• well i envy you and your 10 years in a club. I have to drive from chicago to north of minnappolis to shoot on my grandpas property ( Illinois is has the worst gun laws in the US if you didn’t know)

    OK, if guns were made illegal there would be less of them, and it would make it harder for “bad people” to get their hands on them, right? well first off i live in  down town chicago, and for those of you that don’t know chicago made it illegal to own or posses any kind of fire arm in the city, if you get caught its federal time (um federal time for a city crime, does that sound right?) i have lived here for 3 1/2 years now in the same apt. ( right across the street from Wrigley Field  :-D) This is a good neighborhood as far as chicago goes, mostly families, and a few college students like me floating around, a good police presence as well. but, i have been robbed 3 times, i have been mugged 4 times , 3 times was by a guy pointing a GUN at my head, in this cases i gave them what they wanted because i cant compete with a gun to my head, but that loser that didn’t have a gun got the crap kicked out of him ( a note to any would be muggers, don’t ever try to mug an ex-marine with no firearm) these weren’t high level gang bangers, they were just worthless street trash, bums. in a city were firearms are illegal the lowlist of the low can still get there hands on a gun. there are to many to be destroyed, it would be a futile attempt to get rid of them.

    as far as making bullets, well, there are people in this world smarter than you and i f_alk believe it or not. if there is a way t do something then it will be done, especially if there is a whole lot of money in it.

    this argument is pretty stupid, i joined this forum because i love axis and allies. and i would assume that you do to. so why don’t we leave it at i believe in what i do, and you believe in what you do. i don’t expect everyone to think like me, and i am not going to try to force my thinking on someone else, thats a little to Richard the Lionheart for me. i don’t want to make any enemy’s in here, so its up to you. if you want to talk about axis and allies I’m all for it. and if i pissed you off I’m sorry, i do tend to become very protective of my 2nd amendment rights.

  • @cystic:

    Unless you’re Homer Simpson and find a gun handy for adjusting the lights etc. . . . .

    There was that other episode where Springfield gave up all their guns and got terrorized by 4 armed zombies.  Again hilarious.

  • actually it was two aliens

  • @Major:

    … 3 times was by a guy pointing a GUN at my head, in this cases i gave them what they wanted because i cant compete with a gun to my head, but that loser that didn’t have a gun got the crap kicked out of him ( a note to any would be muggers, don’t ever try to mug an ex-marine with no firearm)…

    A friend of mine who did a lot martial arts said that the danger comes from guns that are about a meter or more away from you. Everything that is closer (like to your head) you can disarm before the guy has a chance to react and pull the trigger.

  • Everything that is closer (like to your head) you can disarm before the guy has a chance to react and pull the trigger.

    You’d better be quicker with your martial arts than the gunman’s trigger finger… in the event of a tie, you still lose.

  • There is no martial arts move to counter a bullet. Trust Me, I have a buddy who is a third degree black belt, and he says that if you run up against a guy with a gun, just run away. Fancy fighting wont stop a bullet.

  • There is no martial arts move to counter a bullet. Trust Me, I have a buddy who is a third degree black belt, and he says that if you run up against a guy with a gun, just run away. Fancy fighting wont stop a bullet.

    thats the truest statement ive heard in a long time from you, marine. there is no martial arts system or technique which will save you from a gun at several meters distance. if you cant take cover, or talk him down from shooting, you are dead (assuming hes a competent shot, of course).

  • @F_alk:

    cars are designed to bring you from one place to the other. 
    They differ in their purpose. One is functioning perfectly when it kills, the other one malfunctions when it kills.



    They have car safety ratings.  Cheaper is generally less safe for 2006.  What about guns?

  • i had a buddy that was in the service with me that had been in ballet for 13 years and gymnastics for 15 years. weird, yes, but he was one nimble little guy. while in western Africa we were taking fire from a source I’m not allowed to say, they had rpgs flying all over the place, this guy did back flips threw an open street to get to the other side, guy even kept his rifle in his hand ready to use the whole time. when he did that the firing stopped just long enough for us to take control. i think the “enemy” was so weirded out by the back flips they didn’t know what to do. we all got medals that day, but he had about 2 or 3 more than anyone for that little stunt. crazy.

  • Watch out for the wrath of the concealed weapons permit holder who is blind.


  • @Linkon:

    The mixing of certain things together has often been found to be bad.

    Among them:

    You missed one of the worst combinations!

    Alcohol and Intercourse may cause pregnancy :-P

  • And in response to the openning thread question…

    I have multiple firearms, from single-shot bolt action to semi-automatic.  I don;t have a “concealed carry” permit.  I don;t need one to sling a rifle or holster a pistol and carry both in plain sight.  And I’d rather a criminal KNOW I am armed.

    I can fire anything from a .22 to a 4.2" mortar; and hit my target the vast majority of the time.  I can make your AR-15 fire full auto (but it will never go on “safe” or “semi” again).

    I believe in Gun Control:  Gun Control meaning the operator hits the intended target.  :lol:

    Firearms are simply one aspect of personal protection with increased range; which is the entire histroy of weapons development.
    From teeth and fists, to sticks and stones, to swords and bows, to guns, to artillery and mortars, to bombers and ICBM’s.  In 10,000 years we have increased our defensive perimeter from 10" to 10,000 miles.  :-)

  • @ncscswitch:

    Firearms are simply one aspect of personal protection with increased range; which is the entire histroy of weapons development.
    From teeth and fists, to sticks and stones, to swords and bows, to guns, to artillery and mortars, to bombers and ICBM’s.  In 10,000 years we have increased our defensive perimeter from 10" to 10,000 miles.  :-)

    That sounds flawed. There would be no need to develop such protection if there was no threat. So, it would not be developed. On the other hand, if you assum an aggressive person, that person has a need to overcome the defenses of the other and for him such a new weapon is useful (and thus it will be invented, only not for defensive purposes but as an offensive means).

  • I agree with Falk… you dint need anything but maybe one gun and thats a simple functional handgun. IT should be only a single shot not of the semi or fully automatic type.
    But actually it should be a taser gun w/o bullets.

  • Like NCS pointed out, we have a sliding scale of defense now:
    Martial arts<–---------------------------------------------------->ICBMS

    Where do we draw the line on what’s legal? We certainly won’t allow people to legally own tactical nukes, but we can’t restrict it to just a closed fist.

    Personally, small-arms should be enough to make the King of England think twice.

  • Personally, small-arms should be enough to make the King of England think twice.

    Or Prime Minister Tony Blair, as we are seeing in Iraq    :-D

    Where do we draw the line on what’s legal?

    Good question, Mary.

    I personally think the legal level should be around or just above what would be readily feasible to manufacture in one’s garage.  For example, I am pretty confident that I could make a crude gun in my garage.  None of the components necessary would be difficult to obtain or fashion into the shape/form I need.  Of course there is always the chance you could kill yourself and others by trying this (which is why I won’t) but if you were desperate, then you might take this chance anyway.

    As far as explosives, go back 50 years or so and you will find that you could buy dynamite at the local hardware store (its not too terribly difficult to make explosives in your garage, as Timothy McVeigh did, for that matter) no questions asked.  In fact, after my grandmother died and my relatives were cleaning out the house, they found some blasting caps  :-o, which my dad disposed.  I think we had less of a problem with explosives then than we do today, and there is no question that there were fewer problems with guns - because people were responsible with these items.

    And this responsibility on the part of the general public is what is needed, IMHO, to prevent accidents and problems.  More laws and restrictions aren’t going to work.

  • @221B:

    And this responsibility on the part of the general public is what is needed, IMHO, to prevent accidents and problems.  More laws and restrictions aren’t going to work.

    I could not agree more!  Not just with firearms or other weapons, but a little personal responsibility for ALL of your life!

    BTW:  love the concept of “legal is what you can make on your own”, though that does open up interesting possibilities…
    The guy who introduced me to A&A in college had made an armor piercing crossbow using the main leaf spring of a heavy truck.  Something on the vicinity of a half-ton draw.
    Other things that can be built with a little knowledge:
    *  Cannons
    *  Mortars/Artillery are easy enough to fabricate with a simple percussion detonator
    *  Short-range rockets (modified fireworks)
    *  Land mines
    *  Remote detonators

    In short, all that stuff that is being used against our troops in Iraq can be pretty easilly made in your garage; which is also true of the first World Trade bomb and OK City.

    A nuke is probably out of reach simply for lack of certain precision components and fissionable material, but everything short of that…

  • Regarding how far it is possible to go with your garage lab, consider the following:


  • Reads like an amateur version of the nuclear pile that was created in the heart of Chicago in the early 20th C.

  • @ncscswitch:

      I can make your AR-15 fire full auto (but it will never go on “safe” or “semi” again).

    i know how to so it too, but i dont own it for fire power, its a .223 for satans sake. i have that rifle because any m-16 varient has the greatest iron sights ever, i nail things up to 973 yards (my longest shot with it) with out a scope. if i were to make it auto the acuracy goes way down, and thats wahat i am all about, acuracey.

    have to add two new rifles  to my collection, i just bought a remington 700 tacktical police chambered in 300 Win Mag, and i traded my HK G3 for a Barret .50 BMG Single shot. Yeah Me!!!

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