• Maybe this was asked somewhere already, but im just to lazy to find it. For example, the us player on noncombat move does a “naval blockade” moves his warships(no destroyers) into empty sea zones surrounding japan.On next round, The japan player builds subs and cruisers and puts them in szs with the us ships. The us player on his turn, decides to fight japans ships. Question is: can the us player  ignore japans subs? And if he can, would having a us destroyer change that?

  • This is complicated stuff SC, but I believe I have this right:

    In your example, if the US initiates combat in a sz in which the US has no destroyers, then J decides whether its subs submerge or surprise strike, not the US.

    If the US had a destroyer present, then any subs in a sz in which combat is initiated would be involved. The US cannot decide to ignore them.

    If the US placed units in a sz which contained only J subs, then the US can decide whether to initiate combat or ignore those subs. If that US movement occurs during non-combat then combat cannot be initiated.

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