• '19 '17 '16

    Speaking for myself as an Axis player, I’ll do a G2 DOW only if the situation arises. A bit like Sea Lion I guess. Normally, you need to buy some mobile forces G1 to have enough to prevent a counter attack. The other thing is losing the peace NO and USSR gaining its NOs a turn earlier. I guess that isn’t a big deal though.

  • If waiting for G3, I like the sneaky Italian move, getting both the intrusion G3 as well as the NO. It’s not available though without high risk if Russia leaves blocking infantry, but then they’ll just lose valuable troops in the German invasion instead.

    The initiative is essential, so if it’s possible to stack in the Baltic or E Poland G2 without risking being annihilated, Germany should be well off doing it. Perhaps with the help from a transport landing, which probably requires Italy to risk aircraft on a Russian cruiser in sz 114. Probably not worth it.

    One upside is that the mIC in Ukraine and/or Leningrad (less likely with possible intercept) can be bombed (1 or 2 sb’s) already in G2. On the other hand the bombing of Ukraine can be done by Italy and Germany likely has good use of it’s bombers in other areas.

    To turn the perspective back to the thread subject, I’d be rather happy with Russia for an extra round of full mobilization.

  • '19 '17 '16

    @trulpen said in Thoughts on Allies Strategy:

    To turn the perspective back to the thread subject, I’d be rather happy with Russia for an extra round of full mobilization.

    Good point. As USSR you should really be making sure to block the G2 DOW.

    You don’t really need to use Italian aircraft if you just want to NCM 2 more ground units to Baltic States, although if you want to amphibiously assault Novgorod, and can’t stand in SZ112 as Germany, I guess you do.

  • Now it gets even sneakier. If Italy is able to land a tank in the Baltic I2, then Germany can step in G3 along with air for protection and 2-6 inf/art extra from transports depending on the G1- and G2-builds. That should be tough for Russia to attack, especially with a reserve in Poland, and Leningrad is hanging pretty loose. The German fleet will also only be needed in sz 115 by G3, which is a big plus.

    I must say this plan proposes a German power-slam on Yugoslavia, allowing two Italian tanks to travel to Slovakia on I1. If you’re not too concerned about Italy getting Greece, then annex Bulgaria and quite a bit of German force can also enter either E Poland or Bessarabia on G3. I like the latter, especially if Ukraine is being bombed.

    My only concern is that the invasion of Russia G3 is a tad late. That is likely somewhat mitigated by being strong and well supported. If Russia abandons Leningrad and doesn’t much threaten to counter-attack it (going for instance with the main army to Bryansk or Smolensk, instead of settling in Belarus - by which time any slow movers from Moscow will arrive, probably making a Belarus stack in R3 rather impressive), the stacks from Baltic and Poland can unite in E Poland with the goal set for the Southern Provinces, while Leningrad will produce in the north and also be supported with transport landings.

    Defending against 2 tanks along with 2 figs and possibly 1 sb if need be seems to be rather challenging for Russia. On the other hand they can easily already on R2 see what is coming for them.

    I guess Russias best bet in a situation like that is to be able to intimidate the German invasion force. Will it be possible with a full inf/art buy in R1 and fast movers from Moscow in R2? I suppose it will. Can be a hefty bunch with a bite if not only inf. Question is if Russia in that situation can afford to be without it’s initial 2 mechs and 2 tanks, thinking of Iraq?

  • @simon33 said in Thoughts on Allies Strategy:

    You don’t really need to use Italian aircraft if you just want to NCM 2 more ground units to Baltic States, although if you want to amphibiously assault Novgorod, and can’t stand in SZ112 as Germany, I guess you do.

    Lets say Russia blocks with its cr in sz 114, then killing it G2 ties up some fleet. Of course only a sub if available. An des, cr and loaded ac moving into sz 115 on the NCM should be safe enough against the Russian sub and air. Yes, it’s certainly doable, but in that case really needs the 1 sub, 1 des, 1 ac buy in G1.

  • '19 '17 '16

    What would you normally do G1 which allows you to move into USSR so reliably?

  • This could be my game plan.

    Buying 1 sub, 1 des, 1 ac.

    The sz 111-strafe (with 2 sub, 1 bs, 1 fig, 1 tac) retreating Bismarck and hopefully also a sub to 112 seems like a pretty darn good move.

    Killing off sz 110 with 2 subs and all remaining available air (3 fig, 3 tac and 2 sb).

    Strafe Yugo with 6 inf, 2 art, 3 tank, 1 fig and retreat to Romania. If that’s a fail, meaning getting stuck in Yugo, then likely try for the I2 DOW-move, where Germany does not DOW at all, yet enters Russia (Baltic and hopefully also Bessarabia or next best E Poland) on G3 while not being at war.

    Pick up Bulgaria.

    All available land + the Poland tac to France.

    Shifting units to Poland and 1 aa to Germany (the aa likely moves back later for the likely needed defence of W Germany in G3).

    Put the remaining sub in sz 124. Sure, it can hit sz 106 for pretty good gains, but it’s a 50/50-battle or even a 40/60 if you regard the transport to be included in the needed objective. I believe it can be put to better use later, if allowed to, and I also do prefer the Brits having to invest resources to hunt that sub down. Even better if they combine their remaining fleet from sz 111 with a des from sz 109 to kill it off, since then I only have one target in the North Sea during G2.

    If Russia sets up optimally, I think entering the Baltic without reserves on the go is problematic. Then stacking in E Poland could be better. Likely in that situation Germany might get a little stuck on G3, but the nice part is that Russia then has to choose between protecting the northern or the southern provinces. Germany should be able to move accordingly as long as there is no serious threat of getting wiped out.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Normally Belarus will have a bunch of troops which will prevent either E Poland or Baltic States being stacked.

    That sounds pretty similar to what I would do. I don’t really see you invading the USSR on that initial buy unless USSR just runs home.

  • Yes, it would need a fast mover buy in G1 when Russia plays for full anti-german front intrusion. They can (excluding the purchase) get 8 inf and 1 art to Belarus, 6 inf to Leningrad and ofc 2 mech and 2 tank to Bryansk.

    With a 3 art buy in Leningrad R1 and the fast movers in Bryansk, it’s a 87 % battle for R2. With an inf-only buy it’s 71 %. Without the Russian fast movers, it’s a 37 % or 17 %. Doesn’t look to need a fig or tac buy in R1, which is good for Russia. But going for Iraq is not executable.

    With a G1 buy of 3 mech and 3 tank a G2 invasion is definitely on anyway. It’s 12 % in R2 or 25 % with a 2nd tac.

    I’m curious though if some middle ground is good for G1, like 1 ac (to provide good cover for a damaged Bismarck, and be useful further on) and 2 mech and 1 tank in Berlin. That makes the Baltic a bit dicey, but kind of in the favour for the Germans. Except the notion of lacking a strong follow up. It would be 51 % R2, but the Russians lose more TUV. With that extra tac it’s up to 67 % and about the same amount of TUV.

    Perhaps one or two of the tanks in the Yugoslavia strafe can be allocated to Slovakia instead in G1 (and shifting the Poland tac to Yugo), reducing the risk of getting stuck and trusting Italy is up for the follow-through. With that extra tank(s) Germany should be good for G2 DOW. Also there’s the possibility of NCM transport 2 inf to the Baltic, but it ties up the German Navy.

    If Russia can be counter-intimidated as well (with perhaps a 2 tr buy in G2), Germany would manage to secure a very important goal of grabbing Leningrad already G3, getting the overtake of Russia going asap.

    Sounds like something I’ll try for. Otherwise a sneaky G3 should be main plan, going for 1 ac and 2 tr G1, but Russia will be quite a handful by the time Germany gets going.

  • @trulpen

    yea 3 panzers for the Yugo strafe seems a tad much. Might wanna use the Romanian one to activate bulgaria.

    I can’t remember if I asked, do you play on triplea ?

  • @barnee

    Getting atleast 3 hits in Yugo would be nice. Still, better 1 or 2 than 5. Can perhaps be an optimal strafe with 6 inf, 2 art, 1 tank, 1 fig and 1 tac?

    Might want to use the Romanian tank for Bulgaria in order to have as much as possible in Bessarabia next turn. If going for a G2 DOW against Russia, I think I would prefer to get another two tanks to the Baltic, but if all three will be needed there, I’d take all three. Hard to tell on G1 though. :)

    Don’t think you’ve asked, but I recently installed TripleA. Can’t say I’ve played there though yet. Tried a game with the AI, but quit it early since I felt the AI did too many bad moves. Maybe there was some deep strategy I missed out on? ;) Have started a game with a friend, but we’ve only managed to get to round 2 so far.

    I’ve read some hints here and there about the League and do feel intrigued…

  • @trulpen

    right on. It’s a good way to test things. Yea the AI doesn’t play global real well. It does pretty good on some other games. You can give it extra dough. That makes it harder but still would do weird stuff

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