• '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Is Brazil with the US?

    Is all of Persia with the UK?

  • Official Q&A


  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    so they are true neutral.

  • Official Q&A

    No, they are pro-Allies.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    ah, ok.

    Going to give this bad boy a spin next weekend in a face to face game.

    I’ve set it up a couple times to look it over.

    Two comments:

    1. by the invasion of guadalcanal, depicted on the map, Midway has already occurred suggestion the war in the pacific is lost.

    2. Also, by the reckoning it’s mid to late 1942, and Russia should be regrouping from the opening of Fall Blau, i.e. the attack on stalingrad.  But on the map they are in an offensive position like it’s December 1941.

  • Depends on if russia wiffs in Ukraine, like they did in the real war.

  • '15 '14

    Why are all 1942 questions asked in the G40 global board? ;)

  • Customizer

    These questions aren’t for the 1942 game. They are for the Global 1942 setup put out by Larry Harris which uses the Global 40 game.

  • I agree, there should be another section dedicated for global 1942 tournament scenario.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    I agree, there should be another section dedicated for global 1942 tournament scenario.

    Maybe a separate thread would be good, but honestly, I’ve been trying to get feed back from people who’ve played this and there has been almost zero response.  It looks like not many have gotten into this, except the guys at Dicetruction.  :|

  • ImperialDefense and Siparo play it a lot on Triple A.

  • '18 '17 '16

    Yes, Imperialdefence and I play G42 quite a bit. Feel free to ask us any questions. The only thing we are not certain about is how Mongolia should be handled.

    We play that Russians may enter china but may not attack Japanese units otherwise Mongolia remains neutral. However Japan may attack Chinese territories containing Russian units without activating the Mongols. If Japan attacks any Russian territory adjacent to Mongolia then the Mongol troops are activated.

  • Official Q&A

    Mongolia is treated in exactly the same way that it’s treated in the 1940 game.

  • '18 '17 '16

    But Russia and Japan are already at war. So, shouldn’t this alter things a bit?

    Quote From Mongolia Rules Clarification post:

    1. If Russia attacks Korea or a Japanese controlled territory bordering Mongolia, then the Mongolians will not join Russia as in #1 above

    So, I’m guessing this means Russia can enter China. Russia just can’t attack any Japanese controlled Chinese territory that us adjacent to Mongolia. However Russia can still attack other Japanese Controlled Chinese Territories.

    If this isn’t correct, please let me know.

    Thanks for the clarification!

  • '18 '17 '16


    Is Brazil with the US?

    Is all of Persia with the UK?

    Per the Global 1942 Setup rules Persia starts with a British control marker. Eastern Persia does not.


    Is Brazil with the US?

    Brazil starts as Neutral Pro-Allies just like Global 40

  • @siparo:

    But Russia and Japan are already at war. So, shouldn’t this alter things a bit?

    Nope, the Mongolian rules never had anything to do with who declared war, just who attacked a TT next to Mongolia (or Korea for Russia) under Russian/Japanese control. That’s why in the '40 game the only reason for Russia not to DOW Japan R1 and if they don’t, Japan not to DOW Russia J1, is psychological effects.

  • '18 '17 '16

    So to clarify:

    May Russians enter china in both G40 (prior & after DOW) and G42 without voiding Mongolian Rule?

    After DOW may Russia attack Japanese controlled territories in China so long as they DO NOT border Mongolia and still keep the Mongol activation from being VOID?

    May Russian troops act defensively in Chinese territories bordering Mongolia without voiding the rule?


  • @siparo:

    So to clarify:

    May Russians enter china in both G40 (prior & after DOW) and G42 without voiding Mongolian Rule?
    Russia must be at war with Japan to move troops into China. So in G40, they must first declare war (or be declared on), in G42 they begin at war and may move into China whenever. In both, troop presence in China is irrelevant to Mongolia.

    After DOW may Russia attack Japanese controlled territories in China so long as they DO NOT border Mongolia and still keep the Mongol activation from being VOID?
    Yes. Mongolia is only voided if they attack Japanese held territories next to Mongolia (or Korea).

    May Russian troops act defensively in Chinese territories bordering Mongolia without voiding the rule?
    Yes. Only the above offensive actions void Mongolia.

  • Not that it matters much, but in G1942 Japan and Russia start at war, but it is my understanding that they aren’t at war with each other. Neither of them start the game controlling the others territories. They can declare war on each other at any time w/o penalty just like in G1940. So I believe that in order for the Russians to enter China, or the Western allies to be on Russian soil on the Pac map the Russians would technically need to DOW Japan (or Japan DOW them).

  • '18 '17 '16

    The Global 1942 set up specifically states ‘All powers begin the game at War’. See the fourth paragraph in bold print in the attached image of the G42 Setup.


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