the left.

    Next, gallon water jugs existed and were in-use in the 1980s, when this shot was taken. I had them myself back then.

    Finally, you need to get your eyes checked… there’s no energy drink on the market with that design… I will fill you in to finally put your idiotic defense to rest.

    Ladies and Gentleman of the court, I am pleased to announce we have magnified the can and have clearly identified make, design and year.

    That is the silver on the top, white on the bottom, blue bull in the middle, proudly named SCHLITZ logo on the top… and that design is the 1984 Schlitz Stout Malt Liquor 16oz can.

    1984 Gentlemen… I rest my case. Curt tried to pawn-off a 30 year old picture, which has been clearly identified and dated.

    Bravo Bravo.  you are truly a master at this art.

  • @Wolfshanze:



    Who said it was of meeee!!

    Ummm… pretty much you…


    Also, just so you guys know I am not some monster, and that I have a home and friends, here is a family photo a typical day at the Mungus house.

    If you didn’t quote it directly, you certainly implied it, and in any case, it’s clearly not a photo of you, your family, or anything about you.

    At this point, it’s pretty clear you are a forum troll and your main point in being here is not to discuss A&A or even matters relating to A&A (like WWII), but to draw attention to yourself and annoy others…

    You have many posts about wanting to blend in and hang out… if that were really your interest, try making posts about A&A, WWII subjects, or your collection of games… endlessly self-promoting isn’t going to win you any friends beyond your personal forum apologizer, Gargantua.

    My 2-cents


    :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

    Says you who’s too scared to get over and roll some dice on the league!!!

    I am killing it over there!

    The Lord Curtmungus personally challenges you to a duel!

    Don’t be scared… don’t be!   Put you’re power where your mouth is!  I will crush the dice in my hand like Zeus!!

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

  • '18 '17 '16

    Don’t confuse anyone’s refusal to play Triple A with fear. Many of us prefer to play Axis and Allies. They are 2 different games. I won’t play any game where my opponent is using some sort of calculator to decide whether is a good idea to attack me or not. Nope, not the same game at all.

    I’m not sure how you are going to crush virtual dice in your hands. That will be a neat trick.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    FEAR is no excuse!

    Table top simulator can also be used; and games can be played live.

    As for crushing dice over the internet, let me expand upon that concept - BEHOLD!

  • '18 '17 '16

    Being in 2 different locations does not preclude the possibility that one person isn’t using a calculator. Sit down at the same table and play like human beings. Bring beer.

  • @Gargantua:

    FEAR is no excuse!

    Table top simulator can also be used; and games can be played live.

    As for crushing dice over the internet, let me expand upon that concept - BEHOLD!

    Tsk tsk tsk

    Yes Wolf you got it right.

    I am really loving these Romper Room reruns !

  • '17 '16


    The Lord Curtmungus personally challenges you to a duel!

    Sorry, I only play human beings, not trolls. I feel sorry for you, I really do… I’m checking out of dealing with your attention-seeking posts. Last you’ll here from me, and you can stop PMing me, I’ve added you to my ignore list.

    Good luck with finding whatever it is you seek in life.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    He’s out of gasoline!


    You should declare this refusal as a league win.

    Unless another honourable champion is willing to step forward and take this man’s place!?!???

  • @Wolfshanze:


    The Lord Curtmungus personally challenges you to a duel!

    Sorry, I only play human beings, not trolls. I feel sorry for you, I really do… I’m checking out of dealing with your attention-seeking posts. Last you’ll here from me, and you can stop PMing me, I’ve added you to my ignore list.

    Good luck with finding whatever it is you seek in life.

    Ha, ha, ha!  I laugh!   :evil:

    Wolfschwanz slanders me, and I challenge him to a duel and he runs away…

    Don’t worry Wolfy, I have no need to deal or contact you anymore now that you’ve conceded defeat!

    Is this the “best” the A&A community has to offer?

    Are there any other takers?

    Is there no one else!?

  • Nice. I love it. Now we got the LORD/GAR Formulas going on here !

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    FEAR is no excuse!

    Table top simulator can also be used; and games can be played live.

    As for crushing dice over the internet, let me expand upon that concept - BEHOLD!

    Roger’s glance up after seeing the pulverized dice is fantastic.

  • @simon33:


    Curtmungus - The only openly LGBTQ member of the A& society - is constantly met with  hostility, Judgement, and beratement; At worse, his only crime has been the colourful use of language on ONE occasion.

    I don’t know where this has ever come up and who cares?

    I’m just hoping Curtmungus is not the L

    This thread is great!  Especially like Garg and Tojo’s posts

  • @Karl7:

    Is that a Long John Silver’s hat?

    Does that chain even exist anymore?

    Yes!!!  Lots of them in Iowa

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12



    Is that a Long John Silver’s hat?

    Does that chain even exist anymore?

    Yes!!!  Lots of them in Iowa

    Nice!  Don’t have any here California that I’ve seen.

    Maybe send me a hat or two?  I’ll get Broadsides and Boarding Parties and some Schlitz and reenact that excellent piece of art work Curtlins posted 2 pages back.

    Not sure where I’ll get any flower wallpaper, grape nuts or a shirtless, bearded freak to play with me from…

    Oh wait, I live in Oakland now, I guess I can just go to the local homeless encampment downtown and rally a soul or two…  :-P

  • '17 '16


    Maybe send me a hat or two?  I’ll get Broadsides and Boarding Parties and some Schlitz and reenact that excellent piece of art work Curtlins posted 2 pages back.

    Not sure where I’ll get any flower wallpaper, grape nuts or a shirtless, bearded freak to play with me from…

    Oh wait, I live in Oakland now, I guess I can just go to the local homeless encampment downtown and rally a soul or two…  :-P

    A trip down to the Oakland Coliseum during a Raiders home game… you should find at least 30 or 40 thousand of them…

    Maybe we can turn this thread into something more positive… everyone try and reenact that scene and take a picture… i’ll have to dig up my Broadsides and Boarding party game and see which of my kids can drink down a Schlitz Malt Liquor…

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Wow, look like Broadsides and Boarding Parties is hard to come by these days… only 1 used on Ebay for almost 200… yikes!

    Curtmungus, what you want to get your “uncles” to sell me theirs?  :-D

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