Well its the very same rule i have in at least one of my games… it cant be that bad! Remember we are working with others and all these proposals will be considered. You have my vote unless something better comes along. Also, I only favor the AA action from a “built in” platform I dont want stand alone AA guns. SO the rule i like was where you roll:
roll one d6 if you roll a 1 , then you roll again if you roll a 1 the plane is destroyed, if you roll a two the plane has to return to base ( damaged and cant drop its payload) results of 3-6 no effect.
Max rolls are one roll for every 2 planes, total max is 3 total rolls ( so 9 planes get 3 rolls).
Also jet fighters/bombers cant be hit by AA guns
AA guns are built into IC and or VC territories ( maybe only capitals and IC).
again some of this is from you…