Sired's Map project - Updated- 4/16 - files available see first post

  • '21 '18 '16

    Gripes for land.
    Poland, Bessarabia, Holland, England (London), Egypt, Normandy

    SZ80 too small

    Blowup box for Gibraltar would be nice

    South of Sahara too large, Northern rim too small

    My 2 cents

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for the more feedback! Gibraltar has been made a tad bigger. Im having trouble with the sea zones, its time consuming (more then I thought) to keep them all in check, but Africa is done (with a tad more sea one at the bottom, and all its sea zones have been properly redone. Im currently in the Med.

    Ill look into SZ80, Idk where that is without cheating and taking a peak lol

    Thanks for all the links, I had no idea the USSR names were bunked up, ill have to do research prior to any name changes…. I will though for sure, thanks.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Here is a quick progress pic, Africa is good to go. Sea zone lines have been adjusted to meet up where they are supposed to, with no changes to the original game play.

    The interior lines may be more adjusted later, I just need some guidelines, once those are 100% I can place the names/ roundels/ IPCs.

    I left the layer of the original size, so you can see the diff. In addition, the same font/size/spacing/Font FX were replicated.

  • Lookng great so far, Sired!

    I’m assuming you’ll extend Europe and western Asia southward in order to enlarge it. Or do you have something else in mind?

    It’ll be interesting to follow this project. Looking forward to it!

  • @siredblood:

    Thanks for all the links, I had no idea the USSR names were bunked up, ill have to do research prior to any name changes…. I will though for sure, thanks.

    Yes, my standard joke about the A&A depiction of the USSR is that “Timguska” makes it sound as if Tim Hortons has opened a coffee shop franchise in Siberia.

    One other thread that might be useful to you is my Global 1940 2nd Edition Map Analysis, which you’ll find here:

  • '21 '18 '16

    Egypt a bit larger would be nice.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for all the great feedback! Ill be finishing up Europe today (its done, just not the sea zones/ territory names). Also, about Africa, the Northern territories will be as large as I can make them without totally distorting Africa.

    I hope to have another pic up tonight, if not, tomorrow then.

    Again, thanks for the feedback, lets get this thing right the first time! Don’t want to pay 200 bucks for a print, to go “F*CK!, should have done that!” lol.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    The resize is complete, please look around at the boarders and point out any errors if you see any. Pay no attention to the roundels/name placements, ill zero them in when I paint the terrain. Ive matched the OOB font for zone names and water, still need to match the IPC value (why they are not on)

    Also, im going to setup the board tomorrow to make my vid of the painted units, at that time, ill address any more territory border adjustments.

    Thanks for looking and the feedback, the rest of the map needs little work, just a repaint now :)

  • '18 '17 '16

    From a point of view of someone, who unfortunately failed to play global (due to missing co-players): most missing project, great ideas and very fine adaption - Merry Christmas to the community, this is a gift for most of the players! I think you are on the right way. When adapting the smaller maps of 42 and 41, I hadn’t to face the problem of ‘not enough space’, on those maps, there are much less territories especially in Europe/Asia and the map projects based on the idea to enlarge the complete map in size. However, I did some adaptions when I scaled some single neutral territories (Mongolia, Switzerland), which were too big in size in comparison to the important territories. If anything, as an additional idea but no big deal, reducing space of strictly neutrals in global could work perhaps (yes, I know, some players incorporate attacks of strictly neutrals into their strategy).

  • Looks like a good start Sired.

    Pripet Marshes can be smaller still without affecting the game play or borders, allowing more space around it for Eastern Poland and WEstern Ukraine.
    Same with Switzerland, increasing France, Western Germany and Northern Italy.
    Bessarabia still looks too small to me.
    I think Egypt can use a bit more space still too. Maybe extend it down into Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and reduce Ethiopia a bit more as well to keep the borders correct.

    Why did you make Norway/Sweden/Finland/Karelia smaller??

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for the replies!

    I agree Egypt should be larger, im going to shift all the upper Africa territory lines left. Never thought about making the marshes smaller, good call!… ill look more into other impassable areas as well now.

    As for Findland and such, I was going for larger sea zones, ive never had a game where those countries were over crowded. Could be just my games though, is it more active then I thought?

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Oh, another question, I noticed when you put the US together, it don’t line up, say you want America to be stage center. Is this an issue for anyone? I don’t mind making it line up, if anyone would prefer America in the middle, this would make the sea zone numbers flow correctly. Me personally, I don’t know if I would like it better/less/same.

    Anyway just a thought as ill be getting the rest of the map ready for paint.

  • @siredblood:

    Thanks for the replies!

    I agree Egypt should be larger, im going to shift all the upper Africa territory lines left. Never thought about making the marshes smaller, good call!… ill look more into other impassable areas as well now.

    As for Findland and such, I was going for larger sea zones, ive never had a game where those countries were over crowded. Could be just my games though, is it more active then I thought?

    Our Finland can get crowded sometimes. I do tend to play highly unconventional moves though. ;)

    Oh, another question, I noticed when you put the US together, it don’t line up, say you want America to be stage center. Is this an issue for anyone? I don’t mind making it line up, if anyone would prefer America in the middle, this would make the sea zone numbers flow correctly. Me personally, I don’t know if I would like it better/less/same.

    Personally I don’t think having the US in the middle would work as it’s really more of a staging point for the US player rather than actually used for the majority of the game. I imagine this is why the US has always been oddly split on all A&A maps.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    Thanks for al the feedback! All the above was taken care of (with the exception of the US lining up, I scratched that) The entire Europe map lines, layers are complete and I started painting the water, ive noticed im not too happy with the default convoy icons, so ive decided to toy with new ideas.

    I hope to have a pic up later today sometime.

  • '17 '16 Customizer

    This is what I came up with, I like the idea of the silhouette as its what it does for the standing army, which ill probably use (just make my own style). I left the one YG used on his map to show the size is still the same.

    Painting didn’t get too far, as I spent most of the time of trying different convoy ideas. The sea zone lines, I mimicked the original, as though its my map, I want it to have the look of the original.

  • Those convoy markers look great. They fit in really well.

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Those convoy markers look great. They fit in really well.

    Thanks! Ive actually modded them slightly, I replaced the ship silhouette with a transport, the same transport art used from HBG convoy marker (as I use those)

    Water painting went well yesterday, should have updated pic Friday

  • Looks great, Sired! Can’t wait to see the land zones painted!

    One thing I noticed is that some of the seazone borders don’t line up as they do in the OOB map. I found two in particular:

    Border between SZ97 and SZ99 connects with land in Albania rather than Greece, meaning that Greece is completely surrounded by SZ99 whereas in the OOB map it borders both SZ97 and SZ99.

    Border between SZ93 and SZ95 doesn’t line up with the border between Northern Italy and Southern France, meaning that Northern Italy has access to SZ93 and SZ95, which is different to the OOB map where it only has access to SZ95.

    You might have noticed this already, but I just wanted to make sure.  :-D

    I think this is going to be a great improvement to gameplay. Central Europe always gets so congested!  :-)

    Keep up the good work. Happy new year!

  • '17 '16 Customizer


    Looks great, Sired! Can’t wait to see the land zones painted!

    One thing I noticed is that some of the seazone borders don’t line up as they do in the OOB map. I found two in particular:

    Border between SZ97 and SZ99 connects with land in Albania rather than Greece, meaning that Greece is completely surrounded by SZ99 whereas in the OOB map it borders both SZ97 and SZ99.

    Border between SZ93 and SZ95 doesn’t line up with the border between Northern Italy and Southern France, meaning that Northern Italy has access to SZ93 and SZ95, which is different to the OOB map where it only has access to SZ95.

    You might have noticed this already, but I just wanted to make sure.  :-D

    I think this is going to be a great improvement to gameplay. Central Europe always gets so congested!  :-)

    Keep up the good work. Happy new year!

    awesome thanks, I was hoping if there were flaws they would be pointed out! Thanks again!

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