Exactly! That’s why I always wait for a declaration of war. Attacking first caused Japan to lose in real life.
Strategies to shorten turn lengths
That’s a good suggestion Black_Elk about moving the purchases between combat move and actual combat (regardless of it being a time saver or not for other reasons listed). Purchases are used to keep your lines reinforced (moving forward), or to replace units you may lose in your combats (air comes to mind). Many times you don’t realize the units you’re putting at risk until after the combat move phase, and at that point by rule it is too late to do anything about it (purchase phase over). That is when the time continuum gets all whacked out because you start waffling, or asking to make changes (like you pointed out).
With that said, most groups will encourage players to at least start looking at their purchases as the player before them are taking their turn (you might not be able to start moving units etc…). Should this still be allowed, because it can help keep things moving, but it could also lead to making changes which could defeat the whole purpose of the phase change LOL. So should you still start your purchases early (opponents turn), but just don’t give it the final seal of approval until your combat moves are done? I would like that, but I tend to be the one that takes a lot of time LOL
We use 120 dice in 4 different colors, mind you the small kind of dice.
This means that most battles we can collect our dice and throw them all at once and count the hits.
It saves a little bit of time each round of combat takes about the same amount of time, saving 10-15 mins a round still is a nice time saver.Nice
Here is a altered global xml with the purchase phase inbetween combat move and battle.
your welcome Wittman
Here is a updated objectives properties. You will need to rename by dropping the .txt at the end before you put it in the Global zip.
The objectives won’t show up on the menu without it.
Thank you, Barney. Will look later.
In our game group, we use a diceroller application on I-Pad. It’s easier and faster than throwing dices. Big battles are resolved quickly this way.
In our game group, we use a diceroller application on I-Pad. It’s easier and faster than throwing dices. Big battles are resolved quickly this way.
NoNoNoNoNo you didn’t just say you let a computer roll your dice in a FTF game. Such a thing would never fly in our group. If that’s the case you should just skip the whole set-up and map etc…and drag out your laptops on the kitchen table play on AAA. Having the dice in your hand and taunting the other side is part of the experience.
Have to agree with Wild Bill
It’s like playing craps, yahtzee or any dice game. One can “tune in” to the dice:)
The classical excuse for defeat is no more it’s the dices fault but now it’s more the I-Pad fault.
Seriously, it’s really helps to speed up the process. No more dices fall overboard. Small battles are resumed like this. A cruiser and a destroyer attacks an enemy destroyer. We roll only one time. The first two dices of the row are the attackers and the third is the defender and we go down the rows until a winner is declared. And big battles resolved themselves in 2-3 minutes.
We have a maximum of eight hours each time we play because of family obligations so each tricks we find to speed up the process is welcome.
I like this thread. We already use some of the hints presented here but we got some additional ones to include in our future games.
Yea I’m sure one can have a “hot” or “cold” I-pad as well :)
I’m sure it speeds it up quite a bit.
Probably can add this Houserule:
Our fastest game ever