• OK, just found the previous forum discussion ref same topic.  Based on Wild Bill’s point about not destroying the fleet in SZ111, I see now that because a GM2 fleet in SZ112 can catch up to the UK BB in Iceland because W. GE has a Naval Base.  So, that one is dead on G2 anyway.  The means to use the BB and save it at the same time is the retreat strategy back into SZ112 after a debilitating attack on the UK Fleet.  This enables the 6 unit pounce onto Scotland on GM2 Attack with CA supporting the two add’l TTs.  More importantly, this BB retreat strategy enables me to place a bomber on the UK DD in SZ109 so it no longer exists to skirt around to perform a blocking role.  Wow, GE can even get a one-sub pot shot at the UK CR in SZ91 to help out Italy. Very nice indeed.

    I’m rewriting my GE1 Attack Plan.

    Many Thanks to all,

  • '19 '17 '16


    More importantly, this BB retreat strategy enables me to place a bomber on the UK DD in SZ109 so it no longer exists to skirt around to perform a blocking role.  Wow, GE can even get a one-sub pot shot at the UK CR in SZ91 to help out Italy. Very nice indeed.

    I’m rewriting my GE1 Attack Plan.

    Many Thanks to all,

    You might want to rethink this part. The UK can scramble up to 4 fighters to this combat, presuming that you go heavy enough on the other attacks, particularly SZ110 to sufficiently deter a scramble.

    I agree with the BB retreat strategy though.

    In Balanced Mod, a marine buy is pretty essential IMO even though I often forget it.
    In vanilla with an allied bid, I’m starting to think a bid unit should include a fighter on Scotland.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    The allies can try to hide in 109 or 118 it doesn’t matter as bombers can reach both, so can unscreened ships.

    It all ends up being a matter of “How many planes will (can) Germany lose?”  You can keep attacking the UK over and over but its a battle of attrition.

    Keeping or buying a german sub every turn gives you at least the chance of stopping the Russian convoy from running; suppressing this is a big deal.

    The hit+retreat move plus purchase carrier has so many advantages over the other proposals, assuming you get the rolls to do it.  Even if you fail to hit+retreat, the UK still has to kill the BB with planes + 1DD so that’s not the end of the world.  The conservative move is not to risk it at all bc its so valuable.

  • Taamvan and Simon33,

    (Break-Break….since both of you were so fast to respond, could you go back over to our tactical breakout in the J1 Attack forum discussion and see my question on maximizing use of Ftrs in conjuction with carrier NCMs?)

    Copy on all.  I’m reassigning A/C to the ASB is SZ110 as a result of moving the BB to ASB in SZ111.  I’m also reassigning subs to attack all UK ships in the Atlantic, one on each SZ.  The UK DD in SZ109 will never make it as he has a sub and a fighter on him.  Most, not all, Allied players I’ve played resist the Scramble in order to turtle shell in London so I’ll take the risk in SZ110.

    What assets in addition to the two U-boats do you use to take out the RU Fleet which is bottled up in the Baltic?  If Sea Lion, do you wait until G4 attack to do it?


  • Attacking sz109 w/sub and one ftr will get both of your units killed because he will scramble 3-4 ftrs. You will have one round of combat and may not kill the UK dd. If he scrambles and kills your sub and ftr, even if you did kill his dd, his tpt lives (you risk 16 IPCs to kill an 8 IPC dd).

    The roll one round of battle and retreat option w/German BB on sz111 (Scotland) has become a favorite around here, but it doesn’t always work. You need to account for the UK one ftr scramble, but not hit it too hard winning the battle and stranding your BB in sz111 (this is the one time you are praying that all your dice don’t hit lol).

    You can generally still kill the Brit BB (should be damaged) on G2 because for some unknown reason there isn’t a naval base on Scotland (hello Scapaflow?). So on UK1 the UK can’t repair the damaged BB, and it can only move 2 spaces. It will generally go to sz109 (for def scramble) or Iceland. In a rare case the UK might use it to attack your sz112 fleet (knowing you can scramble) depending on what you bought G1 (any navy).

    Need to point out though that if there was a J1 attack and the US is in the war the allies can make Iceland a fairly safe place for the UK damaged BB. They can put a rainbow air force on Iceland and the US cruiser and what ever navy the UK has can join making it unlikely that the Germans hit it.

    As a side note (as Germany) when you know there is going to be a J1 attack you might consider using one of your German subs to hit the US sz101 on G1. They have no DD (can’t scramble), so you have a good chance as any to kill the cruiser and tpt (I think that Shadowhawk brought this to my attention in the Pearl thread).

  • Wild Bill,

    Thanks again.  Copy on the SZ 109 attack.  Reassessing.

    Important to kill that SOB DD there but won’t get a chance because Scramble will kill the sub prior to its standard SeaBattle attack.  However, if I redesignate the Holland Fighter to the SZ110 ASB, I am definitely going to want to retask the SZ109 sub to hit the CAN DD and TT.  If my opponent sends the UK BB up to Iceland, I will send the Condors up to Iceland with the CV. If the other battles go well, there may only be 1x US Ftr from East Coast and 1x UK DD with the BB at Iceland.  Will have to keep the 2x IN in Norway to secure the landing field.  If UK tucks the BB into SZ 109, I’ll launch the Amphib on Scotland from there, killing two birds with one stone on G2.  Definitely have to send 1x U-boat at the CA in SZ91 and one at the CA in SZ 101.  If I understand sneak attack correctly, I get to shoot twice at those cruisers before they can counter-attack.  First shot is the sneak attack (to which they don’t get to shoot back) and second shot is Std attack (could you briefly confirm I got this right?).

    Here’s how I’ve laid out the NORLANT G1 ASB for GM Surface Navy and Luftwaffe:

    U-Boats Attack (1ea):

    • SZ101; SZ91; SZ106; SZ110 SZ111

    ASB SZ111 (one round of combat):

    • 1x BB; 1x FB (Stuka); 1x Ftr

    ASB SZ110:

    • 2x Bs (Condor); 3x Ftrs; 2x FBs

    What do you think?


  • @Teflon2017:

    Wild Bill,

    Thanks again.  Copy on the SZ 109 attack.  Reassessing.

    Definitely have to send 1x U-boat at the CA in SZ91 and one at the CA in SZ 101.  If I understand sneak attack correctly, I get to shoot twice at those cruisers before they can counter-attack.  First shot is the sneak attack (to which they don’t get to shoot back) and second shot is Std attack (could you briefly confirm I got this right?).

    Here’s how I’ve laid out the NORLANT G1 ASB for GM Surface Navy and Luftwaffe:

    U-Boats Attack (1ea):

    • SZ101; SZ91; SZ106; SZ110 SZ111

    ASB SZ111 (one round of combat):

    • 1x BB; 1x FB (Stuka); 1x Ftr

    ASB SZ110:

    • 2x Bs (Condor); 3x Ftrs; 2x FBs

    What do you think?


    Ok sneak attack doesn’t give you 2 shots

    You would get a sneak attack anytime the enemy doesn’t have a dd in the battle.  Both attacking (roll of 2) and defending (roll of 1) subs get this option (or can submerge) when the other side doesn’t have a destroyer. So in the sz91 and sz101 battles you fire one shot (I call it a kill shot) and if you hit they are sunk and don’t fire back (would also kill US tpt in 101 under defenseless tpt rule once the cruiser is sunk). If you miss they get to return fire, and your sub would be killed if they hit.

    Round 2 of battle:
    If neither of you hit then you have two options. You can submerge (prob not), or continue the battle. Same thing happens round two, you fire a kill shot, and if you hit they are sunk and don’t return fire. If you miss they get to return fire……etc

    Just to point out subs (attacking or defending) get a kill shot anytime the other side doesn’t have a dd in the battle. Say the defender starts out with one dd in the first round of battle, but takes it as a casualty. The next round any sub(s) you have remaining would get a sneak attack kill shot (or could submerge). It can get interesting in round 2-3 of a sea battle when the defender has to choose causalities between expensive ships and a destroyer when you still have a sub in the battle (def chooses casualties first).

    Need to look at German sub set-up because I don’t think you can use a sub to hit sz110 if you attack both UK sz91 and the US in sz101 with a sub (there is usually a trade off). I believe you will end up with 2 subs in the sz111 battle unless you are feeling lucky and send in a lone sub into sz109 (you would basically get one shot to kill his dd because of probable scramble as discussed earlier).

  • Wild Bill,

    Thanks for the shout back. Know the basics about DDs screening for subs.  Was just wondering about the two shot thing as the rules almost make it look like Sneak Attack is a separate step of Conduct Combat (CC) phase.  But, basically, as you say, Sneak Attack only ensure no casualty shot from capital ships, cruisers or subs if they’ve been hit with the Kill Shot.

    Thanks to you guys, will never waste a sub again in SZ109 on G1 Attack.  The one time I did it before, I think I was fortunate there was no scramble and thus didn’t learn me noth’n.

    Looks to be no prob with getting down to east coast and Canada from starting positions.  Sub in SZ118 makes it to SZ101 in two.  Sub in SZ117 makes it to SZ106 in two.


  • Wild Bill,

    One clarification on the Sneak Attack scenario.  If the attacking force in a sea battle has more than just subs, the defending non-DD warships don’t get to shoot back until the other attacking warships have fired first, correct?


  • @Teflon2017:

    Wild Bill,

    One clarification on the Sneak Attack scenario.  If the attacking force in a sea battle has more than just subs, the defending non-DD warships don’t get to shoot back until the other attacking warships have fired first, correct?


    I’m assuming “the defending non-dd warships” simply means the enemy has no dd in his fleet (otherwise there would be no sneak attack w/subs).

    So the short answer is yes your other attacking units would fire before the defenders units once the general sea battle begins. Only eligible subs fire in the sneak attack step (see note below when both sides have eligible subs).

    If there is no dd in the defending fleet your sub(s) would fire their kill shot in the special sneak attack step, and the defender chooses casualty(s). Those casualties are immediately removed (can’t return fire). Keep in mind that capital ships take 2 hits (damaged capital ships would get to fire in the general combat part of the sea battle). Plus remember that subs can’t hit planes.

    After the sneak attack step is done, the general combat step of the sea battle starts. All your other ships/planes would fire, and def chooses his casualties (which get to return fire). Then the defender fires, and casualties from both sides are removed.

    Then you continue round to 2 of the battle….which could also include a sneak attack step

    *Note if the defender also has a sub eligible for sneak attack (you don’t have a dd either), his sub(s) would also fire in the sneak attack step (or submerge in which case it does not fire). Sneak attack subs from both sides are considered to fire simultaneously. So after you fire, the defender holds his casualties from your sub hits until his sub gets a chance to fire. Then hits from both sides are removed from play (don’t return fire). This would allow him to get his sneak attack shot off, and take a hit on his sub.

    Attacking subs fire at “2”, defending subs fire at “1”

  • '19 '17 '16

    So that means if neither side has a DD but both have subs, the sneak attack is effectively negated so long as the defender takes the casualties on the subs which will sneak attack before being removed, to continue the explanation.

  • @ShadowHAwk:


    So that means if neither side has a DD but both have subs, the sneak attack is effectively negated so long as the defender takes the casualties on the subs which will sneak attack before being removed, to continue the explanation.

    Well technically yes the sneak attack wont do that much since the subs would fire back anyway.
    Then again if the defender only has subs he would be better of just submerging.

    Agreed if he only has subs, but the defender may want to keep his sub(s) in the battle as fodder if he has  higher valued warships in the battle. Although his sub only defends at “1” it will take a hit as it gets a shot off, it would be situational.

  • Hey guys just so you know, this is Germany’s submarine setup:
    I submarine in each of these spaces:

    None of these can reach 101 (Amercian cruiser and transport) Note that your submarine in 117 can reach, but the rulebook States that during the combat move you must stop the movement of a submarine once it reaches an enemy destroyer (the one in 106).

    Three can reach 106 (Canadain destroyer and transport)

    Two can reach 91 (British cruiser)

    Two can reach 110 (British battleship and cruiser and French cruiser)  Keep in mind that destroyers block your other subs’ movements.

    All five can reach 109 (British destroyer and transport)

    Three can reach 111 (British battleship, cruiser, and destroyer)

    Hope this helps.

    de Gaulle

  • '19 '17 '16

    Oh hold on, the one in SZ103 can reach SZ101.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Good morning guys,

    Don’t forget that 1) subs can only hit ships 2) planes cannot hit subs once all DDs are dead

    This dynamic means that there are situations where the subs fire (not first strike), the dd(s) is killed, the return fire is taken, and then the transports are killed (if any are there and if any subs survive) and the battle ends.    This is because in the second round of the battle there are only subs attacking and planes defending, which is a null result because they cannot hit each other.

    Teflon;  We would have to search back about 9 months but there were a series of very well laid out openers for Germany posted here and they are extremely detailed…its pretty much a package attack to get the abs optimum odds with the hit + run that tries to optimally wipe out SZ 110 and SZ 111, with the Canadian DD and gib Cruiser attacks as potential gravy.  All of them committed every plane that can come (everything except 1 Tac and 1 fighter), no planes to France, and had pretty much devastating odds for a clean victory.

  • @simon33:

    Oh hold on, the one in SZ103 can reach SZ101.

    My bad.  The setup doc I was looking at said 104 but I checked my original game setup box/chart and it says 103. I’ll fix my other post.

  • @Charles:

    Hey guys just so you know, this is Germany’s submarine setup:
    1 submarine in each of these spaces:

    One can reach 101 (American cruiser and transport)

    Four can reach 106 (Canadain destroyer and transport)

    Two can reach 91 (British cruiser)

    Two can reach 110 (British battleship and cruiser and French cruiser)

    All five can reach 109 (British destroyer and transport)

    Two can reach 111 (British battleship, cruiser, and destroyer)

    Hope this helps.

    de Gaulle

  • @WILD-BILL said in Holland Airbase before Sealion?:

    Purchasing an AB for Holland is a one time benefit unless it also keeps your navy safe after the attack on London as well (is US in the war, and are they in position).

    @taamvan said in Holland Airbase before Sealion?:

    My general analysis is that you need at least 2 incremental reasons to rationally build an airbase (though the reasons could derive from the same situation on the same turn).

    I have thought about this idea a bit and then found this thread.

    Actually I think there are several points in building an AB in Holland G1.

    The obvious one is of course having a chance to save Bismarck with a possible 3 fighter scramble.

    Another is that you manage to take out a bigger part of the British fleet in turn 1, especially both BS, instead of having to chase down a damaged BS and possibly also a CR in G2.

    The main point however I feel is that leaving a damaged BS in SZ 110 with a scramble opportunity leaves the British a pretty tough call to make. Either go heavy on Bismarck or heavy in Taranto. I don’t believe they can do both. Especially when Germany lands atleast one fighter in S Italy.

    Strafing SZ 111 is nice for actually making sure to save Bismarck, but that also takes away the choice for the British. In a weird way it makes their life easier.

    If it’s possible to also attack SZ 91 with 2 subs (risking sacrificing air in SZ 110), then Italy will likely be in a very good position. Those subs are probably better used in SZ 110 though, acting mainly as canon fodder both in attack and defense.

    Yet other points of an AB is the long-term merit of having a wider range into the Atlantic as well as pretty heavy protection of the SZ 110 if Germany decides to anchor there. Also the air that is stationed in Holland fully reach SZ 97 and can land in W Germany if the British still decides on the Taranto attack.

    I totally agree with that an AC in G1 is much more flexible and likely a better buy, but I’m still intrigued by the idea of the AB in Holland. Anyway, it’s definitely not useless.

  • '19 '17 '16

    You’ll still sometimes see the damaged Bismark attacked in SZ112, even with the 3 plane scramble.

    But let’s go with your premise. The SZ91 cruiser and SZ109 DD can still attack your Bismark in SZ110 and then the planes can retreat to Gibraltar for a SZ92 stack . I would guess that this presumes that there was no scramble in SZ110. So perhaps if the UK scrambles anyway, the Bismark might survive the attack and the UK might not be able to weaken Italy.

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