True, true. I’d rather get the old games before getting new ones. But yeah, I’d like a Kursk and Stalingrad game in the future, maybe even naval battles like Leyte Gulf.
Should I hold out for 2nd Edition?
I would like to get this game but I’m wondering if I should wait for the 2nd edition. Mainly because of the imbalance that’s been reported and the lack of German Infantry. Does anyone think there will there be a 2nd edition?
I would like to get this game but I’m wondering if I should wait for the 2nd edition. Mainly because of the imbalance that’s been reported and the lack of German Infantry. Does anyone think there will there be a 2nd edition?
The basic answer is the one that was allegedly given by a scientist many years ago when a newspaper sent him a telegram (that tells you how old this anecdote is) saying “Request urgent by return telegram 500 words re possibility of life on Mars.” The scientist sent back a telegram saying “Nobody knows” 250 times.
More seriously, I recall a rumour being floated on this board last year (I think) stating that the 1914 game was going to go out of print. Again, we’re into “nobody knows” territory – or more correctly, only WotC knows what its plans are.
The bottom line is that there are three possible scenarios: the game will go out of print and never return on the primary market, the game will remain in print forever unchanged, or the game will be issued in a new edition at some point in the future. You basically need to weight two things: how probable you feel each scenario is, and which scenario would produce the worst outcome for you if your guess turns out to be wrong.
BTW it’s now 64 bucks on amazon
Buy it. Actually, buy two; I remember paying roughly twice that much at my local hobby shop when it first came out.
Thanks for the quick responses! I will look into it.
Egads… $64… that’s (relatively) cheap… I’m not a huge fan of WWI, but I do love military history and A&A games… I might be tempted to pick it up, even though the reality is I will probably never find anyone to play it with… A&A1914 just has that feeling that it will go the way of AA50 several years ago… except without a reprint… I can foresee A&A1914 being sold 2nd-hand for $500 on E-Bay a few years from now.
My aa50 board is beat up and that is the way I like it.