Also, 4 out of your 10 marines are actually F4F Wildcat fighters. The Zeros and Wildcats have to do with a rule about carrier fighters with a reduced price tag and a reduced move (from 4 to 3, I seem to remember).
I saw that and was hoping it would work for my map as well. The problem is that when I add acrylic or plexi-glass to cover the map I lose a lot of magnetic power. There is no way the pieces will hold onto the map. As of right not I could play the game on my ceiling and the pieces wont move or fall off but with the plexi-glass the magnets I used are not strong enough. Using larger magnets would probably work but then again I would need to revert all the work I did so far.
Yes, good point about the magnetic power. Our two maps are designed along different lines, so they have different requirements. On the minus side, mine can only ever work horizontally; even without the playing pieces, the whole thing would collapse if I tilted it vertically; on the plus side, gravity is all I need to keep things in place, so the thickness of the plexiglass isn’t an issue. Here’s an idea on how you might fix the Italian roundels on your map without doing any permanent damage to it and without affecting its magnetic properties. If you can find some decals of the correct size and type, get a sheet of paper-thin transparent acetate (for example, the kind that was used for overhead projector transparencies before PowerPoint came along), apply the roundels to the acetate (you may need to use superglue if the decals won’t stick on their own), then carefully cut out each roundel with some scissors. Next, put four little pieces of double-faced tape at the back of each roundel, on the rim, at the 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock positions, and stick them to your map. The thinness of the acetate, plus the tape-free central portion of the roundels, should allow your magnetized markers to stick to the map through the roundels without serious loss of power. And the fact that the decal is glued to the acetate instead of directly to the map will mean that your map isn’t messed up. The small pieces of tape should be able to peel away from the map without harm if you ever want to replace the roundels.
That is a great idea!
That is a great idea!
Great – looking forward to hearing if it works out well in practice. (It sounds fine in theory, but one never knows!) By the way, some types of double-faced tape are completely transparent and very thin (in contrast with the thick, white, gummy variety), so that would be the best kind to use.
––I noticed the discussion about the original (incorrect) national ensign for Italy. Shown below are pics of HBG’s markers for the OOB original (incorrect) version and their (corrected) version.
––IMHO the manufacturer made a mistake by simply reversing the colors of the Italian roundel.
The corrected ensign is what I prefer to use on my map and on the bases of my Italian Infantry units.
Tall Paul
––With me being me,…I guess you could say I “out-smarted” myself when we painted my FMG Italian Infantry units because they were painted with the OOB-style incorrect ensignia and they had to be re-painted later. At least they’re the way I want them now.
Tall Paul
Very nice Tall Paul. I will create a version of the map with that version as well.
I just finished installing magnets into my neutral pieces.
White - Neutral
Blue - Pro Allies
Orange - Pro Axis
Yellow - Mongolians (If Russia attacks Japan bordering Mongolia or Korea then the Mongolians turn White and stay neutral.
If Japan attacks any Russian territory next to Mongolia while they are Yellow then the Mongolians change into Russian.)
I love the new roundels from HBG. These are the Mongolian roundels.
Yellow - Mongolians (If Russia attacks Japan bordering Mongolia or Korea then the Mongolians turn White and stay neutral.
Alternately, you could have a system in which the Mongolians are white when neutral, then turn yellow and surrender if the Japanese attack. :lol:
Here is an updated version of the map using the correct Italian roundel.
Here is the new map
CWO Marc, lol… The color would fit them alright :)
Here are the neutral roundels. I had to make a few but most are from HBG. These are magnetized :)
China is magnetized and ready for war!
Great collection of roundels. Thanks for sharing all those pictures with us!
France is done and ready for war.
I love the color of your fighters and your navy turned out super sweet. Thanks for sharing. :-)
Thanks John… I actually want to change the color of the navy but I’m waiting for the new sculpts from HBG’s French expansion set. Probably will be released in a year or two, lol. I love HBG but they are slow!
love the colors of your fighters and tacticals! pulling out some browns in there with the blues really look great. Great job throughout, did you use references for those camo colors or did you pull them off the top of your head? I hear ya about HBG…it has come too the point were I just cant check out there site anymore cause I want all those expansion sets on my table! Ill just have too wait for the email to come out that they are in stock
Thanks JWO,
I copied the color scheme off of a pic I googled. Â Although I substituted light blue for the grey
BTW, that UK expansion set is supposed to be released next week unless they are delayed again.
Thanks John… I actually want to change the color of the navy but I’m waiting for the new sculpts from HBG’s French expansion set. Probably will be released in a year or two, lol.�  I love HBG but they are slow!
Yes, the production rate has been disappointing. I wanted Spitfire to paint the British next, but instead, it will be the Australians and Chinese next.
What color scheme is your next navy going to be, or is that a wait and see? :-)
I hope your right about the British Set. I just noticed your post on it. If that is the case, then Spitfire will be getting those next. :-)
I spoke with Doug from HBG the last week of July and he said the UK set would be out in 5 weeks. That should be next week.
Not really sure how I’m going to paint them. I customized all the carriers and probably will start with the battleships next.
Here is a link of my carriers that I customized
I want the ships to look more realistic but I also want it to be easy to identify their nation on the game board. The first time I painted all my subs grey and the players got confused. So I may keep the ships the way they are. If you notice my battleships have these big flags on them. Its because some of our players had problems seeing the tiny flags. So I made them larger and out of scale.
Battleships have flags
Cruisers have a decal on their stern.
Destroyers and subs have no markings.
That’s the system we came up with to differentiate the Battleships, cruisers and destroyers from one another. Battleships and cruisers are not that difficult to distinguish from each other but cruisers and destroyers are difficult.
That’s the system we came up with to differentiate the Battleships, cruisers and destroyers from one another. Battleships and cruisers are not that difficult to distinguish from each other but cruisers and destroyers are difficult.
Most or all of the OOB destroyer sculpts have transom sterns, so that’s a helpful feature to look for.