zergxies, you are spot on. Only difference is on J2 I might take Malaya because it is a nice place to drop a 2nd IC, and stops the Anz NO. Then finish off the money islands J3, but either way you are getting to your economic goals (if you waited til J3 to attack you would be at the same place, but the Pac allies would have a lot more income, and units). The Pac allies are still losing income through early invasions, and NOs, as you gain income like any other J1 attack. They have also lost a lot of units, but now the USA has taken more of a beating losing both the Phil and PH fleets (they have no cannon fodder). At the very least you have bought your self a round of time, much more if the US decides to go Europe. The US is much weaker then w/o hitting PH, so the US reaction time is stalled on both boards, and they are really torn about what direction to take. I’m considering Shadows suggestion of hitting sz 101 w/German sub next time to really push the envelope lol.
To Arthur Bomber Harris, I agree that the Axis can’t win a naval race with Western Allies in the long term. Adding Pearl Harbor to J1 attack (then backing off to Caroline’s J2 in a defensive/offensive posture) levels the playing field some from the get go though. The allies have some catching up to do for parity on both maps, much less the over whelming naval strength that they need (gives the axis more time).
The Germans building a carrier on G1 has been a debate for as long as I can remember (pros and cons). I don’t think it sparks a naval race though because the Allies are going to build navy regardless (they may need to build a little more now). Yea a naval build can stall Barbarossa especially if the allies get ftrs to Moscow (which could happen anyway). I will say though I don’t like to build all ground G1 because it tips your hand too much IMO, and the UK is off the hook. I would rather pressure the Russians to give up their forward ICs (bringing in some art/inf through the Baltic as I take Leningrad) so I can build the units I need to finish the job on Red territory.
Some type of naval build (and keeping the German bb alive) sends a message to UK to max def London limiting what they can do on the first turn. It will keep the Baltic fleet a float longer, meaning the Germans keep Scandinavia longer. Building a carrier could be the single reason that the allies don’t go north to invade, because the amount of resources it will take to kill the Baltic fleet, or make a landing stick. Plus a carrier (and a tpt or two) allows you to easily take Leningrad early, or even convoy UK sz106 if they went through with Taranto (convoy and SBR raid can really hurt the UK, but is a trade off to amphibing Russia, and comes w/some risk).
People seem to think that a carrier build is mostly for defensive purposes. Here is another point that I really haven’t heard much. I also look at a carrier build as extending the range of my ftrs when I want to be aggressive. It allows you to get planes into battles you couldn’t w/o a carrier (mostly at sea). A carrier can also allow you to have long range German Kami’s (if the planes die the carrier doesn’t have to risk picking them up). The allies have to account for that especially if I’m going Dark Skys bmr bulilds (which is a whole different topic).