I have essentially already done that
Custom 1939 Map based off of Tjoek's 1940 file
Hi all. I just wanted to share my W.I.P map that is meant for my custom 1939 Game that uses Global 1940 as a template. In order to begin this project I used the map file which Tjoek so graciously uploaded here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/28942/tjoek-s-1940-global-map-file-and-setup-charts-updated-may-30th-2018 and a fantastic photo editing software called GIMP.
This 1939 game isn’t meant to just be a set up difference and is meant to almost be its own creation entirely with drastically different rules and powers. Regardless of my expansion, I would like to receive some criticism and how I could improve my map. I am already very aware of 2 glaring issues: the creation of my own borders (Specifically in places such as Spain and Vyborg) as well as incorrect coloring of territories according to the owner of said territories (Such as Belgian Congo). If anyone is aware of a solution to either of these issues please let me know because I would like to make my map look as clean and flawless as possible.Here is a dropbox link to my edited map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6xuzc5fvvwhyrj/1939.png?dl=0
@TheAandAClassicDude Nice work. I will make Panama an Central America, two zones, 1 IPC for all. add spain morroco, and canaria island, France Corseca island. Gotland Island of swewden. make all neutral countries at last 1 IPC, Mongolia only 1 IPC in ulaanbatar. Hainan a Original Chinase island.
cool what do you have for rules ?
@barnee Feel free to take a look at my rules here! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_zHdtZj-QwcWAd-ufKAvgSz8lsZQpYVZ
@Valladares Noted! Will change ASAP