• Perhaps the biggest value Italy can provide (outside of taking advantage of Allied misplays to get NO’s) is to land its fighters over smaller German contingents.  Russia may want to counter attack a move that left Germany with 5 inf and 2 tanks, but it sure won’t do it with 2-3 italian fighters over it.  You can use this to your advantage to hold lines you didn’t think you’d be able to.  In effect, it allows you to make bold moves.

  • Harry Potter is a million times better than Lord of the Rings and Star wars combined!

  • @Cmdr:

    Remember, Germany lost World War II!

    WHAT!?! When did this happen and why wasnt I informed!!??!!  :lol:

    WarNoob, the best advice is to make sure you keep the initiative as Germany. You want your opponents to have to play reactionary games (as in the have to react to you moves) and keep them off balance. As Germany has the first turn she can set the tempo of the game, and the harder you hit the allies then the longer you’ll keep the initiative. Try doing things like taking all 3 French territories on the first turn and sinking as much of the Royal Navy as possible. This will be quite the blow to the Brits and you can spend turn 2 menacing them and threating them with invasion (sealion). If your ultimate goal is taking the caucases then your war with Britian from this point will only consist of using you airforce and subs to knock out ships and convoy raid while from turn 2 on your land forces should be marshalled towards the east. Buying transports as Germany is a good idea as you can threaten the UK with invasion(even if you have no intention of) and also use them to reinforce scandanavia or assault northen Russia(which given your stated objective of taking the caucases would help this cause). These are really just some ideas to think about when playing, remember as ol’ Adi Hitler said "Strenght lies in attack, not defense! So if all else fails, attack!

    Good luck and good gaming :-D

  • Right on, Clyde. Creating and maintaining the initiative in A&A ranks as #1 above and beyond any and all specific strategies/units purchased, etc.

  • Sponsor


    Right on, Clyde. Creating and maintaining the initiative in A&A ranks as #1 above and beyond any and all specific strategies/units purchased, etc.

    Agreed, however, a slight pause at some point, may be required to prevent spreading one self to thin.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Right on, Clyde. Creating and maintaining the initiative in A&A ranks as #1 above and beyond any and all specific strategies/units purchased, etc.

    Agreed, however, a slight pause at some point, may be required to prevent spreading one self to thin.

    Just remember, there are many times when something looks sub-optimal but really work out well for you!

    Case in point:  21 Japanese aircraft attack 8 british infantry and 2 british AA Guns.  This looks HORRIBLE, but it’s not really that bad, if it means you get India for next to nothing and especially if India is your last VC needed to win.

  • @Cmdr:



    Right on, Clyde. Creating and maintaining the initiative in A&A ranks as #1 above and beyond any and all specific strategies/units purchased, etc.

    Agreed, however, a slight pause at some point, may be required to prevent spreading one self to thin.

    Just remember, there are many times when something looks sub-optimal but really work out well for you!

    Case in point:  21 Japanese aircraft attack 8 british infantry and 2 british AA Guns.  This looks HORRIBLE, but it’s not really that bad, if it means you get India for next to nothing and especially if India is your last VC needed to win.

    #1 Create and maintain your own initiatives (Reactionary moves are less effective, take note Japan and Germany players)
    #2 Never lose sight of the big picture (Taking a VC/Capital regardless of the losses)
    #3 Risky positioning can be covered by other nation’s moves later in the round (Italy flying cover for German infantry)

  • So I get the overall concept of what I am supposed to do, but what about specific unit strategies. What I like to do is:

    G1 is buys 3 subs and a minor IC for Romania, and then move as many units as possible towards the Russia front, primarily in the south.

    After that I try to dedicate at least 47 IPCs each turn to Russia, in the form of 5 infantry and 5 artillery to be placed in Germany, and then 3 artillery or infantry in Romania. What ever I have left I try to use to defend the west.

    Once I take the factories in Ukraine and Novgorod, I build 3 tanks there every turn. I don’t ever bring Italians in Russia unless they do well in Africa and can come through Iraq.

    Is this a sound strategy, or do I need to change it somehow? Any critique is very much appreciated.

  • I tried the Sub purchase on G1 once, it worked.  However from experience, unless you molest all their destroyers, they can just use their remaining navy and the fighters on the UK to kill off your subs.  It buys you time, but not a whole lot as the threat of Sealion is gone and the UK will go on the offensive.  Sealion purchase on G1, G2 gives you two things:

    Two defensive purchases by UK on UK1 and UK2 meaning it will take the UK multiple rounds before massing a force big enough to harass Holland and Normandy.
    Flexibility on G3 to either go ahead with a Sealion on the UK or feign and send all those troops into Leningrad.

    I generally try to play defensive on the southern front of Germany (Ukraine area) while moving my stacks of infantry and tanks north towards Leningrad.  By taking Baltic and Poland on G3, you can mass them all up on G4 with your surviving units from Leningrad in Belarus which puts you on Moscow’s doorstep by G5 and G6 going after Moscow.

    If for some reason the Russian mass the Eastern Front at Baltic, you can also land your units there if your odds don’t look good (but I think they should) or you can split them to take out a weakened Leningrad.

    Basically going Sealion G1/G2 gives you the duel threat and forces at a minimum a defensive purchase for multiple rounds for the UK without having to “waste” resources (Trn instead of Subs) to do it.  You can also SBR the UK on G2 and G3 to further hinder its resources to change gears to attack mode.

  • @TheWarNoob:

    So I get the overall concept of what I am supposed to do, but what about specific unit strategies. What I like to do is:

    G1 is buys 3 subs and a minor IC for Romania, and then move as many units as possible towards the Russia front, primarily in the south.

    After that I try to dedicate at least 47 IPCs each turn to Russia, in the form of 5 infantry and 5 artillery to be placed in Germany, and then 3 artillery or infantry in Romania. What ever I have left I try to use to defend the west.

    Once I take the factories in Ukraine and Novgorod, I build 3 tanks there every turn. I don’t ever bring Italians in Russia unless they do well in Africa and can come through Iraq.

    Is this a sound strategy, or do I need to change it somehow? Any critique is very much appreciated.

    With the new convoy disruption rules, it might be wise to purchase an aircraft carrier instead of submarines. Still buy the factory, but station fighters on the AC and move into seazone 109. This will be more effective, especially if you keep the battleship and cruiser alive.

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