I am interested in this idea of using a standard deck of cards to somehow provide variability to the game. This is a novel concept I hadn’t considered before.
The exact execution in 1941 might not be what I’d go for but that idea has some very definite potential.
Perhaps it could be used for an ipc or special purchase bonus?
Each player draws a single card each round…
Deuce through 10 = +2 to 10 ipcs
Jack = + 11
Queen = + 12
King = + 13
Ace = + 14
Joker = +15
Added to normal income
If you wanted to restrict the purchase with this money by suit, maybe something like…
Diamonds: Naval (or save)
Clubs: Air (or save)
Hearts: Ground
Spades: Any unit
Something like that might be interesting. 1941 would definitely benefit with more money in play, this would provide a novel mechanism that anyone could access.
Or perhaps suits might provide some other sort of bonus or restrictions? But a standard deck of cards would be a great way to infuse the game with more cash. The restriction by suit, if it only applied to the bonus, would still allow a player like Russia to use their normal income on ground. But it would also provide a way to get more big ticket units into the rotation, especially since the normal money on this board is so tight
Also, I think that idea about tanks is pretty cool. Given that artillery are not available (at least not without buying another board), and the cost of tanks at 6 is often prohibitive, it seems like giving them an artillery ability is a novel HR. Advantage to Germany though, without some other restrictions in play, which is a why I see the need for what you did with cards.
As for 1941, my main HRs are all just to get more money into the game. The main one we like to use is a bonus for control of VCs or Factories, I’ve tried +3, +5 and +10 ipcs before. Also HR artillery substitution for a unit at a cost of 4 ipcs, but that requires another board so not really a standard option. I like rules that make use of the boxed materials only, if possible, which is it what intrigues me about your take on 41. Nice work