1. Building Industrial Complexes 100 - A Comprehensive List
Course Description: A fairly self explanatory list of the starting locations where each complex can be built by each nation. Includes narratives on China’s special treatment, inheriting damaged complexes, and placing complexes on territories you did not start the game with.
2. Naval Blocking 101 - The Necessity of Destroyers
Course Description: A discussion of the art of using destroyers as screens and how to combat it. Includes a narrative on the special relationship between aircraft, destroyers and subs when rolling dice and selecting casualties.
3. Amphibious Assaults 203 - An Un-Escorted Landing
Course Description: Scenarios and decisions where scrambles and subs are unable to block an un-escorted Amphibious Assault. Includes a narrative and discussion for when naval ships can and cannot ignore a submarine in open water as well as during an amphibious assault.
4. Kamikaze 310 - A Study of Potential Landing Locations
Course Description: Establishing the difference between illustrating you can land your aircraft on a carrier in the declare combat phase versus the non-combat phase where you can essentially decide to let them crash into the ocean. Extra Credit for illustrating how a CV with no offensive combat value can be used to absorb hits in Kamikaze missions.
5. Strafing 510 - A Forced March: The Art of Retreating to Advance
Course Description: An explanation of how you can attack from multiple territories and elect to retreat that will effectively move infantry two spaces. Additional discussion includes the Mech two space movement restrictions in relation to owned territories versus blitzing.