What's some of your greatest A&A memories?

  • Greetings!

    Just signing on. Loooooong time fan of A&A. I’ve had several different crowds over the years, some family, some friends, some coworkers, some I had introduced to it, some that already had it, that I regulary got together to play A&A. With some (when I had freetime out the whazoo, those were the days) we made pretty much a competitive ritual out of it. Thursday night was ‘game night’ and if you didn’t show up you lost by default and was subject to humilation the next day at work and lost all concideration on what was played on the radio at work (major punishment). The victors got to have all the frills and benifits until the next game night upset. They got to pick what’s played on the radio at work, cokes on every break, not having to help customers first but second, etc. Let’s just say a lot depended on winning the game on Thursday. During the game I had a CD with various wartime sound effects that we’d have on repeat throught the game. Oh, and we only had one change in the rules. The game played 'til the finish, none of this IPC thing, or whatever. You had to destroy every last drop of your enemy or victory is forfit resulting in a miserable week at work 'til your next chance. Those games sometimes drug way the heck out, but hey, IT WAS WAR!

    Ahhhh, those were the days. But, I married and moved far away and although made great new A&A buddies, and am making some new ones right now (with neighbor buddies) I’ll still look most fondly at the gang from work when I first learned how to play.

    Good wholesome fun.

    What’s your story?

    A&A is great, but it only needs one more thing added, under weapons development… a Death Star.

    [ This Message was edited by: TheJediCharles on 2002-06-05 13:33 ]

  • Oh, and also my friend only needing 1 hit to win the battle, but getting six fours when rolling for tanks :smile:

  • Well, watching my 2 hit Battleship die to a transport!

  • LOL

  • Congrats for signing up, TheJediCharles. On behalf of the A&A squad I salute you. LEt’s just hope your 1st post won’t be your last :smile:

  • Moderator

    Ahhhhh, I thought I felt the presence of a Jedi…

  • i’d half to say spending enormus amounts of money to make an amphibus army to invade the US. only to have all my transports sunk in the middle of the Pacific.

  • Watching in awe as the Lufwaffe clears out every unit in the UK in turn 1. Used kamikaze rule and most German planes were lost, but the effect was staggering…

  • Thanks.

    Well, when I posted this I ‘expected’ more replies concerning fun ‘while playing’ the game, not neccessarily ‘in’ the game, but these were fun to read too.

    I came to this site when searching for a copy of the rulebook since I lost mine. I didn’t ‘need’ one really since it’s all memorized, but I recruited two brand new players yesterday and thought they’d want to see proof time to time.

    So, if you can, mention some interesting stories about any good memories you’ve had with friends and family playing A&A. I sure have lots. I got the game when it was brand new and loved it ever since. It’s been a great companion growing up together.

  • Moderator

    My brother and I both learned to play at the same time (close to 12 yrs ago) and in one of our first games I had just won a big battle and was celebrating (taunting) and figured I’d let my brother gather his thoughts so I went to get a coke. Well, on my way back I nailed my toe on the kitchen counter and spilled my coke all over the floor. Luckily my toe wasn’t broken but it was black and blue for a week. I learned a valuable lesson that day, The A&A gods do not like taunting in any way. So be warned…

  • Good one, Darth. :smile:

  • Hmmm, probably my first game. My brother played axis, and he NEVER attacked with Germany (except with some naval units, but that’s it)…of course Russia massacred them, no real help needed from the other allies. Even when Russia would take a german territory, he wouldn’t counter-attack. It was fun at first for me, but got kinda boring.

  • axis and allies…… was part of my youth. I discovered about two month ago, when i played A&A Europe the first time and the first time with a few ppl here around, actually a small group of friends of my flatmate. Well, they have played A&A Europe before once, and my flatmate remembered that i was a board game addict, so i asked to play with them. The first game (i played germany) the conflicht raged for about 5 hours from 10 pm to 3 am, with each turn the tide of war seemed to have turned around again! After a legendary battle, i admitted defeat, having the entire fait of the eastern front lost by a single leftover russian tank. … There i then remembered when we played the original A&A … i know they have a played it a lot. I’d just like to test my old A&A skills on other ppl, from another continent, who are my age and have have started playing the same time. … And recently, i was really surprised, when i saw that one of those i met here had an edition of the classic Diplomacy! as well… Before i leave here, i have to have played that with them, plus that game, which i just ordered. It’s not longer been supported, and my shop just put a hold on the last two copies. Once i have mine here in hand, i will give you the name of the game and the shop where to buy it. What i can tell you, is that this has been the absolute favorite game from age 17, then 19 and from then on on. But i can’t tell more, i can’t risk it gg … So, A&A Europe brought my memories of my A&A and it’s time back…sigh that were the days …

  • Axis and Allies Rules by 5-year-old son

    (Really old but fits the occasion)

    1. Only one person can play.
    2. All of the ships go in the water.
    3. All of the tanks go on the land.
    4. All ships and tanks must sit helplessly while they are strafed and blown up by the little plastic airplanes.
    5. Exploding ships and tanks may be catapulted across the room to accompanying sound effects, if desired.
    6. Air attacks may dissolve into dramatic aerial dogfights without warning. Dogfights need not be confined to the gameboard, but may roam freely about the room or even other rooms.
    7. Repeat as often as desired.
      :cool:When the game is over, playing pieces must remain scattered on the floor for Dad to find later (preferably with his feet).

    Much simpler than the original version. He seems to enjoy it…

    • Cherokee

    If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, thumbing my nose at You Know Who. - Bokonon

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-09 13:58 ]

  • haha that is funny……wait I think something similar to that happens when my friends and I have a disagreement about a rule and start losing interest…

  • Yeah, I admit on several occasion I will buy bombers and battleships for no apparent reason but to have something to play with :smile:

  • Moses - you and i are on the same wavelength with this “enjoyment of playing with the varied interesting pieces” thing.
    playing in the sunroom by the pool between exams when i was 16.
    my friend wearing his green American army private’s helmet during the game.
    the sound effects said friend would make (driving the tanks, dive-bombing stukka’s, ships moving etc.)
    victory dances, shoutings, cheers, and throwing things angrily at boxes when realizing that attacking infantry only attack at a ONE
    post-game analysis over beer and steak at The Keg
    these are a few of my favorite things . . . .

  • Victory dances and cheers are always a must! :smile:

    But the best part is when games often have to spill over into days. I remember my first time playing with
    My cousins. It was way past our bedtime and the game still wasn’t over yet, so they had to leave until the following weekend to resume play. The best moments, was when my sister and I sat there for hours on end staring at the game board, visualizing what turns we would make and making sure the other wouldn’t try to sabotage the game board or rob the bank. Good times :wink:

  • There was an old A&A buddy that used to always make this stupid sound when getting a good roll that was just like Dayle Gribble on King of the Hill when he goes “sh-shaaaahhh”.

    It was so demoralizing.

  • On 2002-06-09 12:07, TG Moses VI wrote:
    Axis and Allies Rules by 5-year-old son

    (Really old but fits the occasion)

    1. Only one person can play.
    2. All of the ships go in the water.
    3. All of the tanks go on the land.
    4. All ships and tanks must sit helplessly while they are strafed and blown up by the little plastic airplanes.
    5. Exploding ships and tanks may be catapulted across the room to accompanying sound effects, if desired.
    6. Air attacks may dissolve into dramatic aerial dogfights without warning. Dogfights need not be confined to the gameboard, but may roam freely about the room or even other rooms.
    7. Repeat as often as desired.
      :cool:When the game is over, playing pieces must remain scattered on the floor for Dad to find later (preferably with his feet).

    Much simpler than the original version. He seems to enjoy it…

    • Cherokee

    If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, thumbing my nose at You Know Who. - Bokonon

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-09 13:58 ]

    I still play like that!
    Except for the Dad part.

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-06-14 15:40 ]

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